• 术语表
    【HR术语】什么是工作场所的年龄歧视?(What is ageism in the workplace?) 什么是工作场所的年龄歧视? 职场中的年龄歧视,又称年龄偏见,是指人们因年龄而歧视同事和其他专业人员。 老龄歧视的形式多种多样,既可能发生在工作场所的年轻人身上,也可能发生在老年人身上。 年龄歧视是建立在对与年龄有关的陈规定型观念的信念之上的,例如,年龄较大的专业人员工作效率较低,无法适应新技术,或者年轻的专业人员工作积极性较低。 对这些刻板印象的相信会对公司及其文化产生破坏性影响。 工作场所中的年龄歧视有哪些例子? 年龄歧视可能以不同的形式出现,既有微妙的,也有明显的。一些年龄偏见的例子包括 由于年龄原因,将专业人员排除在培训机会、加薪和晋升之外 只解雇年龄较大的专业人员 因为年龄而拒绝聘用合格的求职者 在招聘启事中使用不鼓励某些年龄组的人申请的语言 就某人的年龄开冒犯性的玩笑或发表冒犯性的言论 粗暴对待反对年龄歧视的专业人士(即所谓的 "伤害") 因为某项任务涉及新技术,就认为老年人不具备处理该任务的技能 因为团队成员 "太年轻 "或 "太老",而忽视他们参与具有挑战性的项目 因为专业人员的年龄而将他们排除在重要会议和决策之外,或将他们排除在工作聚会之外 鼓励专业人员退休 当年长或年轻的专业人员犯类似错误时,对他们的批评多于其他团队成员 为什么要将避免年龄歧视作为人力资源战略的一部分? 工作场所中任何形式的歧视都只会损害公司的成功和声誉。 年龄歧视也不例外。 一个提倡 DEI&B 并没有年龄歧视的工作场所不仅能赢得员工的青睐,还能提高员工留任率,降低离职成本。 研究表明,多元化和包容性的工作场所也会带来更大的收入增长。 通过制定避免老龄歧视的战略,您将确保您的工作场所更具生产力、参与性和创新性,并能做出更好的决策。 这是因为各代人之间的平衡性很好;这为您提供了广泛的视角和技能,为公司的长期成功奠定了基础。 如何防止职场中的年龄歧视? 要防止职场中的年龄歧视,您可以 查看你的 DEI&B 指标,全面评估你公司的情况。您可以使用 "DE&I 面板 "来检查人力资源数据,并确定哪些领域受到年龄偏见的影响(如果有的话)。 检查公司政策和做法,确保它们具有包容性。 制定反对年龄歧视的政策,明确规定团队成员在工作中应如何应对各种形式的年龄歧视。 为招聘经理和主管提供培训,防止在招聘中出现年龄偏见。 在招聘启事中避免使用与年龄相关的语言。 确保所有合格的专业人员都能平等地获得晋升、加薪和培训机会。 在工作聚会和团队建设会议上,让每个人都感到自己被接纳。 为老年专业人员创造灵活的工作安排。 鼓励代际辅导,打破陈规。这样可以让年长和年轻的团队成员相互学习,建立牢固的工作关系。 年龄歧视如何影响企业文化? 工作场所的年龄偏见会对公司文化产生负面影响。 专业人士不会感到公司关心他们,因此工作满意度、生产力和参与度都会降低。 年龄歧视也会造成士气低落、对公司忠诚度降低的怨恨氛围。在一个缺乏支持和包容性的环境中,人们不会愿意长久待下去,这意味着离职率会上升。 这会形成一个负反馈循环,因为年轻或年长专业人员的不断流失会阻碍工作效率,增加与年龄有关的刻板印象。 年龄歧视会造成一种抵制变革的停滞不前的工作环境。它限制了多元化思维,阻止公司迎接新的挑战和机遇。这意味着创新和创造力的减少,而创新和创造力对公司的长期成功至关重要。 以下为文章原文: What is ageism in the workplace? Ageism in the workplace, also known as age bias, is when people discriminate against their colleagues and other professionals because of their age. Ageism takes various forms—it can happen to both younger and older people in the workplace. Ageism is founded on a belief in age-related stereotypes, such as older professionals being less productive and unable to adapt to new technologies, or younger professionals being less motivated. The belief in these kinds of stereotypes has a damaging effect on companies and their culture. What are some examples of ageism in the workplace? Ageism can appear in different forms, both subtle and obvious. Some age bias examples include: Excluding professionals from training opportunities, raises, and promotions because of their age Only firing older professionals Refusing to hire qualified candidates for a job opening because of their age Using language in job postings that discourages people from certain age groups from applying Making offensive jokes and remarks about someone’s age Treating professionals who speak up against ageism badly (known as victimization) Assuming an older person doesn’t have the skills to handle a task because it involves new technology Overlooking team members for challenging projects because they’re “too young” or “too old” Leaving professionals out of important meetings and decisions or excluding them from work gatherings because of their age Encouraging a professional to retire Criticizing an older, or younger, professional more than other team members when they make similar mistakes Why should avoiding ageism be part of your HR strategy? Discrimination of any kind in the workplace can only harm the success and reputation of a company. Ageism is no exception. A workplace that promotes DEI&B and is free from ageism not only gains the favor of its people but also increases retention rates—reducing turnover costs. Research shows that a diverse and inclusive workplace yields greater revenue growth too. By creating a strategy to avoid ageism, you’ll ensure that your workplace is more productive, engaged, and innovative with better decision-making. That’s because you’ll have a great balance between generations; this gives you a broad range of perspectives and skills that sets your company up for long-term success. How can you prevent ageism in the workplace? To prevent ageism in the workplace, you can: Look at your DEI&B metrics to thoroughly assess your company’s situation. You can use a DE&I dashboard to examine HR data and identify which areas arebeing influenced by age bias, if any. Examine company policies and practices to make sure that they’re inclusive. Establish policies against ageism which clearly outline how team members should deal with its various forms at work. Provide training for hiring managers and supervisors to prevent age bias in hiring. Avoid age-related language in job postings. Ensure that promotions, raises, and training opportunities are equally available to all qualified professionals. Make everyone feel included at work gatherings and in team-building sessions. Create flexible work arrangements for older professionals. Break down stereotypes by encouraging intergenerational mentoring. This will allow older and younger team members to learn from each other and create strong working relationships. How does ageism influence company culture? Age bias in the workplace has a negative influence on company culture. Professionals won’t feel that their company cares for them, so there’ll be less job satisfaction, productivity, and engagement. Ageism creates an atmosphere of resentment with low morale and less company loyalty too. People won’t want to stay for long in an environment that isn’t supportive and inclusive, meaning turnover rates will increase. This can create a negative feedback loop, since the constant loss of younger or older professionals will hinder productivity and increase age-related stereotypes. Ageism creates a stagnant work environment that is resistant to change. It limits diverse thinking and stops a company from embracing new challenges and opportunities. That means less innovation and creativity, which are essential for the long-term success of a company.
  • 术语表
    【HR术语】什么是工作充实?(What is job enrichment?) 什么是工作充实? 工作丰富化是一种激励策略,其重点是使人们从事的工作更有价值、更令人满意。更具体地说,工作丰富化为个人成就提供了更大的空间、更具挑战性的工作、更多的责任以及个人成长和发展的机会。 我们都希望对自己所从事的工作感觉良好,但只有 15%的人对自己的工作感到投入。这就是工作丰富化发挥重要作用的地方,它能让团队成员更快乐、更有动力。 工作丰富化的例子 人们喜欢挑战、被接受和被重视的感觉。人力资源经理需要采取正确的工作充实策略来持续促进这种感觉,从而培养职场参与度。 那么,该从哪里入手呢?有帮助的是,这些策略可分为四大类和技巧: 增加职位的难度和责任。例如,可以让团队成员在日常工作中拥有更多的自主权或控制权。 增加需要新技能的新任务。这将有助于增加角色的趣味性,促进团队成员的专业和个人发展。 让团队成员参与决策过程。这应该与团队成员的工作或部门相关,能让他们感觉到自己在工作中更有价值、更投入。 提供培训机会,促进职业发展。这样,员工就能在现有技能的基础上更上一层楼,避免停滞不前。 工作丰富化和工作扩大化有什么区别? 工作充实和工作扩展这两个词经常被混淆。我们知道,工作充实是指让工作变得更有趣、更有挑战性、更有回报--其中大部分涉及在工作中增加更有意义的任务。 然而,工作扩大化是指增加工作的广度,增加更多难度或技能水平相似的任务。这被认为是纵向的工作扩展,即在某一技能范围内增加职责,从而减少无聊感,但并不一定能提高工作积极性。 从本质上讲,这两种策略都是为了提高工作满意度,但工作丰富化是通过使工作更复杂、更有价值来实现的,而工作扩大化只是使工作更多样化。 工作丰富化有哪些好处? 以下是丰富工作内容能改善员工体验的好处: 提高工作满意度 当任务变得更加复杂、更有意义时,工作内容的丰富化会使工作更有满足感,从而使团队成员更加快乐,工作环境更加积极向上。 成功留住人才 对工作的满意度意味着你的优秀人才不太可能离开。这可以降低与高离职率相关的成本,也意味着企业在顶尖人才的掌舵下不断向前发展。 减少缺勤 美国雇主每年每小时员工的旷工成本为 3,600 美元。因此,当团队成员有参与感时,他们就会更加投入、更有动力,并随时准备投入最佳工作。 继任规划和职业发展 对员工提出挑战意味着你可以看到他们真正的潜力和能力。大家都知道,从公司内部招聘人才的成本效益要高得多,而丰富工作内容则是一种简便的方法,可以让你感觉到哪些人非常适合在未来担任更高级别的职位。 授权带来生产力 当人们感到自己有能力时,生产力就会开始飙升。授权有助于建立自尊,而自尊来自于自主、信任和责任。 工作丰富化有哪些挑战? 工作丰富化有很多好处,但与任何事情一样,它也伴随着潜在的挑战: 技能组合错位。新的任务和职责必须与团队成员的职业目标相一致。如果团队成员对复杂的任务不感兴趣,或者根本就不在自己的技能范围内,就会导致不满情绪的产生。 增加工作量。如果管理不当,工作丰富化可能会造成任务超负荷,从而导致倦怠。关键是要为员工提供资源和支持,以应对增加的责任。 需要培训和支持。承担新的技能和复杂的任务可能意味着团队成员需要额外的培训和持续的支持。这就需要对预算和资源管理进行细致的前瞻性观察,以确保培训成本不会飙升。 人力资源技术如何帮助丰富工作内容? 人力资源技术可以成为工作丰富化道路上的盟友。它可以帮助识别员工的优势和能力,使他们更容易匹配具有挑战性和满足感的任务和角色。反过来,这也可以通过识别准备好进行角色转换的人员,支持继任规划和职业发展。 提供反馈和认可空间的人力资源平台是工作丰富化的一个关键部分,尤其是在人们追求新技能和接受挑战的时候。为同事点赞是一种很好的激励方式,能让人们对自己的工作感到满意。 与此同时,人力资源平台还可以提供反馈功能,如员工满意度调查。这可以让您监测工作丰富化的效果如何,以及哪些方面需要改变。 以下为文章原文: What is job enrichment? Job enrichment is a motivational strategy that focuses on making the work people do more rewarding and satisfying. More specifically, job enrichment gives greater scope for personal achievement, more challenging work, more responsibility, and the opportunity for personal growth and development. We all want to feel good about the work we’re doing, yet only 15% of people feel engaged with their work. This is where job enrichment plays a vital role, leading to happier, more motivated team members. Examples of job enrichment People like to feel challenged, accepted, and valued. HR managers need to adopt the right job enrichment strategies to facilitate this on an ongoing basis, so they can nurture workplace engagement. So, where to start? Helpfully, these strategies fall into four main categories and techniques: Increasing the level of difficulty and responsibility of a role. This could involve giving a team member more autonomy or control over their day-to-day tasks, for example. Adding new tasks that require new skills. This will help make the role more interesting and add to the team member’s professional and personal development. Making team members part of the decision-making process. This should be related to their job or department and can help people feel more valued and invested in their work. Offering training opportunities to propel career development. So people can build on their existing skillset and stop stagnation from creeping in. What’s the difference between job enrichment and job enlargement? Job enrichment and job enlargement are terms that often get confused. We know that job enrichment is about making a job more interesting, challenging, and rewarding—and much of this involves adding more meaningful tasks into the mix. However, job enlargement involves ramping up the breadth of a job and adding more tasks of a similar level of difficulty or skill. It’s thought of as vertical job expansion, where adding responsibilities within a skillset reduces boredom but doesn’t necessarily increase motivation. In essence, both strategies aim to increase job satisfaction, but job enrichment does it by making a job more complex and rewarding, while job enlargement simply makes a job more varied. What are the benefits of job enrichment? Here are the benefits of job enrichment that will improve