• 企业服务
    G Suite中的Google+可获得内容标记,自定义流和更多参与度指标 文/PAUL SAWERS 本周消息称谷歌社交产品Google+被发现了一个重大的安全漏洞,谷歌最终关闭了该产品的消费者版本。 未来三天,谷歌有更多的Google+新闻要分享,但这次是个好消息。这家互联网巨头已经披露了一系列新功能,这些新功能将在企业内部为G Suite用户引入Google+。 共享标签 首先,Google+用户很快就可以使用标签来帮助其他员工在整个组织内共享内容时遵循特定主题。例如,如果您正在分享一份有关客户需求的研究报告,Google+会在您分享之前建议在帖子中加入标签。这意味着同事更有可能通过关注特定标签来查找他们感兴趣的帖子。 谷歌产品经理David Conway在一篇博客文章中表示:“我们希望让所有员工更轻松地参与到整个组织的对话中,那些想在电子邮件或聊天线程之外保持专注的无办公桌员工。” “即使您不了解整个组织的所有员工,标签也可以更轻松地将内容传递到合适的人员。”   定制 在其它地方,谷歌还宣布它将很快激活一个名为“自定义流”(custom streams)的新功能,管理员可以创建一个定制的内容流,允许员工关注和参与特定人员或特定主题的帖子。例如,自定义流可能包括来自高级管理人员的所有帖子,允许普通员工就关键问题进行讨论。或者,自定义流可以基于特定的主题制定特定标签。 数据和指标是G Suite的主要卖点——上个月,Google 推出了一个新的Work Insights工具,揭示了公司内部的G Suite采用率和协作率。与此类似,Google + 已经提供了用户参与指标, 例如围绕Google+社区的用户活动数据。很快,谷歌将提供后期分析,以便人们可以看到他们的内容是如何在整个组织中收到的—— 例如,如果更多人在销售中比在营销中阅读帖子的话。 虽然本公告的发布时间可能是(也可能不是)巧合。本周初的Google+安全问题为谷歌充当了一个及时的提醒,即使有消费者版本的Google+被抛弃了,但它在企业中仍然非常活跃。   以上为AI翻译,内容仅供参考。 原文链接:Google+ in G Suite gets content tagging, custom streams, and more engagement metrics 相关阅读: 谷歌G Suite发布新工具Work Insights,旨在帮助企业更好地了解其工作方式 Google选择eQuest为应聘者追踪系统G-Suite提供职位发布 Google宣布推出G Suite一个集成的招聘应用程序
  • 企业服务
    ​传SoftBank将最高投入200亿美金收购WeWork的大部分股权 文/Kate Clark 根据华尔街日报的一份新报告,SoftBank有意收购总部位于纽约的共同工作空间供应商WeWork大部分股份。 据报道,SoftBank的投资额在150亿至200亿美元之间,这将来自其920亿美元的Vision Fund,这是一家由日本企业家和投资者Masayoshi Son领导的超大型风险投资基金。 WeWork方面对此拒绝置评。 SoftBank已拥有WeWork约20%的股份。该公司于2017年8月在该公司投资了44亿美元,其中14亿美元用于帮助WeWork在中国,日本和东南亚扩张。 今年8月,WeWork从可转换债券中再向SoftBank筹集了10亿美元。与此同时,WeWork向几家媒体披露了财务报告,分享其收入在2018年上半年翻了一番,达到7.638亿美元,损失增加到7.23亿美元。 就其本身而言,SoftBank似乎对房地产技术有着渴望。它不仅成为WeWork的主要利益相关者,而且还向Opendoor,Compass,Katerra 和其他公司部署了大量资金。 上个月,Vision Fund以4亿美元的价格支持购买和出售房屋的平台Opendoor 。同一天,它为Compass 带来了4亿美元的回合,估值为44亿美元的房地产经纪公司。至于Katerra,SoftBank 在1月份为建筑科技业务注入了8.65亿美元。 WeWork,由Adam Neumann于2010年创立到目前为止,Miguel McKelvey已经筹集了近50亿美元的债务和股权融资。它在2017年价值200亿美元,尽管 今年夏天早些时候的报告估计其估值将从SoftBank增加350亿至400亿美元之间。400亿美元的估值将使其成为仅次于优步的美国第二大最有价值的风险投资支持公司。 WeWork 在23个国家的287个地点拥有超过 268,000名会员。   以上为AI翻译,观点仅供参考。 原文来源: SoftBank is considering taking a majority stake in WeWork  
  • 企业服务
    WeWork与Lemonade达成合作,为提供WeLive会员提供租赁保险 文/Jordan Crook WeWork与Lemonade达成合作,为提供WeLive会员提供租赁保险。 WeLive是WeWork提供的住宿服务,为会员提供一套家具齐全的公寓,包括客房、收发室和洗衣房等设施,租用时间灵活。换句话说,双向工人或一般的“游牧”个体可以租用一个短期的生活空间而不用担心所有的额外费用。作为这一计划的一部分, WeLive现在正将新的和现有的WeLive会员引荐到Lemonade提供租房者保险。 WeLive目前有两个地点——一个在纽约,一个在华盛顿——总共400多个单元。WeWork表示,这两家单位的产能都已接近饱和。该公司计划在2020年春季之前在华盛顿西雅图开设第三家分店。 与此同时,Lemonade是一家崭露头角的保险创业公司,他们正在重新思考这个有着数百年历史的行业。该公司的第一项重大创新是获得保险的数字化,该公司使用的聊天机器人可以在一分钟内引导潜在客户完成整个过程。 Lemoande的第二部战略植根于商业模式。与现有的保险公司不同,Lemonade提前抽取利润,从客户的每月付款中抽取一定比例。然而,剩余部分则被用于满足需求。任何在年底无人认领的东西都将捐赠给每位客户选择的慈善机构。 到目前为止,Lemonade已筹集了1.8亿美元。另一方面,WeWork已筹集了超过90亿美元,据报道估值高达350亿美元。 当然,高估值的部分原因是WeWork是一个房地产巨头,据Re / Code 报道,该公司是曼哈顿第二大私人办公室租户。但除了纯粹的面积外,WeWork在过去几年里一直在为其服务提供各种服务供应商。 拥有175,000名会员(截至2017年底,现在这个数字可能要高得多),WeWork拥有相当多的用户群,可以与服务提供商洽谈交易,从企业软件制造商到......保险提供商。 Lemonade可能只是WeWork开始为其会员开发一系列服务和合作伙伴关系的开始。   以上为AI翻译,观点仅供参考。 原文链接: WeWork taps Lemonade to offer insurance to WeLive members
