• 澳大利亚
    澳大利亚线上顾问平台Expert360获得310万A轮融资 导语:这笔融资将会用于扩大其顾问支持团队,并且增加更多企业级服务。HRTechChina也报道过专注中小企业咨询的 “收费版知乎”的“答赏”,“答赏”是通过垂直领域的专业问答涉足在线咨询,为企业经营者提供解决问题方案的,致力打造最有价值的商业分享和人脉社区。国外方面,连接企业家和高级顾问和行业专家的Clarity也与之相类似。 澳大利亚Expert360是一家提供高端顾问服务的平台,近日该公司获得了410万澳元(约合310万美元)的A轮融资,领投方是Frontier Ventures风投公司。 这笔融资将会用于扩大其顾问支持团队,在研究、数据、以及其他知识产品方面提供服务。此外据Expert360联合创始人兼首席运营官Emily Yue透露,该融资还会用于Expert360增加更多企业级服务,一些从大企业退休的高管将会加入到Expert360的顾问人才团队,客户还能获得专属项目经理的支持。 据了解,目前全球顾问行业的市值已经达到了3500亿美元。 参与本轮投资的还有澳大利亚本土科技基金Rampersand,一批机构投资人,现有股东,和高净值投资人(比如Macquarie银行前任总经理Allan Moss AO)。本轮投资之后,Frontier Ventures风投创始人Dmitry Alimov将会加入到Expert360公司董事会。 Alimov说道,“线上顾问服务具有颠覆全球顾问行业的潜力,而Expert360则是此领域里的佼佼者。他们突破了传统的咨询顾问方法,利用科技的力量,全球互联,以及个体性专长,为客户提供优秀的解决方案。Expert360团队给我们留下了深刻印象,他们的执行力非常快,产品质量和发展轨迹也很不错。我们非常高兴能够重新回到线上顾问服务行业。我们的目标,就是帮助该公司的联合创始人和他们的团队,把这项事业推向新的。” Expert360公司成立于2013年,他们在全世界拥有超过4500名专业顾问,企业客户可以轻松地与旗下顾问联系,获得帮助。根据该公司官方信息,目前Expert360总部设在悉尼,在澳大利亚和东南亚拥有15名全职员工。 Bridget Loudon是该公司首席执行官兼联合创始人,她说道,“我们的公司愿景非常简单,就是希望利用科技的力量,帮助客户或是客户的项目得到优质的顾问服务,让他们能够随时随地的获得顾问价值。我们非常高兴,因为有一批非常棒的投资人帮助我们将Expert360推上一个新台阶。我们的领投方,Frontier Ventures风投,在全球市场有着丰富且有价值的专业经验,我们非常期待与他们合作。” Frontier Ventures是一家专门在全球新兴市场从事互联网领域投资的风投公司,他们主要关注东南亚和俄罗斯的消费互联网服务。该风投的投资组合包括亚洲餐厅预订平台Chope,俄罗斯线上视频公司ivi.ru,以及俄罗斯和独联体的线上企业服务平台profi.ru。本次对Expert360的投资,是他们第十笔线上服务平台类投资,也是他们在亚太地区的第二笔投资。     Frontier Ventures leads US$3.1M Series A round in Australia’s Expert360 Frontier Ventures has led an oversubscribed AU$4.1 million (US$3.1 million) round raised by Australian consulting marketplace Expert360.   The newly raised capital will see the company expand its support for consultants through access to research, data and other IP. The money will also be used to expand its enterprise services offerings so that executives in larger organisations can get instant access to a pool of consulting talent and support from a dedicated project manager, shared Expert360’s Co-founder and COO Emily Yue.   The global consulting industry is worth US$350 billion.   Co-investors in the round include Australian technology fund rampersand, institutional investors, existing shareholders, and high net worth individuals such as former Macquarie Bank MD Allan Moss AO.   Frontier Ventures Founder Dmitry Alimov will join the company’s Board of Directors.   Alimov said, “Expert360 is a leading marketplace for online consulting services with potential to disrupt a massive global industry. It breaks apart traditional consulting methodology by using the power of technology, global connectivity and individual expertise to provide superior client solutions. We are very impressed by the company’s team, its speed of execution, product quality and outstanding growth trajectory. We know online service marketplaces and we’re excited to back this one. Our goal is to help Bridget, Emily (Co-founders) and the Expert360 team take this business to a new level.”   Launched in 2013, Expert360 connects consultants with companies and has more than 4,500 independent consultants available from around the world. From an initial small team in Sydney, it now has 15 full-time employees across Australia and Southeast Asia, said an official release.   Bridget Loudon, CEO and Co-founder of Expert360 said, “Our vision is simple: it’s about harnessing technology to connect clients and their projects with great consultants, anywhere, anytime and in a way that delivers outstanding value for both parties. We’re extremely excited to have a great set of investors on board to help us take Expert360 to the next level. Our lead investor, Frontier Ventures, brings a wealth of global marketplace expertise that will be very valuable. We look forward to working with them.”   Frontier Ventures is a venture fund focussed on Internet investments in global emerging markets, with a main focus on consumer Internet services in Southeast Asia and Russia. Its portfolio includes Asia’s restaurant reservation platform Chope, Russia’s online video company ivi.ru and online marketplace business in Russia and CIS profi.ru. This investment marks the 10th online marketplace in Frontier Ventures’ portfolio and the fund’s second deal in the APAC region.   来自:e27
  • 澳大利亚
    澳洲招聘网站新趋势:瞄准45岁以上求职者 澳大利亚的在线人才市场开始对45岁以上的求职者友好起来了:今天澳大利亚最大的在线招聘网站OneShift收购了专门为大龄求职者找工作的招聘网站Adage。   Adage是澳大利亚一家专门为45岁以上的求职者提供工作机会的在线求职网站。鉴于越来越多年龄比较大的求职者进入到劳动力市场,所以市场对连接这部分求职者和用人单位的平台越发急需。业内人士分析,近几年内大龄人才市场还会继续增长,所以OneShift收购Adage的行为也不难理解。   但是Adage的用户也不必为这次并购案担心,因为两家公司并购之后将继续对45岁以上的用户采取免费的策略。不过今后这两家公司的网站可能会合并成到OneShift的平台上,目前访问Adage网站就会直接跳转到OneShift首页。   OneShift仅成立了几年时间,目前有41.2万求职者都在使用OneShift找工作,在OneShift上招聘员工的企业也达到了35708家。前段时间这家公司的业务刚刚拓展到新西兰,估计Adage的业务也会在不久的将来拓展到新的区域。   (via TECHINASIA,译|快鲤鱼)
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