the employee experience: Greater job satisfaction When tasks are more complex and meaningful, job enrichment makes the job more satisfying—and you get happier team members and a more positive working environment as a result. Success with retaining talent Satisfaction in a job means your top talent will be less likely to leave. This can reduce the costs that are linked with high turnover rates, and also means that the business keeps moving forward with top talent at the helm. Reduced absenteeism Absenteeism costs U.S. employers $3,600 per hourly employee per year. It makes sense that when team members feel engaged they will be more present, more motivated, and turn up ready to do their best work. Succession planning and career pathing Challenging people means you can see their true potential and capabilities emerge. As you know, it’s far more cost-effective to recruit from within your company—and job enrichment is an easy way to sense-check who would be a great fit for higher-level roles in the future. Empowerment leads to productivity When people feel empowered, productivity starts to soar. Empowerment helps to build self-esteem, which springs from autonomy, trust, and responsibility. What are the challenges with job enrichment? Job enrichment comes with many benefits, but—like everything—it comes with potential challenges: A misalignment of skillsets. It’s important that new tasks and responsibilities are in line with a team member’s career goals. Loading on complex tasks that aren’t of interest, or simply aren’t within a person’s skillset can actually lead to dissatisfaction. Increased workload. When not managed properly, job enrichment can cause an overload of tasks that could result in burnout. It’s key that employees are given the resources and support to handle the increased responsibility. A need for training and support. Taking on new skills and complex tasks may mean a team member needs extra training and ongoing support. This will need careful foresight to watch over budget and resource management to make sure training costs don’t spiral. How can HR tech help with job enrichment? HR tech can be an ally on the road to job enrichment. It can help identify the strengths and abilities of employees, making it easier to match them with tasks and roles that are challenging and satisfying. In turn, this can also support succession planning and career pathing by identifying the people who are ready for a role shift. An HR platform that gives space for feedback and recognition is a key part of job enrichment, especially as people are reaching for new skillsets and taking on challenges. Giving kudos to colleagues can be a great way to motivate and make people feel good about their work. Alongside this, HR platforms can offer a feedback feature such as an employee satisfaction survey. This lets you monitor how well job enrichment is working—and what needs to change.
  • 术语表
    【HR术语】什么是员工忠诚度?(What is employee loyalty?) 什么是员工忠诚度? 员工忠诚度是指员工选择长期为公司工作,因为他们喜欢这样做。他们对工作环境感到满意,积极进取,为实现公司目标而努力工作,并相信企业的使命。如果忠诚的员工发现了其他地方的机会,他们就不太可能跳槽。 如果能提高员工忠诚度,不仅能提高员工保留率,还能对企业整体产生积极影响。 为什么员工忠诚度对企业很重要? 员工忠诚度对企业非常重要,因为它对有效的人力资本管理以及企业的整体成功有着巨大的影响。它能为企业带来诸多好处,包括: 提高利润 降低员工流失率 提高生产力和员工参与度 对客户产生积极影响 提升品牌形象 健康的企业文化--因为忠诚的团队成员会以积极的态度感染他人 如何衡量员工忠诚度? 衡量员工忠诚度的方法有: 开展调查。定期开展员工敬业度调查和员工满意度调查,有助于了解员工的工作积极性,以及他们对为公司工作的感受。 计算员工净促进者得分(eNPS)。这是一种评估员工忠诚度的方法,也是一种确定改进方法的方法。 召开一对一会议。鼓励营造一种坦诚的工作环境,让员工能够自如地与经理或其他相关人员进行一对一谈话。这种形式可以是定期、有计划的会议,也可以是非正式的聊天。这是与专业人士沟通,了解他们感受的好方法。 是什么保持了员工的忠诚度? 员工满意度与忠诚度息息相关。人们会对关心他们并拥有积极工作文化的公司感到忠诚。 但究竟是什么让员工保持忠诚呢?有几个共同的特点: 有竞争力的薪酬 专业成长、学习和职业发展的机会 雇主认可员工的成就,并对他们的辛勤工作表示赞赏 积极、友好、没有欺凌的社交办公环境 专业人员可以灵活安排上班时间,也可以自由选择混合工作或远程工作 雇主信任员工的专业知识,让他们有责任做出与工作相关的决定 雇主尊重专业人员,关心他们的个人和职业发展 良好的工作与生活平衡 专业人员拥有有效开展工作所需的一切工具的环境 鼓励员工诚实反馈和开诚布公的雇主 管理团队在日常工作繁忙时提供帮助,让每个人都能感受到支持和站在同一条战线上 忠诚员工如何表现? 忠诚的员工真正关心他们为之工作的公司,因此他们会确保向你提供诚实的建议和反馈,以帮助你改进工作。 他们会充满好奇心,寻找创新和帮助公司发展的方法,同时也愿意倾听和学习。 忠诚的员工对工作充满热情,因此他们的工作效率会更高。他们以出色完成工作为荣,兢兢业业,并愿意在需要时努力工作--他们会付出额外的努力。忠诚的员工是快乐的,他们会对同事和公司文化产生积极影响,鼓励团队精神。事实上,他们的热情会激励团队的其他成员,帮助企业大步向前。 拥有如此强大的影响力,忠诚的员工对企业的成功至关重要。 如何提高公司员工的忠诚度? 一旦您衡量了公司的忠诚度,请确定您可以在哪些方面加以改进。 在员工满意度调查中,工作与生活的平衡是否多次作为建议出现?还是更具竞争力的薪酬?一旦您意识到可以通过哪些方式更好地支持员工,您就可以制定长期战略。想方设法开始实施保持员工忠诚度的共同特征。 请记住,忠诚的基础是你与团队之间牢固、长期的信任关系。这种关系的建立需要时间,因此可能需要一段时间才能看到员工忠诚度的提高。 毕竟,你要改变的是企业文化,这不可能一蹴而就。 您制定的任何战略都可以包括每周为改善企业文化而采取的行动。一个很好的开始就是定期表彰员工,通过每周的奖品--甚至只是一次谈话--来表达你对员工辛勤工作的感激之情。 通过每周的定期行动,你可以向员工表明,你在倾听他们的心声,你关心他们。因为,归根结底,真正重要的是,你和你的管理者要表现出对公司每个人的关心。这样才能培养长期的关系,让员工也关心你,这样才能建立员工的忠诚度。 以下为文章原文: What is employee loyalty? Employee loyalty is when your people choose to continue working with you for a long time because they love doing so. They’re happy with the working environment, are motivated, work hard to achieve company goals, and believe in the business’s mission. Loyal employees are less likely to jump ship if they spot opportunities elsewhere. If you improve employee loyalty, you won’t just boost your employee retention rates—you’ll notice a positive effect on your business as a whole. Why is employee loyalty important to companies? Employee loyalty is very important to companies because it has a huge bearing on effective human capital management, as well as on their overall success. It can provide a number of benefits, including: Boosted profits Reduced employee turnover Increased productivity and employee engagement A positive impact on customers Improved brand image A healthy company culture—because loyal team members have a positive attitude that’s infectious go to promotion How do you measure employee loyalty? You can measure employee loyalty by: Running surveys. Regularly running employee engagement surveys and employee satisfaction surveys helps you understand how motivated your people are to do their work, and how they feel about working for you. Calculating your employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS). This is a way of assessing employee loyalty and identifying ways in which you can improve it. Having one-on-one meetings. Encourage an honest working environment where people feel comfortable having one-on-one conversations with their managers, or with other relevant people. This can be in the form of a regular, scheduled meeting or an informal chat. It’s a good way to connect with professionals to gauge how they feel. What keeps an employee loyal? Employee satisfaction is linked to loyalty. People feel loyal to companies that look after them and that have a positive work culture. But what exactly keeps an employee loyal? There are several common features: Competitive pay Opportunities for professional growth, learning, and career advancement An employer that recognizes people’s achievements, and shows appreciation for their hard work A positive, friendly, and social office environment that’s free from bullying The possibility for professionals to have flexible start times, as well as the freedom to choose between hybrid or remote work An employer that trusts their people’s expertise, giving them the responsibility to make decisions associated with their work An employer that treats professionals with respect, caring about them both personally and professionally A good work-life balance An environment where professionals have all the tools they need to carry out their work effectively An employer that encourages honest employee feedback and openness A management team that helps with the day-to-day tasks when it’s busy, so that everyone feels supported and on the same side How does a loyal employee behave? Loyal employees genuinely care about the company they work for, so they’ll make sure they give you honest advice and feedback to help you improve. They’ll be curious, and look for ways to innovate and help the company grow, but they’re also willing to listen and learn. Loyal employees are passionate about the work they do and will be more productive as a result. They take pride in a job well done, are dedicated, and are willing to work hard when needed—they’ll go the extra mile. A loyal employee is happy and will have a positive influence on their colleagues, and on the company culture, encouraging team spirit. In fact, their enthusiasm will inspire the rest of the team, helping your business to take great strides forward. With such a powerful influence, loyal employees are crucial to your success. How can you improve employee loyalty at your company? Once you’ve measured company loyalty, identify what areas in particular you could improve on. Did work-life balance repeatedly come up as a suggestion in an employee satisfaction survey? Or more competitive salaries? Once you’re aware of the ways in which you can better support your people, you can create a long-term strategy. Find ways to start putting in place the common features that keep people loyal. Remember that the foundation of loyalty is a solid, long-term relationship of trust between you and your team. This kind of relationship can take time to develop, so it may take a while before you see an increase in employee loyalty. After all, you’re changing the culture of the business, which is unlikely to happen overnight. Any strategy you put in place could include actions that you take every week to improve the culture. A great place to start is with regular employee recognition, showing how much you appreciate your people’s hard work through weekly prizes—or even just a conversation. By taking regular action each week, you’ll show your people that you’re listening, and that you care. Because, at the end of the day, what really matters is that you and your managers show that you personally care about each and every person at your company. That’s what nurtures a long-term relationship where your people care about you too, and that’s what will build employee loyalty.