  • 企业服务
    「云学堂」获C轮第一期融资 云锋基金领投 今日获悉,企业学习领域领先的生态化服务机构“云学堂”完成C轮第一期融资,本轮融资由云锋基金领投,老股东SIG(海纳亚洲)等跟投。据了解,云学堂完成C轮融资后,将会进一步完善其战略和模式,继续扩大“云内训第一品牌”的优势。 云学堂全称为江苏云学堂网络科技有限公司,成立于2011年12月。作为企业培训全面解决方案服务平台,云学堂独创企业人才发展服务的BaaS模式,为企业提供“平台+内容+服务”企业学习全方位生态解决方案。平台产品基于云计算构建,结合大数据和人工智能技术,能够实现内容对学员的精准推荐,在企业智能化学习方面是国内的先行者。 在此轮融资之前,云学堂一共获得过三轮融资,分别是:2017年4月获得了由SIG(海纳亚洲)领投的2200万美金的B轮融资;2014年完成了由朗玛峰创投领投的8000万人民币A轮融资;以及于创立初期完成4000万人民币天使融资,由其个人、创始团队及其中欧商学院同学共同投资。 云学堂获称“企业培训行业首个单笔融资过亿公司”,也是到目前为止企业学习领域获得投资频次较高、获得投资较大的企业。此次C轮领投方为云锋基金,该基金以阿里巴巴董事局主席马云和聚众传媒创始人虞锋的名字命名,并联合一批行业领袖、企业家和创业者共同发起创立的私募基金,也是蚂蚁金服、药明康德、宁德时代、VIPKID、小猪短租、斑马网络、菜鸟、圆通等企业的投资商。 据了解,成立至今的云学堂曾经历3次转型,才得以在不断变换的企业培训市场中,找到切合的市场定位。 成立之初的云学堂,当时是将学习系统成套卖给客户,并帮助部署到本地。2012年底,创始人卢睿泽认识到过去商业授权系统在更新等方面的弊端,并判断基于互联网和云计算技术的SaaS模式产品将占领市场,于是停掉原有业务,转而开发SaaS产品。 2014年产品上线以后,云学堂将销售模式从整套系统售卖,转为企业按年提供服务。而后在企业培训市场越来越火热的行情下,卢睿泽认识到仅靠自身无法支撑平台内容体系建设,于是在2014年下半年,与几十家内容供应商达成合作,引入了几千门线上课程。此时云学堂从过去SaaS服务战略,开始尝试转型为平台服务(BaaS)战略。 2015年初,云学堂运用3年的积累加速提高平台内容聚合和岗位智能匹配能力、提升企业培训咨询及服务能力。主要服务目标客户为大企业市场的云学堂,当前已将“内训”市场推进到“云内训”阶段,并踏实落定“云内训第一品牌”这一核心目标。 截止目前,云学堂已服务数万家企业、拥有一大批500强及各行业领先企业客户,如海信、同仁堂、华住酒店集团、今日头条、美团、中国建设银行等,覆盖近千万学员用户。   来源:云锋基金领投,企业培训机构云学堂完成C轮第一期融资  
  • 企业服务
    「安心记加班」获亿元级B轮融资,蚂蚁金服领投 近日,深耕蓝领市场的安心记加班已完成数亿元B轮融资,本轮融资由蚂蚁金服领投,顺为资本跟投。此前,公司曾于2017年获得小米、顺为资本、九合创投的数千万元A+轮融资。 安心记加班致力于服务4亿蓝领人群,2014年劳动节上线至今,这款“快速记录加班工时,自动计算月总加班数和工资”的工具类APP深受蓝领喜爱,一年内即吸引了近千万用户。之后,安心记加班在APP端内又尝试了厂点评、查工资、相亲交友等多个模块,累计了数千万忠实蓝领用户。 据悉,本轮融资后,在不断优化安心记加班APP功能和体验的同时,围绕蓝领人群遭遇的信息不对称、找工作易被骗等痛点,公司将正式升级为包括安心记加班、安心找工作网、打工圈在内的安心平台,全面布局蓝领市场,以期用互联网和大数据等科技手段切实改善蓝领——这个长期游离于社会主视角外的庞大群体——他们的工作和生活现状。 目前,大量蓝领进厂打工依然通过线下渠道完成,遭遇黑中介侵吞服务费、黑工厂克扣工资的事件屡见不鲜,而他们多半难以负荷维权的时间和经济成本,往往劳无所获。在蓝领招聘市场上,尚没有一个让蓝领放心安心的招聘平台。 为改善这一顽疾, 2017年下半年,安心平台便已进军蓝领招聘市场,上线了“安心找工作网”并建立全国连锁门店,与大量优质工厂合作,且招工的所有企业均由专人负责直接对接工厂以及派遣。由此,在确保信息真实性的同时,安心找工作网能够为蓝领提供一站式进厂服务,并满足跨地区求职需求,解决异地找工作难的问题,目前已入驻上海松江、苏州昆山、深圳龙华、广东东莞、河南郑州等制造业重镇和劳动密集型区域,以长三角和珠三角为中心,向全国辐射扩张。 在蓝领招聘赛道,传统职介长期存在。安心找工作网不是最早入场的,可以后来居上,成为赛道的领跑者的原因在于几点:一是该团队核心成员来自西门子、富士康、伟创力等传统制造业,对蓝领务工痛点有深刻了解;同时公司极大程度地使用互联网和大数据等科技手段,优化蓝领招聘流程、系统化管理并通过智能分析帮助用户精准匹配工作。 另一方面,不同于其他产品注重线下流量,安心记加班作为安心平台线上流量入口,拥有千万线上用户的优势,能为线下安心找工作网导流,获客速度快,成本低。其次,安心找工作网通过线下门店减少中间环节,直面工厂或工厂指定派遣,减少黑中介产生,并提供全程一对一服务。 CEO姚笛,曾任某世界500强制造业公司高管,有着10多年该领域经验,他深知蓝领人群的痛点和难点,“这个群体处于社会底层和弱势地位,越了解他们,越知道他们面临了多大的困难。帮助他们,是公司创立的愿景,也是我们一贯坚持的原则。”未来,基于蓝领人群在社交、医疗、社保等方面的需求,公司将继续深入研究和探索,通过互联网和大数据等科技手段,继续深耕蓝领市场,为他们提供专业贴心的解决方案和服务, 致力为蓝领行业作出更大的贡献。为创造一个“诚信、透明、负责”的蓝领就业市场环境而努力,让每一个蓝领“打工路上,一路安心”。
  • 企业服务
