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为了让专业HR的工作更加轻松,很多应用现在更多的设计方向向消费者们的需求靠拢, 使员工能够互相学习与合作、分享反馈、设定目标、指导他们的事业并能更高效的管理他人。
10 disruptive HR tech trends to look out for in 2016
Increasingly, firms are addressing their HR priorities – such as creating a strong company brand, attracting the brightest talent and competitively paying staff – by investing in technology.
As we enter the final months of 2015, Bersin by Deloitte has unveiled a new report noting the 10 big disruptions on the horizon of HR tech we need to be aware of:
1. Consumerised HR Technology
Instead of designing HR software and applications solely to make the jobs of HR professionals easier, many applications are now designed with the end user in mind – employees, enabling them to learn and collaborate, share feedback, set goals, steer their own careers and even manage other people more effectively.
“The HR technology market is bursting with new applications that shift the focus toward more consumer-like experience and away from tools created to streamline the work of HR administration,” the report stated.
2. Mobile is the new platform
With more than 2.1 billion smartphone users on the planet, it is unsurprising that HR is starting to leverage on mobile as its new platform.
Some breakthrough areas of in the coming year is likely to include engagement and feedback systems.
3. The emergence of ERP vendors
These vendors are quickly catching up as credible, effective providers of comprehensive talent management technologies to support processes such as recruiting, learning, and a range of people management tools.
4. Redefining HR functions with built-for-the-cloud providers
This “third wave” of talent solution providers come with consumer-like products, built for mobile and the cloud. They are thought to have a huge effect on several areas including payroll, learning technology, and employee engagement.
5. Feedback and culture management as new software categories
Bringing together the world of performance management with feedback, employee check-ins and development planning. Providers are expected to release feedback apps that could enable meetings and conference calls more useful and productive.
6. The new way of managing performance and goals
As organisations do away with ratings and simplify their performance management processes, gaps in user needs left by traditional performance management software are filled by making use of feedback and check-ins.
7. Integrated content from everywhere
With the growing need for skills development and expanding training marketplace, learning experience middleware is expected to bring various content together into an integrated learning experience.
8. The growth of predictive analytics: more vendors, more solutions
A range emerging vendors are offering the whole predictive analytics package, from identifying employee flight risks to determining whether a new office layout is working or not.
9. Cloud computing does not make technology services obsolete
Organisations that buy new cloud-based HR systems still experience challenges especially during the transition. To cope with these challenges, the selection of vendors is crucial. These vendors should be able to deliver high levels of service, have open-programming interfaces, experience in the buyer’s particular industry, and fit the business culture.
10. Employee engagement is critical
Even in the “third wave” of HR tech (moving from licensed software to cloud-based systems to mobile technologies), employee engagement is crucial. This wave is all about engaging employees in a simple, compelling way and the success of HR technologies should be evaluated by employees’ engagement with the systems.
Allay成立于2014年,总部位于旧金山。Allay为一家在线人力资源和福利平台网站。需要保险和福利的公司可以通过此在线平台可以完成无纸化劳动合同签订并为员工制定包括医保在内的多项保险服务。本次领投的公司为BlueCross BlueShield Venture Partners,以及Sandbox Industries, 500 Startups, Arnold Capital和多位独立天使投资人参投。
Allay, a San Francisco-based HR management platform provider, raised $3.4m in seed funding.
The round was led by BlueCross BlueShield Venture Partners with participation from Sandbox Industries, 500 Startups, AngelPad’s Thomas Korte, Ryan Holmes, Geoff Entress, Arnold Capital and others.
The company intends to use the funds to expand in the U.S. health insurance market.
Founded in 2014 by Julien Emery and Andrew Draper, Allay provides provides an HR platform which enables employers to onboard new hires, sign documents, select and enroll in the most relevant benefit plans for each individual and/or group, and provide HR and benefits administration and compliance. The solution can work with any broker that an employer wants. In addition, the company is also building out its own preferred partner broker network to ensure employers are getting trustworthy broker/advisors.