  • 术语表
    【HR术语】什么是员工授权?(What is employee enablement?) 什么是员工授权? 员工能力提升是指为员工提供有效开展工作和充分发挥潜能所需的工具、资源和知识。 它可以对组织及其绩效和利润产生积极影响。 提高员工能力为何重要? 员工培训之所以重要,是因为它能对企业产生强大的影响。 如果忽视了这一点,员工就无法有效地工作。他们会感到沮丧,更有可能辞职。 但如果加以推广,则会带来许多好处,包括: 提高生产力。当员工拥有工作所需的资源时,他们的工作效率会更高,工作质量也会更高。 增加收入。由于员工参与能提高绩效,因此自然会带来收入的增加。事实上,将员工敬业度与员工能力提升相结合,可使收入增加 4.5 倍。 创新。在促进员工能动性的工作场所,员工被鼓励自己做决定、提出想法并坦诚交流。这将带来有助于公司发展的更大创新。 留住和吸引人才。鼓励员工的公司拥有更高的员工满意度和留任率。此外,它们也更有可能吸引顶尖人才。 如何衡量员工能力? 衡量员工能力的最佳方法之一是使用员工调查。通过定期调查收集反馈意见,可以深入了解企业在提高员工能力方面是否走在正确的轨道上。 您还可以使用生产率、工作质量和保留率等指标来衡量员工能力。 如何提高员工能力? 您可以通过以下方式提高员工能力: 确立明确的期望。向员工明确传达工作期望、目标和目的。这种明确性有助于他们了解自己的角色和职责,从而达到这些期望。 询问员工需要什么。询问员工需要什么才能胜任工作,或者什么能帮助他们更好地完成工作,并提供给他们。 提供培训和发展。通过发展计划、研讨会和辅导,帮助员工提高技能。 鼓励开放式沟通。创建一种鼓励开放式沟通、反馈和协作的文化。这样,员工就会感到自己受到重视,也更乐于分享自己的建议,帮助公司进步。 赋予员工权力。促进员工授权也能提高员工的能力。你可以通过向员工展示你对他们及其能力的信任来做到这一点。让他们有机会承担更大的责任,并有权做出与工作相关的决定。 员工赋能与员工敬业度之间有何区别? 员工敬业度的重点在于创造积极、充实的员工体验,帮助员工在工作中感受到全力以赴的动力。 而员工授权则是为员工提供有效开展工作所需的实用工具和资源。 尽管员工赋能和员工敬业度有所不同,但两者都需要,才能达到最佳效果。 人力资源技术如何帮助提高员工能力? 人力资源技术可以让员工能力提升变得更容易。您可以使用一些工具来提供帮助: 员工激励平台。有些人力资源软件附带有数字化的员工激励工具,如指标分析和培训资源,可帮助您确保员工拥有一切所需的资源,从而发挥出最佳水平。 学习管理系统。使用学习管理系统(LMS),让员工轻松获取培训材料和职业发展资源。这有助于他们提高技能,从而更有效地开展工作。 绩效管理系统。员工能力提升与绩效之间存在密切联系。通过绩效管理系统衡量员工绩效,再结合其他方法,可以很好地评估员工能力。 协作与沟通工具。项目管理平台、即时通讯应用程序和内联网门户网站等工具可让员工轻松实现协同工作、沟通和知识共享,从而更好地开展工作。 员工反馈工具。反馈平台能让员工轻松地告诉你哪些工作进展顺利,哪些工作需要改进,这样你就能清楚地知道该如何改善现状。 制定员工激励战略是让组织发生更好变化的有力方法。通过专注于此,您将提高绩效、员工保留率和利润。通过将其与员工参与战略相结合,您将拥有一个能激发每个人最佳潜能的工作场所。 以下为文章原文: What is employee enablement? Employee enablement means empowering employees with the tools, resources, and knowledge they need to do their jobs effectively and reach their full potential. It can have a positive impact on an organization and its performance—as well as its profits. Why is employee enablement important? Employee enablement is important because it can have such a powerful effect on a business. If it’s ignored, then employees won’t be able to work effectively. They’ll feel frustrated and may be more likely to resign. But if it’s promoted, then it can bring a number of benefits, including: Increased productivity. When employees have the resources they need to do their jobs, they’re more productive and deliver higher-quality work. Boosted revenue. Because employee enablement improves performance, it naturally leads to an increase in revenue. In fact, the combination of employee engagement and enablement results in a 4.5x increase in revenue. Innovation. In a workplace that promotes employee enablement, employees are encouraged to make their own decisions, contribute their ideas, and communicate openly. This leads to greater innovation that helps the company grow. Retention and talent attraction. Companies that enable employees have greater employee satisfaction and higher retention rates. Plus, they’re also more likely to attract top talent. How do you measure employee enablement? One of the best ways to measure employee enablement is to use employee surveys. Gathering feedback with regular surveys can provide insights as to whether or not your business is on the right track when it comes to employee enablement. You can also use metrics like productivity, work quality, and retention rates as indicators for employee enablement. How do you improve employee enablement? You can improve employee enablement by: Establishing clear expectations. Clearly communicate job expectations, goals, and objectives to employees. This clarity helps them understand their roles and responsibilities, so they can meet those expectations. Asking what employees need. Ask what employees need to be able to do their jobs, or what could help them perform better—and provide it to them. Providing training and development. Help employees grow their skills through development programs, workshops, and coaching. Encouraging open communication. Create a culture that encourages open communication, feedback, and collaboration. That way, employees feel valued and more comfortable with sharing their suggestions to help the company improve. Empowering employees. Promoting employee empowerment also improves employee enablement. You can do this by showing employees that you trust them and their abilities. Give them the chance to take on greater responsibilities and the authority to make decisions related to their work. What is the difference between employee enablement and engagement? Employee engagement focuses on creating a positive and fulfilling employee experience that helps employees feel motivated to do their best at work. Employee enablement, on the other hand, is about providing employees with the practical tools and resources they need to carry out their work effectively. Even though employee enablement and engagement are different, both are needed for the best results. How can HR tech help with employee enablement? HR technology can make it easier to promote employee enablement. There are a number of tools you can use to help: Employee enablement platform. Some HR software comes with digital employee enablement tools, like metric analysis and training resources, that help you ensure that your employees have everything they need to perform at their best. Learning management system. Use a learning management system (LMS) to give employees easy access to training materials and professional development resources. This helps them to be more effective in their work by growing their skillsets. Performance management system. There’s a close link between employee enablement and performance. Measuring employee performance with a performance management system, combined with other methods, can be a good way to assess employee enablement. Collaboration and communication tools. Tools such as project management platforms, instant messaging apps, and intranet portals make it easy for people to work together, communicate, and share knowledge—enabling employees to work better. Employee feedback tools. Feedback platforms make it easy for employees to let you know what’s going well and what needs improvement, so you know exactly what to do to improve the situation. Creating an employee enablement strategy is a powerful way to change your organization for the better. By focusing on it, you’ll improve performance, retention rates, and profits. And by combining it with employee engagement strategies, you’ll have a workplace that brings out the best in everyone.