    学生版LinkedIn?职业社交网络「Goodwall」获1080万美元A轮融资 来源/ techcrunch.com 文/高歌 核心人群为高中生+大学生。 比 LinkedIn 更早地接触目标用户,职业社交网络 Goodwall 瞄准的不只是大学生,还有高中生。 近日,Goodwall已完成1080万美元A轮融资。本轮融资由 Randstad Innovation Fund及瑞士私募股权公司Manixer领投,其他投资者包括Francis Clivaz,Zurich Cantonal Bank和Verve Capital Partners。 联合创始人/CEO Taha Bawa表示,本轮融资将主用于在纽约引入新的人才,以支持平台的扩张。包括产品团队,为平台的两类人群(高中生和大学生)开发更好的功能;同时也在发展销售团队,满足企业在人才方面的需求。 平台核心用户年龄层在14-24岁,目前已有超过100万名会员。高中生和大学生是Goodwall 的两个核心人群,高中生对应大学奖学金机会,大学生对应实习/就业机会。 “美国市场是我们关注的焦点,并且是整个2018年聚焦的重点。”Bawa称,我们将和学生一起成长,并为他们提供服务。Goodwall 通过发掘他们感兴趣的公司来扩大吸引力,无论是初创公司还是大公司。 Goodwall 兼具工具属性和社交属性。对于目标受众来说,Goodwall是一个线上平台,可以和同学建立联系,并通过展示技能、经验、人脉,获得教育或就业机会。 平台向企业提供一种方式来寻找、连接、雇佣大学生和毕业生,企业向平台支付费用,以便在目标候选人面前展现企业品牌。 公司和更大的招聘网站存在竞争关系,但Bawa认为,智能匹配为企业提高了效率,在筛选候选人的过程中,可通过浏览记录匹配到更多相似的简历,而不需要人工筛掉大量不相关的简历。 在高中生层面,Goodwall和大学生奖学金网站存在竞争,Bawa表示平台的差异化在于“提供了额外价值”,一个围绕成长、连接和相互支持的社区。 在大学生层面,LinkedIn是最容易想到的竞争对手。Goodwall为高中生提供工具,比LinkedIn在更早期阶段接触到这些潜在用户,“打造他们的第一份简历”。 “和他们共同成长。”Bawa说,Goodwall的目标不仅仅是服务于成绩名列前1%的学生,尽管平台上有很多这样的学生,但我们是想为所有勤奋、努力的学生,通过全面的画像展示其独特性,匹配合适的教育/工作机会。
  • 企业服务
    Workday观点:如何解决企业未来的人才? Taking the Next Steps for Tomorrow's Talent 作者:Leighanne Levensaler,workday高级副总裁,企业战略,工作日兼董事总经理兼Workday Ventures联席主管 文章导读: 我和一群商业和教育领袖,参加了在纽约举行的彭博下一个论坛(Bloomberg Next forum)。这次论坛的主题是:在如此大的变革中,我们如何才能更好地培养和支持我们的员工队伍。 它涵盖了一系列挑战:从如何让毕业生更好地为工作做好准备,到如何在人工智能和自动化时代让在职员工重新掌握技能,再到企业和教育工作者如何更好地合作。 在Workday与彭博资讯(Bloomberg Next)密切合作的原因是积极参与寻找解决这些复杂问题的方法。 我们在纽约进行了富有洞察力和启发性的讨论,以下是一些想法: 首先解决当地的问题 我们的世界面临着与劳动力发展有关的重大挑战。最好从当地开始。 例如, 是否有社区大学或贸易学校提供课程,让工人为预期的技能转变做好准备? 您的组织是否可以扩大与当地高等教育学校的沟通,让学生更好地掌握他们所需要的技能? 随着不断的创新,所需技能也不断变化。在Workday,与社区内的大学合作,让技术专家担任客座讲师,帮助学生为现实世界做准备。  寻找外部人才的新来源  企业说他们找不到需要的人才。但问题是否源于只招具有特定高等教育学位或工作经验的候选人?公司需要考虑他们是否过度要求实行纯种招聘。 在Workday,我们已经取得了巨大的成功,这些人才并没有遵循从高中到大学再到职业生涯的传统道路,但事实证明,它们都是出色的同事。多元化和包容性的员工队伍会让工作场所更快乐,并带来更大的商业成果。 从内部来源 一些最优秀的人才不一定能充分发挥他们的潜能或提供充分发展潜能的机会。这就是为什么真正了解自己的才能至关重要。 具体做法:通过定期使用技术来盘点你的员工和他们的技能,并建立一种流动和机会的文化。 拥抱创新的速度 创新对我们所有人来说都是一件好事,但它给劳动力发展带来了挑战。随着不断的创新,所需技能也要不断变化。 问题是,没有很多的公司愿意在重新培训技能中投入更多资金。在Workday和Bloomberg Next的调查中,半数受访企业预计,在应对新兴技术对劳动力影响的计划时,都面临预算紧张。 只有30%的企业和39%的教育工作者表示,他们正在合作帮助员工重新技能和重新培训。 我们可以在如何共同应对创新的影响方面更具创新性。另一个想法是:如何与教育机构的研究人员合作,帮助定义未来在不同行业中的角色? 我们都需要持续学习。学习如何去了解比去了解更好。 英文原文: By Leighanne Levensaler, Senior Vice President, Corporate Strategy, Workday & Managing Director and Co-Head, Workday Ventures I recently joined a group of business and education leaders for a Bloomberg Next forum in New York that focused on how we can work together to best nurture and support our workforces in the midst of so much change. Aptly named Tomorrow’s Talent, the forum covered a number of timely challenges, ranging from how we can better prepare graduates for the workplace, to how we can reskill current workers