陈一鸣 (Chade-Meng Tan 'Jolly Good Fellow' )10月31日正式从谷歌退休说到Chade-Meng Tan 陈一鸣你可能不知道是谁,但是你看到这几张照片,你就知道他的故事了~~
他是谷歌的107号员工,他的抬头是“jolly good fellow ”
[caption id="attachment_9782" align="alignnone" width="600"] Chade-Meng Tan[/caption]
所有去谷歌的名人跟CEO合影不是必须的,而跟Chade-Meng Tan合影变得非常重要了,这样可以证明你是个名人·~:) 开个玩笑,大家可以去搜索下Chade-Meng Tan在谷歌的故事。
I am a Google pioneer, an award-winning engineer, a New York Times bestselling author, a thought leader, and a philanthropist. My work has been nominated 7 times for the Nobel Peace Prize.
I met three US Presidents. The Dalai Lama gave me hugs. I spoke at the White House, the UN and TED. Barack Obama said he remembered seeing me on the front page of the New York Times. I had dinner with President Jimmy Carter, drank tea with the King of Bhutan, and sat next to the Prince of Monaco at a movie. Mom said I made her proud.
My career goal is to create the conditions for world peace in my lifetime. That's all.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Retiring from Google
"Knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
"Not me anymore."
I would like to let you know that I'm retiring from Google.
A few months ago, after I celebrated my 15th anniversary as a Googler (which is my version of the "Google 15", since I never gained 15 pounds as a Googler), and as I looked forward to an impending 45th birthday (yes, I am that old, dammit), it occurred to me that I don't have that many years left and I really need to focus on my two most important priorities: mastering inner peace, and creating the conditions for world peace in my lifetime. Therefore, there are two things I urgently need to give more of my time to. The first is my meditation practice; I need the practice (3 hours a day, at least) to work towards mastery of mind. The second is to devote more of my time to the two charities I help lead, both of which have the potential to create the conditions for world peace in one lifetime. One is the One Billion Acts of Peace campaign, which has the potential to spark a massive global movement to solve the biggest problems facing humanity. The other is the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI, pronounced "silly"), which has the potential to massively scale inner peace, inner joy and compassion worldwide. I can't think of any work more important for me to do, and given the finite time I have left, I want to devote most of my time to these two priorities. In a sense, I'm following the example of one of my greatest heroes, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who meditates for 4 hours a day and spends most of the rest of his time benefiting humanity. I feel like I can only do a small fraction of what he does, but he inspires me to take this path. After a lot of careful consideration, I came to the conclusion that now is the time for me to make this major decision.
Of course, this decision is bitter-sweet for me. I'm excited by the opportunity to spend my time and energy on my most important priorities, but at the same time, it is very hard to leave Google. I absolutely love Google. I love the company, I love the culture, I love being a Googler and, most of all, I love my fellow Googlers. I'm tremendously grateful to Larry and Sergey for hiring me (and then forgetting to fire me for 15 whole years), to Eric for being a friend and role model, to the all wonderful people I've worked with (way too many to name individually), and to my string of great managers, especially my current manager, Karen May, the best manager I've ever had. To all of you who had the misfortune of being my boss, so sorry, and thank you. And to all my co-workers: you are all amazing, and I'm so going to miss you.
My last day at Google will be 31st October 2015, a few days after I turn 45.
Frequently Answered Questions
Q: Why do you need to meditate for 3 hours a day?
A: In a way, I see myself as the meditation equivalent of a full time musician, artist or athlete, who should primarily be practicing for hours a day. I think the minimum practice time for a full time musician or artist or athlete or meditator should be 3 hours a day. Specifically, I will be working towards mastering a meditation practice known as Jhana, which culminates in the perfection of serenity, concentration and joy. In that sense, I'm going pro.
Q: Why are One Billion Acts of Peace and SIYLI so important to you?