  • 术语表
    【HR术语】什么是员工援助计划?(What is an employee assistance program?) 什么是员工援助计划(EAP)? 员工援助计划,简称 EAP,是以工作为基础的计划,旨在发现并帮助团队成员应对可能阻碍他们在工作中发挥最佳水平的个人挑战。 从人际关系问题、心理健康问题到药物滥用问题,员工援助计划都是一个组织致力于营造健康、心理稳定和提高生产力氛围的象征。 员工援助计划范例 EAP 可以根据每个工作场所的独特需求进行调整和定制。它们可以包括一系列服务,例如: 保密咨询。为员工提供一个安全的避风港,让他们可以就个人和工作相关的问题和压力获得指导。 法律指导。为从家庭法到财务问题等各种法律情况提供可靠的建议。 健康计划。通过以健康为中心的举措(如健身房会员资格和营养咨询)提升员工的幸福感。 转介服务。帮助您的团队成员找到有用的外部资源,如康复中心或托儿服务。 财务咨询。允许员工获得财务规划方面的援助,尤其是在人生重大转折时期。 员工援助计划的益处 员工援助计划可为团队成员和组织带来多种益处: 提高士气和工作效率。EAP 可以通过解决对员工的注意力产生负面影响的任何个人问题来提高工作效率。 减少缺勤。有了 EAP,许多导致缺勤的问题都会得到解决,缺勤率也会大幅下降。 增强工作场所的心理健康。EAP 通常会提供心理健康服务,营造一个更健康的工作空间,让员工认识到健康心理的重要性。 减轻工作压力。EAP 提供压力管理资源,有助于营造更轻松的工作环境。 留住员工。通过为个人问题提供支持,企业可以提高团队成员的忠诚度,降低员工流失率。 员工援助计划的缺点 尽管员工援助计划有很多好处,但它也有一些潜在的缺点: 费用。实施和维护 EAP 可能会造成经济负担,尤其是对小型企业而言。 利用率低。团队成员可能会因为缺乏认识、认为有污点或担心保密性而不使用该计划。 有效性。EAP 的成功取决于服务质量。如果服务质量不佳或处理不当,该计划可能不会有效,反而会浪费时间和金钱。 如何实施员工援助计划 推出有效的 EAP 是一个精心策划的过程,涉及多个步骤: 第 1 步:确定需求 首先要对团队成员进行调查或组织焦点小组,以了解他们的需求以及造成他们压力的原因--无论是经济压力、工作与生活的平衡、人际关系问题还是心理健康问题。这有助于您定制 EAP,以应对团队面临的具体挑战。 第 2 步:选择计划 现在是时候选择一个能满足团队需求的 EAP 了。这可以是由人力资源部门管理的内部计划,也可以是由第三方专家提供的外包计划。 第三步:沟通 既然您已经选择了 EAP,下一步就是向您的团队成员介绍它。您可以通过电子邮件、通讯或团队会议等各种沟通渠道,让他们了解该计划的所有细节、服务和好处。营造鼓励使用的环境。其中至关重要的一点是向团队成员保证计划的保密性,减轻他们可能存在的任何潜在恐惧。 第四步:培训 除了沟通,提供培训课程或研讨会向团队成员介绍 EAP 也很重要。他们应该知道如何使用该计划,并了解该计划能为他们做些什么。 第 5 步:监控和调整 实施 EAP 并不是整个过程的最后一步;计划的成功取决于持续的监控和调整。定期收集团队成员的反馈意见,审查计划的使用率和成果。它是否有助于减少压力和缺勤?团队成员是否更满意,工作效率是否更高?根据这些信息,您可以做出或大或小的调整,帮助改进 EAP,确保它始终对每个人有益。 EAP 如何影响公司文化? EAP 可以对公司文化产生积极影响。除了员工的职业贡献之外,EAP 还能传达企业对员工福祉的真诚关怀。 通过提供管理个人和职业挑战的工具,EAP 营造了一个包容、支持的环境,其结果往往会提高团队的满意度、参与度和忠诚度,从而促进充满活力的公司文化。 营造更快乐、更健康的工作环境 通过全面了解什么是员工援助计划,我们可以利用它的益处创造更健康、更有弹性的工作环境。 员工援助计划提醒我们,我们的团队成员不仅是员工,也是在复杂生活环境中摸爬滚打的真实的人。通过为他们提供支持,我们投资于组织的力量和整体幸福感,并帮助建立强大、持久的公司文化。 以下为文章原文: What is an employee assistance program (EAP)? Employee assistance programs, or EAPs for short, are work-based programs designed to identify and assist team members in handling personal challenges that might be holding them back from performing their best at work. From relationship troubles and mental health issues to grappling with substance abuse, EAPs are a symbol of an organization’s dedication to cultivating an atmosphere of wellness, mental stability, and boosted productivity. Employee assistance program examples EAPs can be adapted and tailored to fit every workplace’s unique needs. They can include a range of services such as: Confidential counseling. Offering a safe haven for your people where they can get guidance for both personal and work-related issues and stresses. Legal guidance. Providing reliable advice for legal situations, from family law to financial issues. Wellness programs. Promoting employee happiness through health-centric initiatives such as gym memberships and nutritional counseling. Referral services. Helping to connect your team members to helpful external resources, like rehabilitation centers or childcare services. Financial advice. Allowing access to aid for financial planning, particularly during significant life transitions. Employee assistance program benefits EAPs provide a wide range of benefits for both team members and the organization: Boosted morale and productivity. EAPs can elevate productivity by addressing any personal issues that are negatively impacting an employee’s focus. Reduced absences. With access to EAPs, absenteeism can significantly drop as many issues leading to absence get resolved. Enhanced mental health in the workplace. EAPs often incorporate mental health services, fostering a healthier workspace that embraces the importance of a healthy mental state. Less workplace stress. Offering resources for stress management, EAPs can contribute to a more relaxed work environment. Employee retention. By providing support for personal issues, an organization can increase team member loyalty and reduce turnover. Disadvantages of employee assistance programs Despite the fact that EAPs come with multiple benefits, EAPs do come with a few potential downsides: Expense. Implementing and maintaining EAPs might be a financial burden, especially for smaller businesses. Under-utilization. Team members might not use the program due to a lack of awareness, perceived stigmas, or confidentiality concerns. Effectiveness. The success of an EAP depends on the quality of services. If subpar or mishandled, the program might not be effective and can be a waste of both time and money. How to implement an employee assistance plan Rolling out an effective EAP is a carefully planned process involving several steps: Step 1: Identifying needs Start with conducting surveys or hosting focus groups with team members to understand their needs and what is causing them stress—whether that’s financial stress, work-life balance, relationship troubles, or mental health concerns. This helps you to tailor your EAP to address the specific challenges facing your team. Step 2: Selecting a program Now it’s time to choose an EAP that caters to your team’s needs. This could be an in-house program managed by your HR department, or it could be an outsourced program provided by a third-party specialist. Step 3: Communication Now that you’ve selected your EAP, the next step is telling your team members about it. You can let them know all of the details about the program, its services, and its benefits through various communication channels like emails, newsletters, or team meetings. Create an environment that encourages its usage. A crucial aspect of this is to assure team members about the confidentiality of the program, alleviating any potential fears they may have. Step 4: Training In addition to communication, providing training sessions or workshops to introduce the EAP to your team members is important. They should know how to access the program and understand what it can do for them. Step 5: Monitoring and adjusting Implementing the EAP is not the final step of the process; the program’s success depends on continuous monitoring and adjusting. Regularly gather feedback from team members and review the usage rates and outcomes of the program. Is it helping to reduce stress and absenteeism? Are team members more satisfied and productive? Based on this information, you can make small or large adjustments that help to improve the EAP and ensure it remains beneficial for everyone. How do EAPs impact company culture? EAPs can positively influence a company’s culture. They communicate the organization’s genuine care about employee wellbeing, beyond their professional contributions. By offering tools to manage personal and professional challenges, EAPs cultivate an inclusive, supportive environment with the result often leading to increased team satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty—contributing to a vibrant company culture. Fostering a happier, healthier working environment Through a comprehensive understanding of what an employee assistance program is, we can harness its benefits to create healthier, more resilient workplaces. EAPs remind us that our team members are not just employees but real people navigating through complex life situations. By supporting them, we invest in the strength—and the overall happiness—of our organization and help build a strong, lasting company culture.
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    【HR术语】什么是通知期?(What is a notice period?) 什么是通知期? 通知期是指从通知某人离职或解雇到其最后一天上班之间的时间。通知期适用于雇员和雇主。打算辞职的人应提前通知雇主,而雇主则应在终止雇佣关系前通知团队成员。 在美国,雇佣关系默认为任意雇佣关系: 雇主和雇员可以以任何理由终止雇佣关系。由于 "随意 "制度会让人感觉不安全,因此大多数公司都使用雇佣合同来规定条款和条件。 英国法律还要求雇员和雇主在离职或解雇时通知对方--通知期的长短取决于雇佣期的长短。不过,要确定通知期的正确程序,雇佣合同仍然必不可少。 通知期有哪些不同类型? 通知期有几种类型,因为它们根据雇用情况而有所不同: 法定通知期。个人或组织在辞职或解雇前需要提前通知的法定最短期限。 合同通知期。雇佣合同中规定的通知期,可以超过法定要求(如果有的话)。 试用期。试用期内的人员往往会收到较短的通知期,或根本没有通知期。 代通知金。组织可能不希望或不需要某人在通知期满后继续工作,允许其立即离职,并支付其在此期间的同等工资。 花园假。支付员工正常工资,让其在通知期内不上班,暂时保留员工身份,使其无法在其他地方工作。 雇佣通知期有多长? 法定通知期是法定的最短通知期,但各国或各州的规定有所不同。 有些国家,如丹麦或英国,根据雇用时间的长短要求更长的通知期,并可能规定具体的通知时间。 通知期也因雇佣合同以及前团队成员是否有严重不当行为或是否在试用期而不同。 通常情况下,通知期从至少两周到数月不等,但对于高级和专业职位,通知期可能会更长,以确保平稳过渡。 确定通知期的注意事项 在确定合适的通知期时,重要的是要考虑替换一名团队成员需要多长时间。尤其是高级职位,招聘过程可能需要更长的时间。 此外,还应该考虑到离职人员在发出通知时可能参与的任何项目。通知期太短可能会让其他团队成员措手不及,从而影响工作表现和工作效率。 新员工也可能需要一段时间来熟悉自己的角色。为即将离职的专业人员和新员工之间的顺利交接留出时间,可以减少影响工作效率的时间。 合适的通知期可以平衡前团队成员的需求和公司的需求,确保成功交接,使每个人都能保持良好的关系。 人力资源部门为什么要关注通知期? 制定通知期政策有助于: 持续的生产力 高昂的士气 健康的员工与雇主关系 良好的工作场所声誉 简而言之,通知期是一种公共礼仪: 它能让人力资源人员寻找合适的人选来填补空缺,也能让即将离职的团队成员在精神上和情感上为职业生涯的下一阶段做好准备。 人力资源领导者如何才能落实通知期制度? 人力资源领导者可以通过以下策略培养一种有效利用通知期的文化: 提供雇佣合同。雇佣合同应以简单的语言解释通知期政策,并明确概述雇员和雇主的义务。 提出激励措施。公司可以考虑提供遣散费或酌情奖金,以激励团队成员提前通知雇主。在推出任何激励措施之前,请务必让人力资源和法律专业人士对计划进行审查,以确保符合当地政府的遣散费法律规定。 利用绩效考核。在绩效考核中记录不令人满意的职业行为,可以让管理者跟踪负面行为模式。在问题升级之前加以解决,可以让员工改善自己的行为,将突然辞职或解雇的可能性降至最低。 磨练管理人员的沟通技巧。为管理人员配备解决问题的工具,有助于他们解决问题并确定问题的根源。找出对工作场所不满的原因,可以帮助团队成员判断自己是否真的想离职,从而减少人员流失,提高留任率。 在通知期内展示善意。人力资源领导者可以在准备通知时采取移情方法。在通知专业人员解雇时表现出礼仪,可以使雇主和员工之间的离职过程更加友好。 什么是求职申请中的通知期? 在求职申请中,通知期指的是你需要为当前雇主工作多长时间,才能与公司断绝关系,到其他组织担任新职务。 了解自己的可用时间或通知期,就有时间结束正在进行的项目、移交职责,并尽量减少对当前工作场所的干扰。这也为雇主提供了找到合适替代者的机会。 实施通知期如何改善公司文化? 通知期为终止程序设定了时间表,使双方都能更顺利地过渡到下一阶段。遵守通知期规则体现了对另一方的相互尊重,这是健康雇佣关系的重要组成部分,也是繁荣公司文化的必要条件。 以下为文章原文: What is a notice period? A notice period is the amount of time between notification of a person’s departure or dismissal and their last day at work. The notice period applies to employees and employers. Someone who intends to resign should inform their employer in advance, and an employer should notify a team member before terminating employment. In the United States, employment relationships are at-will by default: Employers and employees can end the relationship for any legitimate reason. Because the at-will system can feel insecure, most companies use employment contracts that define the terms and conditions. British law also requires employees and employers to notify the opposite party of departure or dismissal—the length of the notice period depends on the duration of the employment period. However, an employment contract is still essential to determine the correct procedure for the notice period. What are the different types of notice periods? There are a few types of notice periods since they differ based on employment circumstances: Statutory. The legal minimum amount of notice that a person or organization needs to give before resignation or dismissal. Contractual. A notice period that’s specified in an employment contract and can exceed statutory requirements, if any. Probationary. A person on probation tends to receive a shorter notice period, or none at all. Payment in lieu of notice. An organization may not want or need a person to work through their notice, allowing them to leave immediately and paying them the equivalent salary for the period. Garden leave. Paying a person their regular salary to stay away from work for their notice period, temporarily keeping them as an employee so they’re unable to work elsewhere. How long is a notice period in employment? While a statutory notice period is the legal minimum amount of notice, this differs by country or state. Some countries, like Denmark or the United Kingdom, require