in the age of artificial intelligence and automation, to how businesses and educators can better collaborate. Knowing that people are the heart of every enterprise, we at Workday are passionate about being an active participant in finding the solutions to these complex issues. That’s why we partnered closely with Bloomberg Next on the event, including a study that surveyed business and education leaders’ views on these topics and more. Not surprisingly, the findings confirm there’s a lot more work to do. So where do we start? I shared some ideas in a blog prior to the forum. Following our insightful and inspiring discussions in New York, here are some additional ideas. Solve Locally First Our world faces significant challenges related to workforce development. We’d all like a systematic macro answer. The reality is that these problems are far too broad and complex to be addressed with a single universal solution. It’s best to start working locally to learn and gain momentum. For example, are there community colleges or trade schools that offer classes that could prepare workers for an anticipated shift in skill sets? Are there local higher education feeder schools that your organization could broaden the dialogue with on how to better prepare students with both the hard and soft skills they need? With constant innovation comes the constant change of needed skills. At Workday, we’ve partnered with universities in our communities to have our technologists serve as guest lecturers and help students prepare for the real world. I would encourage all organizations to explore these types of opportunities, because as one participant said, “If you’re sitting still, you’re falling behind.” Seek Out New Sources of External Talent Businesses say they can’t find the talent they need. But could the problem stem from always returning to the same pond to fish—a pond that only has candidates with specific types of higher education degrees or job experiences? Companies need to consider whether they are practicing pedigree hiring by over-credentialing job requirements. A willingness to learn “how” is a stronger attribute than a willingness to learn “what,” especially in today’s rapidly changing world. What’s more, pedigree hiring works against an organization’s efforts to create a more diverse and inclusive workforce. At Workday, we’ve had great success partnering with organizations such as Year Up and Opportunity@Work to gain talent that didn’t follow the traditional path from high school to college to career, yet have proved to be incredible colleagues. We know that a diverse and inclusive workforce makes for a happier workplace and results in greater business outcomes. Source from