A: One Billion Acts of Peace is a campaign designed to solve the biggest problems facing humanity, such as hunger, poverty, oppression, injustice, and environmental destruction. Those problems are so big that the only way to solve them is to galvanize all the citizens of the world to work together. One Billion Acts of Peace has the potential to spark that massive global movement. We already have the active involvement of 14 Nobel Peace laureates and hundreds of volunteers, inspired 6.6 million acts of peace from more than a million people, gained the support of some giants in the corporate world such as Google and Wells Fargo, and 7 Nobel Peace laureates (led by Archbishop Desmond Tutu) have nominated us for the Nobel Peace Prize. AND, we are only just getting started! While Billion Acts focuses on action for the world, SIYLI takes a complimentary approach of spreading inner peace, inner joy and compassion worldwide. SIYLI's vision is, "Every leader in the world is wise and compassionate, thus creating the conditions for world peace." It does so, for example, by delivering the Search Inside Yourself course worldwide, including in organizations such as Google and the United Nations. Search Inside Yourself has been endorsed by the Dalai Lama, former President Jimmy Carter, and many other top global leaders. In its short existence, SIYLI has already deeply touched the lives of many thousands of people. Either one of the two approaches has the potential to create the conditions for world peace in one lifetime. Combined, boom! I really can't think of anything more important I should be doing, besides meditating for 3 hours a day.
Q: What do you do for those charities?
A: I'm Chairman of SIYLI and Co-Chair of One Billion Acts of Peace. In both roles, I expect to continue to live this famous Gandhi quote: "There they go. I must run and catch up with them, because I am their leader!"
Q: Shall I donate lots of money to those charities?
A: Yes.
Q: Are you sad to leave Google?
A: Yes, very much so. When I made the decision to retire, it felt like the most logical thing in the world to do. But after I informed my manager Karen May of the decision (she is sad, but very understanding and supportive) and started putting things in motion, I started becoming very sad. Being a Googler has been an integral part of me for 15 years, and I feel that part of me is dying. While struggling with that sadness, I made another important decision: I decided not to die as a Googler. If I do not die as a Googler, then my leaving Google is absolutely unavoidable, it is just a matter of time, and therefore, this sadness that I experience is also totally unavoidable, it is just a matter of time. Since it is entirely a matter of time, I decided it should be at the most logical time, which is now.
Q: Does turning 45 have anything to do with it?
A: Actually, yes. There is a part of me who thinks that retiring on or a few days after my 45th birthday is kinda cool. :) Plus, the older I get, the more keenly aware I am of my mortality and the importance of fulfilling my mission while I'm still alive (because after I die, it gets harder for me to do stuff).
Q: What are you going to do with all that free time?
A: I don't expect to have very much free time at all. Between 3 hours a day of meditation, One Billion Acts of Peace, SIYLI, working on my next book (currently planned for publication in May 2016), plus my other responsibilities (including being Adjunct Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and advisor to various startups), there's not going to be a lot of free time left. I plan for most or all of my free time to go to my family. I hope someday to have lots of actual free time, before I die.
at 8:47 AM
云分析企业 Numerify 获 3750 万美金 C 轮融资,致力大数据分析优化企业 IT
云分析服务企业Numerify刚刚获得了 C 轮 3750 万美金的融资,他们从去年9月 开始转向为 IT 运维提供分析应用服务。这次融资之后,Numerify 准备使用监控分析的方式为 IT 企业服务的更高效,更好的实施安保系统。
CEO Gaurav Rewari 说,Numerify 要用分析数据优化用户的服务。比如说,简化服务信息的传递,测试出什么服务适合自动进行,什么适合人工进行。简单来说:就是将企业在Numerify 上的云数据进行计算和分析,可以将多个阶段的数据进行比对,优化企业的服务架构。
在资产方面也会有一些服务,算是帮助公司更合理的管理资产,能在 IT 管理上省一些资金。
其实 Numerify 就是想针对一些越来越庞大的公司做服务,因为随着这些公司的壮大,数据也会越来越多,对于他们来说是一种消耗和负担,不过问题是,这些公司一大自己就可以建立云分析服务团队了,所以在这一点上,Numerify 要想发展的更好,必须找出自己的优势。
这次融资由 Tenaya Capital 领投,Sequoia Capital 和 Lightspeed Venture 跟投。