longer notice periods depending on the length of employment and may specify the exact amount of notice. A notice period also differs depending on the employment contract and on whether the former team member has committed gross misconduct or is on probation. Typically, notice periods range from at least two weeks to several months, but these can be longer for senior and specialized roles to ensure a smooth transition. Considerations for determining a notice period When it comes to determining the right notice period, it’s important to consider how long it will take to replace a team member. This is especially the case for more senior roles where the recruitment process can take longer. It’s also worth accounting for any projects that the departing person may be involved in when they give their notice. Too short a notice period can leave other team members in the lurch, hindering performance and productivity. It may also take a while for a new hire to become familiar with their role. Allowing time for a smooth handover between the departing professional and new hire can reduce time to productivity. The right notice period balances the needs of the former team member with the needs of the company, ensuring a successful transition that keeps everyone involved on good terms. Why should HR care about notice periods? Establishing a notice period policy can contribute to: Continuous productivity High morale Healthy employee-employer relationships Positive workplace reputation In short, the notice period is common decency: It enables HR personnel to search for an appropriate candidate to fill the vacancy and departing team members to prepare mentally and emotionally for the next stage of their career. What can HR leaders do to implement the notice period system? HR leaders can nurture a culture that effectively uses notice periods through these tactics: Provide an employment contract. The employment contract should explain the notice period policy in simple language and clearly outline the obligations of the employee and employer. Present incentives. Companies can consider providing severance pay or a discretionary bonus to motivate team members to notify their employer in advance. Before launching any incentive, be sure to have HR and legal professionals review the plan to guarantee compliance with local government severance pay laws. Leverage performance reviews. Documenting unsatisfactory professional conduct in performance reviews enables managers to track negative behavioral patterns. Addressing a problem before it escalates allows people to improve their behavior and minimize the chances of a sudden resignation or dismissal. Hone managers’ communication skills. Equipping managers with problem-solving tools helps them address issues and determine the root of the problem. Identifying reasons for dissatisfaction in the workplace can help team members decide if they genuinely want to leave their job—reducing attrition and boosting retention. Demonstrate goodwill during the notice period. HR leaders can take an empathic approach when preparing to give notice. Demonstrating etiquette when notifying a professional of dismissal can lead to a kinder disengagement process between employer and employee. What is a notice period on a job application? On a job application, a notice period refers to how much time you’ll need to work for your current employer before you’re able to sever ties with the company and move on to your new role at another organization. Knowing what your availability or notice period is gives time for wrapping up ongoing projects, handing over responsibilities, and minimizing any disruption to the current workplace. It also gives employers the chance to find a suitable replacement. How can implementing a notice period improve company culture? The notice period establishes a timeline for the termination process, enabling each side a smoother transition to the next stage. Adhering to the notice period rules reflects mutual respect towards the opposite party, an essential part of a healthy employment relationship and a necessity for a flourishing company culture.
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    【HR术语】什么是岗位轮换?(What is job rotation?) 什么是岗位轮换? 岗位轮换是一种内部流动形式,团队成员在特定时间内在不同岗位或部门之间流动,使个人获得不同的经验,并对公司的运营有广泛的了解。 对于那些勇于创新的组织来说,岗位轮换有很多好处。除其他好处外,它还能提高员工的专业技能、知识和适应能力。它还能降低员工流失率。 岗位轮换有哪些好处? 技能提高和发展 岗位轮换营造了一种鼓励员工学习新技能和新知识的工作环境。这种持续的学习曲线能提高专业技能,使员工适应性更强,成为企业更有价值的一部分。 提高员工参与度和满意度 单调的工作节奏会让许多人失去动力。提供成长和发展机会(如岗位轮换)的组织可以缓解这种单调感,并提供令人耳目一新的变化,重新点燃人们对工作的热情和承诺。 继任规划和人才发展 岗位轮换是发掘个人隐藏才能和能力的重要手段,有助于识别在不同岗位上展现潜力的优秀员工,从而鼓励他们寻求更高的发展机会。 加强合作与理解 接触不同部门为合作创造了沃土。通过岗位轮换,员工可以全面了解公司不同部门之间的相互关系,从而提高团队合作能力。 工作轮换有哪些缺点? 中断和适应期 角色的频繁变化可能导致工作流程和工作效率的中断。人们可能需要时间来适应新的角色和职责,从而在短期内暂时影响工作表现。 培训和过渡成本 由于需要进行必要的培训,生产力和运营效率也会暂时受到影响,因此岗位轮换可能会产生额外的成本。 抵制变革 有些团队成员可能对自己目前的角色非常满意,可能会普遍抵制岗位轮换。 工作轮换与工作充实 岗位充实与岗位轮换的不同之处在于,岗位充实侧重于通过增加责任和自主权来强化现有角色,从而加深员工对现有岗位的投入。 岗位轮换则是让团队成员在不同的岗位和部门之间流动,从而拓宽他们的技能和理解范围。 成功的岗位轮换案例 亚马逊 亚马逊有会计和财务工作轮岗计划,为期六个月到两年。 这些项目只针对大专院校的本科生,竞争激烈,为亚马逊提供了大量的潜在人才。 ManTech 国防工业公司 ManTech 在世界各地的办事处提供轮岗机会。 ManTech 为那些希望获得更多挑战的人设计了这一计划,让团队成员保持积极性并投入到工作中。 微软 微软为期两年的财务轮岗计划让财务分析师能够向公司高层领导学习,提高技能,并在完成轮岗后获得更高级的职位。 该计划有助于微软的继任规划,并通过提供职业发展机会保持员工的忠诚度。 制定岗位轮换政策 制定有效的岗位轮换政策需要认真规划和考虑,包括以下步骤: 明确目标。确定技能发展和协作的目标和关键绩效指标。 资格标准。确定哪些人有资格参与该计划。 轮岗期限。明确轮岗时间。 与发展目标保持一致。根据员工的职业抱负量身定制轮岗计划。 监控成功。通过可衡量的关键绩效指标跟踪效果。 实施岗位轮换的最佳实践 以下是成功实施岗位轮换计划应牢记的一些最佳实践: 评估团队成员的兴趣和技能 了解组织员工的兴趣、技能和职业抱负非常重要,这样才能设计出符合他们的轮岗计划,激发他们的独特潜能。 提供充分的培训和支持 为了最大限度地减少干扰并确保角色之间的平稳过渡,应通过导师制度提供全面的培训和支持。这是一种分享深入知识的绝佳方式,而这些知识只能从实践经验中获得。 定期评估和反馈 通过衡量关键绩效指标和听取员工反馈,定期评估轮岗的有效性,并做出必要的调整。 企业的有力工具 岗位轮换是企业内部学习和发展的有力工具。它可以成为员工发展计划的核心部分,但需要在组织的需求和员工的职业目标之间取得谨慎的平衡。 当一个组织成功实施岗位轮换计划时,它可以帮助创造一个培养人才、促进成长和推动创新的蓬勃发展的工作环境。 以下为文章原文: What is job rotation? Job rotation is a form of internal mobility where team members move between different roles or departments for a specific period of time, allowing individuals to gain diverse experiences and a broad understanding of a company’s operations. Job rotation comes with many benefits for the innovative organizations that embrace it. Among other advantages, it enhances a workforce’s professional skills, knowledge, and adaptability. It also reduces employee turnover. What are the benefits of job rotation? Skill enhancement and development Job rotation builds a workplace environment that encourages people to acquire new skills and knowledge. This continual learning curve boosts expertise, making your workforce adaptable and an even more valuable part of your organization. Improved employee engagement and satisfaction The monotonous rhythm of work can demotivate many of us. Organizations that offer opportunities for growth and development, like job rotation, can alleviate the monotony and provide a refreshing change that reignites people’s passion and commitment to their work. Succession planning and talent development Job rotation can be a valuable aid for uncovering a person’s hidden talents and aptitudes, helping you identify top performers who showcase potential in different roles so you can encourage them to pursue higher opportunities. Enhanced collaboration and understanding Exposure to different departments creates fertile ground for collaboration. Through job rotation, people gain a comprehensive understanding of how different departments in their company interrelate, improving teamwork. What are the drawbacks of job rotation? Disruption and adjustment periods Frequent changes in roles can lead to disruption in workflow and productivity. People may take time to adapt to new roles and responsibilities, temporarily affecting performance in the short term. Training and transition costs Because of the necessary training and temporary disruption to productivity and operational efficiency, job rotation can incur additional costs. Resistance to change Some team members may be perfectly happy in their current roles and may resist job rotations in general. Job rotation vs. job enrichment Job enrichment differs from job rotation in that it focuses on enhancing an existing role by adding more responsibilities and autonomy, deepening a person’s engagement with their current position. Job rotation involves moving team members across different roles and departments, broadening their skills and understanding. Successful job rotation examples Amazon Amazon has accounting and finance job rotation programs that last between six months to two years. These programs are solely for college and university undergraduates and are highly competitive—giving Amazon an abundant source of talented potential hires. ManTech The defense industry company ManTech offers job rotation opportunities in its offices around the world. ManTech designed the program for people who want more of a challenge, keeping team members motivated and engaged with their work. Microsoft Microsoft’s two-year finance job rotation program allows its financial analysts to learn from senior leaders across the company, improve their skills, and receive a more senior role upon completion. The program contributes to Microsoft’s succession planning and keeps its people committed by offering opportunities for career progression. Developing a job rotation policy Creating an effective job rotation policy requires careful planning and consideration that includes the following steps: Clear objectives. Defining goals and KPIs for skill development and collaboration. Eligibility criteria. Determining who qualifies for the program. Rotation duration. Specifying how long rotations last. Alignment with development goals. Tailoring rotations to align with people’s career aspirations. Monitoring success. Tracking impact through measurable KPIs. Best practices for implementing job rotation Here are some best practices to keep in mind to successfully implement a job rotation program: Assess team members’ interests and skills It’s important to understand the interests, skills, and career aspirations of your organization’s people to design a rotation that aligns with them and brings out their unique potential. Provide adequate training and support To minimize disruption and ensure a smooth transition between roles, offer comprehensive training and support through a mentorship system. It’s a great way to share the kind of in-depth knowledge that can only come from hands-on experience. Regular evaluation and feedback Regularly assess a rotation’s effectiveness by measuring key KPIs and listening to feedback from people—making any necessary adjustments. A powerful tool for your organization Job rotation is a powerful tool for learning and development within your organization. It can be a core part of an employee development plan, but it requires a careful balance between your organization’s needs and the professional goals of its people. When an organization successfully implements a job rotation program, it can help create a thriving workplace environment that nurtures talent, fosters growth, and drives innovation.