Within Some of our best talent is often right under our noses, but not necessarily in positions that can utilize their full potential or provide the opportunity to grow. That’s why it’s critical to truly know your talent. How do you do that? By regularly using technology to take inventory of your people and their skills across the organization, democratizing learning experiences so that everyone has access to them, and building a culture of mobility and opportunity. This requires being radically transparent in communicating opportunities for career growth. Embrace the Velocity of Innovation Our dear friend, innovation. There’s no stopping it and we don’t want to. Innovation is a great thing for all of us, but it creates challenges in workforce development. With constant innovation comes the constant change of needed skills. The problem is, not enough companies are willing to put more skin in the game when it comes to reskilling. In the Workday and Bloomberg Next survey, half of the corporate respondents anticipate facing budget constraints when deploying a plan to address the impact of emerging technologies on the workforce. So let me ask this: If a company is willing to put time, money, and resources behind responding to innovations that impact its competitive landscape or business model, why wouldn’t it also invest in innovations that impact its workforce? Only 30 percent of corporations and 39 percent of educators say they are collaborating to help reskill and retrain employees. Partnerships with other organizations can help ease the burden. Jon Kaplan, vice president of training and development at Discover Financial Services, discussed how their company is using Guild Education to manage a number of aspects of its recently announced Discover College Commitment program, which provides a full tuition ride for all employees seeking to pursue a university degree online from one of three selected universities. The program got a lot of interest from the forum audience because it’s truly unique. Consider that only 30 percent of corporations and 39 percent of educators say they are collaborating to help reskill and retrain employees, according to the survey. I’m sure we can be more innovative about how we work together to address the impact of innovation. Another idea: What about partnering with researchers at educational institutions to help define the roles of the future within various industries? I’ll end this post with one final thought: We all need to be in the business of continuous learning. Dr. Seuss is a favorite in our household with his endless wisdom and clever turns of phrase. And, as the good doctor says, “It’s better to learn how to know than to know.