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    【HR术语】什么是工资级别?(What are salary bands?) 什么是工资级别? 薪带,又称薪酬范围或薪级表,是特定工作职位的薪酬范围。企业将其作为薪酬管理策略的一部分。 这些薪带定义了特定类别中职位的最低和最高薪酬水平,在定义的范围内为薪酬决策提供了灵活性--这样,招聘团队就可以选择薪带的穿透水平。 薪资范围通过透明度建立员工信任,也有助于吸引和留住优秀人才。 薪资范围有哪些示例? 以下是一些薪资范围的示例: 使用薪级的利弊 使用薪带可能是一把双刃剑。虽然它们有很多好处,但也会带来一些弊端: 如何创建薪带? 创建薪带涉及几个步骤: 工作评估: 评估组织内每个职位的职责和要求 市场调研: 通过薪资调查和行业报告收集市场数据,了解类似工作的平均薪资水平 确定薪酬范围: 根据职位评估和市场调研结果,制定与组织制定的薪酬管理目标相一致的薪酬范围 确定薪酬进展: 根据经验和绩效等因素,勾画出薪资范围内的薪资晋升空间 沟通和实施: 向员工明确传达新的薪带结构,并开始实施 薪资段和职位等级有什么区别? 薪带是适用于某一特定职位、多个职位或职位系列的广泛薪酬范围。它们为在规定范围内设定个人薪酬提供了灵活性。 而职位等级则是根据类似职位的价值和对组织的贡献进行分组。每个职位等级都有一个与之相关的特定薪资段,同一等级内的所有职位都有相同的薪资范围。 有哪些薪带最佳实践? 薪资范围并不是设定后就可以忘掉的。为了确保薪带保持有效,有一些最佳做法需要牢记: 定期审查: 定期审查和更新薪带,以保持在就业市场上的竞争力 数据第一:根据工作评估和市场调研的数据来决定薪资段,以保持准确和公平 灵活性: 在薪资段内留有一定的灵活性,以考虑到表现优异者,从而给予他们适当的奖励 沟通: 向所有团队成员明确传达薪酬等级,确保透明度 人力资源技术如何帮助维护薪级? 有效维护薪级可能会给你增加很多工作。但幸运的是,人力资源技术可以提供帮助。 您可以使用薪酬管理软件来轻松管理和跟踪薪级。人力资源技术还可以与薪资调查数据库整合,这样就可以确保薪资范围与最新信息保持一致,并保持竞争力。 这样,您就能继续吸引和留住优秀人才。 在薪酬方面,人力资源技术还可以帮助你关注公平性。某些工具可以生成关于薪资段分布和薪酬趋势的报告和分析,这样你就可以确保每个人都能获得公平的薪酬。 人力资源技术还能让确定奖励和晋升人选变得更容易。您可以将绩效管理系统与薪酬数据整合起来,将薪酬进步与员工绩效挂钩。 遵循上述最佳实践,并充分利用人力资源技术,可以帮助你维持公平的薪资段,并成为有竞争力的薪酬计划的一部分--促进公平并吸引最优秀的人才加入你的公司。 以下为文章原文: What are salary bands? Salary bands, also known as pay ranges or pay scales, are ranges of salaries for specific job positions. Organizations use them as part of their compensation management strategy. These bands define the minimum and maximum compensation levels for jobs in a particular category, giving flexibility within a defined range for salary decisions—so that the hiring team can then choose the level of salary range penetration. Salary bands build employee trust through transparency and can also help attract and keep talented people. What are some examples of salary bands? Here are some examples of what salary bands tend to look like: Advantages and disadvantages of using salary bands Using salary bands can be a double-edged sword. While they come with a whole host of benefits, they can also bring some disadvantages: How can you create salary bands? Creating salary bands involves several steps: Job evaluation: Evaluate the responsibilities and requirements of each job position within the organization Market research: Gather market data through salary surveys and industry reports to discover average pay rates for similar jobs Establish salary ranges: Based on the job evaluation and market research, set salary ranges that align with the objectives of compensation management outlined by your organization Define pay progression: Outline the pay progression within the salary bands based on factors such as experience and performance Communicate and implement: Clearly communicate the new salary band structure to your people and start putting it in place What’s the difference between salary bands and job grades? Salary bands are broad ranges of compensation that apply to a particular job, multiple job positions, or job families. They offer flexibility for setting individual salaries within a defined range. Job grades, on the other hand, group similar jobs based on their value and contribution to the organization. Each job grade has a specific salary band associated with it, and all positions within the same grade receive the same salary range. What are some salary band best practices? Salary bands aren’t just something that you can set and forget. To make sure they stay effective, there are a few best practices to keep in mind: Regular reviews: Regularly review and update salary bands to stay competitive in the job market Data first: Base salary band decisions on data from job evaluations and market research to keep them accurate and fair Flexibility: Allow for some flexibility within the salary bands to account for exceptional performers, so you can reward them appropriately Communication: Clearly communicate the salary bands to all team members, ensuring transparency How can HR tech help maintain salary bands? Effectively maintaining salary bands can add a lot of work to your plate. But luckily, HR technology can help. You can use compensation management software to administer and track salary bands easily. HR tech can also integrate with salary survey databases, so you can make sure your salary bands are updated with the latest information and remain competitive. That way, you’ll continue to attract and retain talented people. HR tech can also help you keep an eye on equity when it comes to compensation. Certain tools can generate reports and analytics on salary band distribution and compensation trends, so you can make sure everyone gets their fair share. HR tech can also make it easier to identify who to reward and promote. You can integrate performance management systems with compensation data to link pay progression to employee performance. Following the best practices outlined above, along with making the most of HR tech, can help you maintain salary bands that are fair and part of a competitive compensation plan—promoting equity and attracting the best of the best to your company.
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    【HR术语】什么是预测性人力资源分析?(What is predictive HR analytics?) 什么是预测性人力资源分析? 预测性人力资源分析是人力资源部门用来分析过去和现在的数据以预测未来结果的一种技术工具。预测性人力资源分析以数字化方式挖掘数据,提取、剖析和归类信息,然后识别模式、不规则性和相关性。通过统计分析和预测建模,分析可实现有关人力资源职能的数据驱动决策。 预测性人力资源分析系统让人想起蚯蚓。蚯蚓吸收天然废料和残渣,排出营养丰富的肥沃土壤。预测性分析也是如此,它吸收未使用的原始数据,并将其转化为适用的信息,为更明智的业务决策提供支持。 人力资源预测分析实例 以下是当今组织如何应用人力资本预测分析的一些示例: 招聘。预测分析可帮助人力资源专业人员确定最有效的顶尖人才来源。通过分析成功招聘的历史数据,企业可以将招聘工作重点放在能产生最佳效果的平台和渠道上。 留住员工。预测模型可以分析员工数据,如绩效考核、缺勤率和任期,以识别有离职风险的员工。这样,人力资源部门就可以采取积极措施,如提供职业发展机会或解决工作场所的问题,留住有价值的人才。 劳动力规划。预测分析可以通过考虑退休率、人员流动和新兴行业趋势等因素,预测公司未来的技能缺口。然后,人力资源部门可以制定培训和发展计划,弥补这些差距,确保员工队伍保持竞争力。 员工绩效管理。预测性人力资源分析可根据历史绩效数据预测团队成员的未来绩效。这有助于人力资源团队识别可能成为关键职位潜在接班人的高绩效人员,并帮助他们发现其他人可能落后的原因。 员工参与和福利。预测分析能够发现影响员工敬业度的问题。人力资源专业人员可以通过监控工作量和工作时间等因素,识别可能面临职业倦怠或其他心理健康问题风险的人员。然后,人力资源部门可以为有需要的人提供有针对性的支持和资源。 预测性分析如何帮助人力资源部门? 预测性人力资源分析可以帮助组织预测挑战,从而可以: 避免风险 减少人为错误 预测将在组织中茁壮成长的典型员工情况 加强招聘实践 鼓励实现最佳工作绩效 最终,预测性人力资源分析可帮助人力资源领导者做出清晰明确的决策,从而增加整体利润,提高员工的积极性、忠诚度、参与度和工作效率。 预测性和描述性人力资源分析有何不同? 描述性人力资源分析包括检查历史人力资源数据,以全面了解组织内发生了什么及其原因。 而预测性人力资源分析则不局限于此,而是通过分析历史数据和过去的趋势来预测未来会发生什么,从而使组织有机会采取预防措施或抓住出现的机遇。同时使用预测性和描述性两种人员分析形式的组织,都能为自己带来最大的影响。 如何成功实施预测性人力资源分析系统? 人力资源领导者可以利用以下技巧率先实施有效的预测性人力资源分析: 确定业务目标。人力资源领导者可以与团队合作,确定公司的长期目标,团队成员也可以帮助确定支持实现这些目标的相关指标。 确保透彻理解。预测性人力资源分析是一个复杂的领域,不熟悉数据科学的人力资源专业人员可能会对此感到畏惧。然而,为整个人力资源团队提供一致且多样化的学习选择,可以减轻他们对这一主题的不适感,加深理解,并鼓励员工持续发展。方法之一是鼓励人力资源团队熟悉每种分析算法的基本推理。人力资源部门还可以让数据科学家或人力资源数据分析师参与进来,以确保预测分析流程的最佳运作。 解决道德问题。为了避免对员工的不公平歧视待遇,预测分析团队可以预先防范可能出现的道德问题。公司可能会有意或无意地虐待员工中的特定人群,或者由于不正当的数据驱动推理而偏袒某些团队成员。因此,透明地遵守公司的行为准则和人力资源道德准则至关重要。员工需要知道他们的雇主是公平对待他们的,这样他们才会有参与感,才会有茁壮成长的动力。 利用预测分析的力量。人力资源领导者可以通过将预测分析应用于特定目标,最大限度地发挥其作用。例如,人力资源领导者可以结合预测分析来设计有效的职业发展计划,以解决能力差距和未来的能力需求问题,从而按照员工所希望的学习轨迹对其进行培训。 预测性人力资源分析如何改善企业文化? 预测性人力资源分析提供了一种方法,可帮助领导者做出明智的决策,从而培养一支充满热情和高绩效的员工队伍。有效、合乎道德地使用人力资源分析,可以使公司有能力识别、雇佣、吸引和留住符合公司文化并乐于为公司发展做出贡献的高素质专业人才。 为企业选择合适的预测性人力资源分析工具 选择合适的人员分析软件是人力资源专业人士和企业必须迈出的关键一步,这样他们才能收获人力资源预测分析的所有回报。 工具的选择应符合具体的业务需求、资源和目标。要做出明智的决定,有几个关键点需要牢记: 集成。工具能否与现有人力资源系统无缝集成?兼容性和数据传输的便捷性对于准确的预测建模至关重要。 可扩展性。合适的工具能够随着企业的扩张而扩展人力资源预测分析工作。 用户友好界面。寻找能够提供直观的仪表盘、可视化和报告功能的工具,使人力资源专业人员能够轻松访问和解释洞察力。 可解释性。确保工具对其预测做出解释。这样,您的人力资源团队就能理解为什么会做出某些预测,并采取适当的行动。 数据安全性和合规性。人力资源数据通常包括敏感和机密信息。确保工具遵守数据隐私法规,并有保护数据的安全措施。 支持和培训。考虑工具供应商提供的支持和培训水平。充分的培训和持续的支持对人力资源团队有效使用工具并最大限度地发挥其优势至关重要。 成本和投资回报率。评估总体拥有成本,包括许可费用、实施成本和持续维护费用。通过估算工具的洞察力如何对人力资源成果和组织绩效产生积极影响,计算潜在的投资回报。 用户反馈和评论。向使用过该工具的人力资源专业人士征求反馈意见,并阅读行业内其他组织的评论。他们的经验可以为了解工具的优缺点提供宝贵的见解。 通过仔细考虑这些因素,您可以为您的人力资源团队提供一个预测性劳动力分析工具,从而增强决策能力,推动人力资源战略,促进整体业务成功。 以下为文章原文: What is predictive HR analytics? Predictive HR analytics is a tech tool that HR uses to analyze past and present data to forecast future outcomes. Predictive HR analytics digitally digs through data to extract, dissect, and categorize information and then identify patterns, irregularities, and correlations. Through statistical analysis and predictive modeling, analytics enables data-driven decisions regarding HR functions. Predictive HR analytics systems are reminiscent of the earthworm. The worm ingests natural waste material and residue and excretes nutrient-rich, fertile soil. Predictive analytics, too, intakes unused, raw data and transforms it into applicable information that supports wiser business decisions. Predictive HR analytics examples Here are some examples of how organizations today apply human capital predictive analytics: Recruitment. Predictive analytics helps HR professionals identify the most effective sources of top talent. By analyzing historical data on successful hires, organizations can focus their recruitment efforts on the platforms and channels that yield the best results. Employee retention. Predictive models can analyze employee data, such as performance reviews, absenteeism, and tenure, to identify people at risk of leaving the company. This allows HR to take proactive measures, such as offering career development opportunities or addressing workplace concerns, to retain valuable talent. Workforce planning. Predictive analytics can forecast future skill gaps within a company by considering factors like retirement rates, turnover, and emerging industry trends. HR can then develop training and development programs to fill these gaps and ensure the workforce remains competitive. Employee performance management. Predictive HR analytics can forecast a team member’s future performance based on historical performance data. This helps the HR team identify high-performing people who could be potential successors for critical roles, and can help them discover why others may be lagging behind. Employee engagement and wellbeing. Predictive analytics has the ability to uncover issues that affect employee engagement. HR professionals can identify people who may be at risk of burnout or other mental health issues by monitoring factors like workload and working hours. HR can then provide targeted support and resources to those in need. How does predictive analytics help human resources? Predictive HR analytics assists organizations in anticipating challenges so they can: Avoid risk Reduce human error Forecast the typical employee profile that’ll thrive in the organization Enhance recruitment practices Encourage optimal work performance Ultimately, predictive HR analytics helps HR leaders make crystal-clear decisions that can increase overall profit and nurture employee motivation, retention, engagement, and productivity. What is the difference between predictive and descriptive HR analytics? Descriptive HR analytics involves examining historical HR data to get a thorough understanding of what has happened within an organization and why. Predictive HR analytics, on the other hand, goes beyond this and analyzes historical data and past trends to predict what will happen in the future—giving an organization the chance to take preventive measures or to seize opportunities as they arise. Organizations that use both predictive and descriptive forms of people analytics set themselves up to achieve the greatest impact. How do you implement a successful predictive HR analytics system? HR leaders can spearhead effective predictive HR analytics using the following tips: Define business objectives. HR leaders can collaborate with their teams to identify long-term company goals, with team members also helping determine the relevant metrics that support the achievement of these objectives. Ensure a thorough understanding. Predictive HR analytics is a complex field, and HR professionals unfamiliar with data science can feel intimidated by it. However, providing consistent and diverse learning options for your entire HR team can mitigate their discomfort with the subject, elevate understanding, and encourage continual employee development. One way to do this is to encourage your HR team to familiarize themselves with the fundamental reasoning driving each analytics algorithm. HR can also involve a data scientist or bring an HR data analyst on board to ensure optimal functioning of the predictive analytics process. Address ethical considerations. To avoid unfair discriminatory treatment of employees, predictive analytics teams can pre-empt possible ethical issues that may arise. Companies could intentionally or unintentionally mistreat specific demographics within the workforce or perhaps show favoritism to certain team members due to illegitimate data-driven reasoning. Thus, transparently adhering to the company’s code of conduct and the HR code of ethics is paramount. People need to know that their employers are treating them fairly to feel engaged and motivated to thrive. Harness the power of predictive analytics. HR leaders can maximize predictive analytics by applying it to specific objectives. For example, HR leaders can incorporate predictive analytics to design an effective career development program that addresses competency gaps and future competency needs, allowing them to train people in their desired learning trajectory. How can predictive HR analytics improve company culture? Predictive HR analytics offers a way to help leaders make informed decisions that nurture an enthusiastic and high-performing workforce. Effective and ethical use of HR analytics can empower companies to identify, hire, engage, and retain quality professionals who align with the company culture and are excited to contribute to its growth. Choosing the right predictive HR analytics tool for your business Selecting the right people analytics software is a crucial step for HR professionals and organizations to take, so that they’re able to reap all the rewards of HR predictive analytics. The choice of tool should align with specific business needs, resources, and objectives. There are a few key things to keep in mind to be able to make an informed decision: Integration. Can the tool seamlessly integrate with your existing HR systems? Compatibility and ease of data transfer are essential for accurate predictive modeling. Scalability. The right tool will be able to expand your predictive HR analytics efforts as your organization expands. User-friendly interface. Look for tools that offer intuitive dashboards, visualizations, and reporting features, making it easy for HR professionals to access and interpret insights. Explainability. Ensure that the tool provides explanations for its predictions. That way, your HR team can understand why certain predictions are made and take appropriate actions. Data security and compliance. HR data often includes sensitive and confidential information. Make sure the tool adheres to data privacy regulations and has security measures to protect your data. Support and training. Consider the level of support and training provided by the tool’s vendor. Adequate training and ongoing support are essential for HR teams to effectively use the tool and maximize its benefits. Cost and ROI. Evaluate the total cost of ownership, including licensing fees, implementation costs, and ongoing maintenance expenses. Calculate the potential return on investment by estimating how the tool’s insights can positively impact HR outcomes and organizational performance. User feedback and reviews. Seek feedback from HR professionals who have used the tool and read reviews from other organizations in your industry. Their experiences can provide valuable insights into the tool’s strengths and weaknesses. By carefully considering these factors, you can empower your HR team with a predictive workforce analytics tool that enhances decision-making, drives HR strategies, and contributes to overall business success.