  • 企业服务
    人力资源和工作流程——生产力系统 HR & the flow of work – Systems of Productivity 文/J Jerry Moses 文章导读: 在TechHR18会议的第2天,德勤(Deloitte)的Bersin创始人乔什•伯辛(Josh Bersin)对新一代招聘、管理、学习、职业和员工体验工具是如何从根本上扰乱市场进行了分析。 他认为:技术与商业问题相一致,技术才有意义。 以下是Josh Bersin在TechHR 18会议上对人力资源技术趋势的一些见解: 技术、自动化、机器人技术都在发挥作用! 生产力是一个问题! 作社会型企业! 持续的性能管理具有巨大的影响——获取工具 大型人力资源技术供应商没有跟上步伐 人才管理需要工具来处理 我们给员工发工资方式将会被打乱 企业学习才是真正的事情! 员工福利市场具有真正的潜力 软件市场正在成长 员工体验进入工作流程 英文原文: On Day 2 of TechHR18, Josh Bersin,Founder of Bersin by Deloitte, presents a research-based analysis of how a new generation of recruiting, management, learning, career, and employee experience tools are radically disrupting the marketplace Micro trends are driving change – changes in the HR technology landscape, the way we work, and particularly, the changes in how organizations are being managed and are managing. The world of HR and HR tech is undergoing a significant shift. HR is now over Cloud, Social and Mobile – this is the time for a new breed of systems - intelligent platform strategies that are making HR and its processes real-time, productive, agile and data-driven. But “Nothing in technology makes sense unless its aligned with the business problems we are trying to solve” as Josh Bersin says. Here are a few insights on HR tech trends from Josh Bersin’s session at TechHR’18. Technology, Automation, Robotics are here and they work! According to Bersin’s research, 45 percent of companies are still focused on basic process automation. The business ecosystem is almost a decade into the economic growth, and has a plethora of generations working together in it. We are living longer, the average career spans 70-75 years, and technology is disrupting where we work along with our daily lives. Most of HCM trends, technology, robotics, AI, automation, is actually becoming real. However, we don’t know what to deal with it all because most companies are still struggling with the challenges of the right skills, structures, organizational design, and rewards systems. Productivity is an issue! Productivity is lagging. The real key for HR going forward is becoming the Chief of Productivity.  If employees use products and tools that the organizations provide to them, employes will feel better, happier, and engaged. And this is the secret of what is going to happen to HR technology – building systems for the HR that make people productive. With agility, team-centric organizations, burnout is becoming an issue while employee engagement and communication tools are overwhelming employees. This is the time for businesses to build HR software that really improves productivity and helps teams work better together? Business as a social enterprise!  CEOs are now being asked to take social positions on topics and act on behalf of communities, stakeholders, shareholders, and employees and customers. The future of business is in becoming a socially conscious enterprise and here, the most important thing would to be to develop a technology strategy that provides purpose, meaning, transparency and fairness. Businesses can no longer afford to buy technology that implements practices that someone else coded. Continuous Performance Management has a huge impact – get the tools Continuous performance management is transformative. It really and truly works! Ratings will not go anywhere but the crucial part will be to build newer and continuous processes for goal setting, coaching, evaluation, and feedback.  This is time for organizations to reconsider performance philosophy. Even with the success of the cloud HCM vendors in the market, a comprehensive solution for performance management is not available. “Team-centric” tools will be the future of HCM market in the future. Big HR Tech vendors are not keeping up Most of the ERP vendors are struggling to keep up with the evolution and changes in the business ecosystem. ERP vendors are not getting good marks for ease of use, integration, or value to the end users or employees. There is a stiff competition in the ERP market and it is becoming crowded. Talent management is done! The whole idea of Talent Management was about pre-hire to retire. But we don’t work like that anymore. Most of us work at many companies during our careers and organizations are also going through change, disruption and reorganization. Managing employees through the entire lifecycle is not really the problem but managing employees in a new management environment that is about teams, empowerment, mission, purpose, clarity and transparency of goals. It’s a totally different management environment and we need tools to deal with that. How we pay people will be disrupted The most disrupted area of HR to come is the way we pay people. Only 1 in 5 companies believes that their rewards system is actually aligned with their corporate strategy. We are still paying people the way we did in the past — salary bands, annul reviews, policies of secrecy and who is getting paid what – all this will be disrupted and we will have a whole new set of tools for employee experience. Corporate Learning is the real deal! Platforms like Degreed and Edcast are transforming corporate learning — experience platforms, micro-learning platforms, modernized LMS systems, AI-based systems to recommend learning, find learning, and deliver learning, and Virtual Reality-based learning are giving employees and organizations all the things they need. Employee wellbeing market has the true potential It’s all about the moments that matter. There is a need to improve productivity but there is a significant impetus on employee wellbeing, reducing the cognitive overload and augmenting human performance.  This vendor market is moving fast. The new world of work will be about “engagement, productivity, and wellbeing” all in one. ONA software market is now growing With the explosion of HRMS data, wellbeing data, networking data, among many other forms of structured and unstructured data, HR is struggling to deal issues of ethics, privacy, and becoming more transparent about the analytics they are doing. The Organizational Network Analytics is growing and so is a new world of “relationship analytics”. People Analytics will guarantee success. Getting into the Flow of Work Employee experience is the buzzword and we are trying to reform it in a way that applies and improves the work experience of every individual in an organization. Organizations define employee experience as a project of looking at the moments that matter, transitions, periods of time in career where one is stressed and what can HR do to make that easier. But none of the tools are designed to measure or map something like this. All tools are designed for the HR function, not this. There is a new category of software being built to help HR with the employee experience - to shield employees from the complexities of the backend HR systems and deliver all the different things the HR does in the flow of work.