  • 术语表
    【HR术语】什么是学习管理系统?(What is a learning management system?) 什么是学习管理系统? 学习管理系统(LMS)是公司用来培训和教育员工、客户和业务伙伴的一种软件。传统的工作培训计划需要亲自参加,耗时数小时或数天。但 LMS 技术简化了这一学习过程。 它为教育内容提供一站式服务,提供包括视频、程序、课程、测验和指南在内的学习选项。这些内容可以是实时的,也可以是录制的,因此身处不同地点、时区和公司的个人都能轻松获取。公司使用 LMS 的目的是: 创建信息内容 在集中的数字位置组织内容 将内容直接发送给目标受众 监控学习进度 促进学习协作 人力资源领导为什么要关注学习管理系统? 学习管理系统软件提供定制化的信息内容,以吸引、激励和培养员工,同时提高生产率和员工保留率。学习管理系统可促进员工的专业成长,推动公司实现业务目标。学习管理系统可以优化人力资源功能,例如: 工作和合规培训 入职培训 技能差距分析 学习与发展 常见的学习管理系统功能和组件 学习管理系统因组织的需求而异。它们提供各种功能,旨在增强学习体验和简化管理任务。 一些常见的功能和组件包括: 用户管理。管理员可以管理用户配置文件、角色和权限,以便学习者可以访问适当的课程和材料。 课程创建。教师可以创建、组织和提供课程。他们可以上传不同类型的内容、设置作业和管理评分。 报告和分析。LMS 可提供有关学员进度、完成率和评估结果的数据,帮助管理员做出明智的决策。 设备兼容性。许多 LMS 都对移动设备友好,学习者可以使用智能手机和平板电脑访问内容和参与课程。 学习管理系统的类型 学习管理系统有多种不同类型: 企业 LMS。专为员工培训和发展而设计,具有合规跟踪、技能差距分析和绩效管理等功能。 开源 LMS。这些平台可定制且免费使用,为希望根据自身具体需求定制系统的组织提供了灵活性。 基于云的 LMS。这些在线学习管理系统由云端托管,具有可扩展性,可从任何有互联网连接的地方进行访问。 托管式 LMS。企业可以将这些 LMS 平台安装在本地服务器或硬件上,从而实现完全控制。 学习管理系统如何工作? 学员和教师可以通过创建用户账户访问企业的学习管理系统。 这些平台可能有预建课程,也可能允许企业轻松创建自己的课程。教师在平台上为学员上传课程资料,如文本、视频、测验和作业。 LMS 通常会生成关于学习者表现和课程效果的报告,因此管理层可以跟踪学习进度。管理员可以利用这些数据进行改进。 如何选择最佳学习管理系统 确定目标。明确概述学习目标和预期成果。 评估可扩展性。考虑 LMS 能否满足您当前和未来的需求。 考虑预算。确定 LMS 的预算,包括初始设置成本和持续维护费用。 确保用户界面友好。确保 LMS 为管理员和学员提供直观的界面。易用性是采用的关键。 检查内容兼容性。检查 LMS 是否支持您计划提供的内容类型,如多媒体和互动元素。 测试集成能力。如果计划将 LMS 与其他系统集成,请确保它能与这些系统协同工作。 评估 LMS 培训和支持。评估不同学习管理系统供应商提供的培训和支持水平。 如何成功实施学习管理系统 明智选择。由于学习管理系统的数量多得令人眼花缭乱,人力资源领导者必须重点考虑为什么要采用学习管理系统,以及学习管理系统将如何帮助他们实现目标。此外,了解不同的学习风格有助于领导者选择一个能促进员工成长和提高绩效的项目。 在内部推广 LMS。要想从 LMS 中获益,每个人都必须参与进来。人力资源专业人员可以采用不同的方法来激励专业人员使用 LMS,例如游戏化、激励措施,以及提前几个月让他们做好使用新 LMS 的准备。 收集反馈。员工的反馈意见至关重要,因为了解团队成员喜欢和不喜欢 LMS 的哪些方面,人力资源领导者就能对 LMS 进行调整,使其更加个性化和用户友好。 与管理人员沟通。为鼓励员工顺利过渡到 LMS,应与管理人员保持定期沟通。支持他们适应和调整新的 LMS,有助于他们带领团队接受新系统。 将 LMS 与传统学习相结合。不应忽视标准的面对面培训。例如,互动式小组研讨会和在职培训仍然很有价值,而且可能正是团队成员所需要的学习方式。人力资源领导者可以使用学习管理系统来补充传统的学习方法,并监控专业人员的学习进度。 学习管理系统如何改善企业文化? 让专业人员发展自己的知识和技能,可以培养工作场所的意义,提高他们的绩效,提升他们对公司的价值。支持员工发展可以让公司建立学习文化,促进业务增长,同时跟上瞬息万变的工作世界。 学习管理系统实例和用例 人力资源学习管理系统用途广泛。以下是一些与 HiBob 集成的平台示例及其部分功能: 360 学习。一个协作式学习平台,可帮助创建个性化的入职体验。 Learnster。一个具有多种用途的 LMS,包括合规性培训,使团队成员了解最新的法律要求和行业标准。 Learn Amp。支持学习和发展的平台。它通过提供具有明确发展路线的发展计划,帮助企业留住顶尖人才。 Auzmor。一个 LMS,专门通过预建和定制课程来提高组织专业人员的技能。 eloomi. 该平台帮助企业创建在线培训学院,提高员工参与度和客户满意度。 学习管理系统的未来趋势 说到 LMS,有几种未来趋势将重塑专业人员的学习与发展: 人工智能和个性化。学习管理系统中的人工智能将提供个性化的学习路径、建议和即时评估,从而节省教员的时间。 微学习。人们的注意力只会越来越短。简短、集中的内容模块将成为常态,以迎合学习者繁忙的日程安排。 增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)。AR 和 VR 技术将增强身临其境的学习体验。 社交学习。学习管理系统中的社交功能,如与社交媒体、聊天功能和论坛的集成,将使团队成员更容易合作和分享知识。 从学习管理系统中获益 LMS 在培训组织的专业人员及其客户和业务合作伙伴方面可以发挥关键作用。通过了解选择标准和新兴趋势,以及常见的 LMS 类型及其功能,企业将能充分获得学习与发展的好处。 以下为文章原文: What is a learning management system? A learning management system (LMS) is a type of software that companies use to train and educate employees, clients, and business partners. Traditionally, work training programs would take place in person over a few hours or days. But LMS technology streamlines this learning process. It provides a one-stop shop for educational content, offering learning options including videos, programs, courses, quizzes, and guides. The content can be live or recorded so individuals in different locations, time zones, and companies can easily access it. Companies use LMSs to: Create informational content Organize it in a centralized digital location Deliver it directly to the targeted audience Monitor learning progress Facilitate learning collaboration Why should HR leaders care about a learning management system? Learning management system software provides customized, informative content to engage, motivate, and develop the workforce while boosting productivity and retention. An LMS promotes professional growth in the workforce—propelling the company forward toward reaching its business goals. LMSs can optimize HR functions such as: Job and compliance training Onboarding Skills gap analysis Learning and development Common learning management system features and components LMSs vary depending on the needs of the organization. They offer a wide range of features designed to enhance the learning experience and streamline administrative tasks. Some common features and components include: User management. Administrators can manage user profiles, roles, and permissions so that learners have access to the appropriate courses and materials. Course creation. Instructors can create, organize, and deliver courses. They can upload different types of content, set assignments, and manage grading. Reporting and analytics. An LMS provides data on learner progress, completion rates, and assessment results, helping administrators make informed decisions. Device compatibility. Many LMSs are mobile-friendly, allowing learners to access content and participate in courses using smartphones and tablets. Types of learning management systems There are a number of different types of LMS: Corporate LMSs. Tailored for employee training and development, they include features like compliance tracking, skills gap analysis, and performance management. Open-source LMSs. These platforms are customizable and free to use, providing flexibility for organizations that want to tailor the system to their specific needs. Cloud-based LMSs. The cloud hosts these online learning management systems, offering scalability and accessibility from anywhere with an internet connection. Hosted LMSs. Organizations can install these LMS platforms on local servers or hardware, giving them full control. How do learning management systems work? Learners and instructors can access an enterprise’s learning management system by creating user accounts. These platforms may have pre-built courses or may allow organizations to easily build their own. Instructors upload course materials for learners on the platform, such as text, videos, quizzes, and assignments. An LMS usually generates reports on learner performance and course effectiveness, so management can track progress. Administrators can use this data to make improvements. How to choose the best learning management system Define your objectives. Clearly outline your learning objectives and the desired outcomes. Assess scalability. Consider whether the LMS can accommodate your current and future needs. Consider your budget. Determine your budget for the LMS, including initial setup costs and ongoing maintenance fees. Ensure a user-friendly interface. Ensure that the LMS has an intuitive interface for both administrators and learners. Usability is crucial for adoption. Check content compatibility. Check that the LMS supports the types of content you plan to deliver, such as multimedia and interactive elements. Test integration capabilities. If you plan to integrate the LMS with other systems, make sure it’s able to work with them. Assess LMS training and support. Evaluate the level of training and support provided by different learning management system vendors. How to successfully implement a learning management system Choose wisely. Because there are a dizzying number of LMSs, HR leaders must focus on why they want to incorporate an LMS and how it will help them reach their goals. What’s more, understanding different learning styles helps leaders select a program that will promote growth and higher performance among the workforce. Promote the LMS internally. To reap the benefits of an LMS, everyone must be on board. HR professionals can incorporate different methods to motivate professionals to use the LMS, such as gamification, incentives, and preparing them for the new LMS a few months ahead of time. Gather feedback. Employee feedback is crucial, as understanding what team members like and dislike about the LMS enables HR leaders to adjust the LMS to be more personalized and user-friendly. Check in with managers. To encourage a smooth transition into the LMS, maintain regular communication with managers. Supporting their adaptation and adjustment to the new LMS will help them lead their teams to embrace the new system. Fuse the LMS with traditional learning. Standard, in-person training shouldn’t be disregarded. For example, interactive group workshops and on-the-job training are still worthwhile and may be just the learning style team members need. HR leaders can use an LMS to complement traditional learning methods and monitor the progress of professionals. How can a learning management system improve company culture? Enabling professionals to develop their knowledge and skills can nurture meaning in the workplace, improve their performance, and boost their value to the company. Supporting employee development allows companies to build a learning culture that facilitates business growth while keeping up with the rapidly changing world of work. Learning management system examples and use cases An HR learning management system can have a wide range of uses. Below are some examples of platforms that integrate with HiBob and some of their capabilities: 360learning. A collaborative learning platform that can help with creating a personalized onboarding experience. Learnster. An LMS with a variety of uses including compliance training that keeps team members up to date with legal requirements and industry standards. Learn Amp. A platform that supports learning and development. It’s helped organizations retain top talent by offering development programs with clear routes for progression. Auzmor. An LMS that specializes in upskilling an organization’s professionals with both pre-built and custom courses. eloomi. A platform that has helped businesses create online training academies that improve employee engagement and customer satisfaction. Future trends in learning management systems When it comes to LMSs, there are several future trends that will reshape learning and development for professionals: AI and personalization. AI in LMSs will offer personalized learning paths, recommendations, and instant assessments—saving instructors time. Microlearning. Attention spans are only getting shorter. Brief, focused content modules will become the norm, catering to learners’ busy schedules. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). AR and VR technologies will enhance immersive learning experiences. Social learning. Social features within LMSs, such as integration with social media, chat functions, and forums will make it easier for team members to collaborate and share knowledge. Reap the benefits of a learning management system LMSs can play a pivotal role in training an organization’s professionals as well as its customers and business partners. By understanding selection criteria and emerging trends, along with common types of LMSs and their features, organizations will be able to fully reap the benefits of learning and development.