  • 企业服务
    有关智能自动化将如何改变人力资源功能的见解Insights On How Intelligent Automation Will Change The HR Function 文/ Darren Burton 文章导读: 麦肯锡全球研究所(McKinsey Global Institute)最近的一项研究发现,60%的职业至少有30%的构成工作可以实现自动化,而全球3%至14%的劳动力将需要转换职业类别。 智能自动化将以各种方式直接影响人力资源——从它在组织中需要扮演的角色,提供的服务,到与人力资源相关的工作实际完成的方式。 影响: 更深入地研究如何使员工的表现最佳化。 自动化可以消除重复性的任务,解放员工工作日的部分工作。这引发了一系列潜在的问题: 员工应该如何利用剩余的时间? 组织如何向员工提供处理不同任务所需的技能? 员工的表现是否应该有不同的评价? 当基础任务现在由智能系统处理时,员工如何“学习基础知识”? 根据IA技能计划未来。 搞清楚开发、培训和维护智能自动化系统所需的技能,然后借用这些技能的最佳方式,在市场上做出区别。智能自动化技术还将有助于建立一种价值主张,能够吸引合适的人才,以满足公司当前和未来的需求。 让领导做好管理转型的准备。  领导除了平衡市场和短期预期的交付,他们还需要为个人和职业转型的团队成员提供指导。设定现实的期望,让人们参与变革过程,帮助个人适应数字化和人力劳动的世界。 英语原文: As a business executive and HR leader, it’s hard to keep track of all the predictions associated with the future of intelligent automation. For example, a recent study by the McKinsey Global Institute identified that 60 percent of occupations have at least 30 percent of constituent work activities that could be automated, and that three to fourteen percent of the global workforce will need to switch occupational categories. These studies make a series of assumptions regarding the types of jobs that will be automated, the pace at which automation will occur, and the various governmental policies that will help or hinder the adoption of these types of technologies. In today’s market, intelligent automation skills are at a premium.ISTOCK Regardless of exact magnitude of the change, it’s pretty clear that intelligent automation is going to directly impact HR in a variety of ways—from the role it needs to play within an organization, to the services it needs to provide, to the way HR-related work actually gets accomplished. Within KPMG, as we continue to work with clients in this space and look to transform our own internal HR capability, it is safe to say that HR will play a central role in helping the organization do a few key things: Dig deeper into how to best enable employee performance. As much of our early experience has demonstrated, automation can eliminate repetitive tasks and potentially free up a portion of a worker’s overall day. This, of course, raises a whole range of potential questions: What should employees do with the remainder of their time? How do we provide them with the skills needed to handle different tasks? Should their performance be assessed differently? How do they “learn the basics” when basic-level tasks are now handled by an intelligent system? These are precisely the types of questions that the HR professional of the future must be able to help business leaders answer so that they can design jobs and shift roles to make the most of employees’ skills and capabilities. Plan for a future dependent on IA skills. In today’s market, intelligent automation skills are at a premium. As one New York Times article joked, “Salaries are spiraling so fast that some joke the tech industry needs a National Football League-style salary cap on A.I. specialists.” Figuring out the skills that are needed to develop, train, and maintain intelligent automation systems and then determining the best way to either build, buy, or borrow those skills can make the difference between spending too much or too little in this marketplace. It will also help in building a value proposition that can attract the right talent to meet a company’s current and future needs. Prepare leaders to manage the transformation. The opportunities offered by intelligent automation are equaled by the potential magnitude of change executives will face as they come to terms with significant shifts in their industries and business models. In addition to balancing marketplace shifts with delivery on short-term expectations, they will need to provide guidance to team members who may be going through their own personal and professional transformations. The need to set realistic expectations, involve people in the change process, and help individuals adjust to a world of digital and human labor will test the capabilities of even seasoned change leaders. Interested in learning more about people challenges associated with intelligent automation? KPMG partners Mark Spears, Robert Bolton, and David Brown have authored two important perspectives, “Rise of the Humans” and “Rise of the Humans 2,” that provide useful insights into the topic.
  • 企业服务
    「Worktile」获5000万元B轮融资,下一步发力中大型企业 来源/36氪 文/徐宁 2018年上半年,营收同比增长300%+。 36氪独家获悉,Worktile已完成5000万人民币B轮融资,由斯道资本领投、宽带资本跟投。 Worktile成立于2013年,是团队协作SaaS平台上的一员,该赛道是企业服务中发展较早的领域,国外有Slack,国内第一梯队有Teambition、Worktile、Tower等。36氪对Worktile一直跟进报道:2015年发布4.0版本,开始启动商业化;过去两年,Worktile从免费转型到付费;之后于2017年上线5.0版本;2017年,公司实现营收同比增长600%;2018年上半年,营收同比增长300%+。 目前,Worktile团队人数近150人,设立包括北京总部在内的上海、深圳、杭州、西安、台北6家分公司和办事处;海外业务也正在快速发展中。付费客户已超过3000家,其中不乏北京奔驰、碧桂园和人民网等大型企业,也有映客直播、易企秀等互联网公司。 本轮融资后,Worktile将发力服务中大型企业。Worktile CEO王涛透露,本月Worktile将发布7.0版本新系统,该系统是基于PaaS化基础设施图灵平台,高度可配置平台,可以更适合中大客户的复杂场景。 以下可以回顾下今年2月跟Worktile CEO王涛的对话: 36氪:Worktile的客户定位是怎样?客户团队规模通常在? 王涛:Worktile目前的核心客户仍然是中小客户为主,大客户在不断增长,未来定位将以中大型客户为主发展主线,客户规模在30-3000人的公司。 36氪:客户的使用情况是全公司用还是某些团队用?哪些团队较多?哪些行业较多? 王涛:比例上,还是团队比例更高。不过,全公司使用是趋势,往往先从公司的某个团队开始延伸。其中,研发、产品、市场、人事团队和场景占比超过 75%;行业方面,互联网、传统制造、电商、教育、金融是使用最多的行业。 36氪:Worktile现在的收入状况怎样? 王涛:目前,团队业务已逐渐覆盖全国,共有20多万家用户,月流水约300万元,已实现盈利。 36氪:收入中,SaaS和私有化的比例是? 王涛:SAAS营收占比超过75%,私有化客户营收占比约 25%。 36氪:现在是怎么收费的?续约率怎样? 王涛:目前SAAS收费按照人数每人每年收费,分为三个不同的套餐,专业版299元每人每年,企业版499元每人每年,旗舰版699元每人每年。同时提供10人以下完全免费的版本。 续约率方面,核心客户(20人- 1000人规模客户)续约率在客户成功的努力下好转,核心客户续约率为74%,核心客户金额续约率89%。新客户中,在3-6个月发生增费的占到30%以上。 36氪:2017年营收同比增长600%,增长来自哪里? 王涛:主要的原因是两方面,1.产品层更适配中大客户的需求,客户规模、多产品定价套餐实现了客单价的提高;2.另一方面,销售团队、模式和经验经过一年的打磨,逐渐找到合适的路径,新客户实现了3倍以上增长。 36氪:现在Worktile团队多少人?大致结构配比怎样? 王涛:目前团队90人,研发40人、销售40人、市场运营支持和其他 10人,销售和技术1:1。 36氪:下一步产品方面的规划是? 王涛:新一年,产品方面将坚持服务30-3000人客户的定位,切实解决更大规模客户的需求瓶颈。产品也针对这个定位,在场景化、垂直化和业务深度上,实现更大力度的投入。 另一方面,Worktile将实现目前产品各个应用间的深度整合,例如OKR(目标管理)和任务之间在客户场景上有非常多的场景化需求是来自大客户的。