为什么区块链招聘可能是未来的人力资源趋势Why blockchain for recruitment might be a future HR trend
by Pam Baker
在人力资源和招聘工作中,有时候会觉得自己在玩弄两个事实和一个谎言 - 不知道谁在玩什么或什么时候玩。如果我们现在玩游戏,它会看起来像这样:区块链是确保准确性的突破。(真相)一些人认为区块链是未来人力资源重要趋势。(真相)。使用HR区块链的细节全部解决。(谎言。)
在这个信任既难以捉摸又高昂的时代,区块链的吸引力正在飙升,因为它提供了一种确认,验证和验证价值和事件的方式。这就是为什么多个垂直行业(如银行业,制造业和保险业)和多个业务横向行业(诸如会计,履行,供应链和运输等部门)被吸引到并且非常兴奋的地方 - 在他们的工作中使用区块链。
“很容易看出,如何能够确保个人教育或工作经历的细节 - 以及可能更多的个人事实 - 是不可改变的,这对人力资源部门来说非常有吸引力,”Carol Van Cleef说,与律师事务所Baker&Hostetler合作,经常就金融科技问题向客户提供建议,包括区块链。
鉴于近期工作性质发生了变化,这不是一项小任务 - 或者是小额费用。
企业软件供应商Workday的学习产品战略主管James Cross说:“十年前,求职者可能拥有一所或两所大学的学位,并明确定义了两三位以前雇主的长期职位。提供基于云计算的人力资本管理和金融云应用程序。“即便如此,验证员工的经验和教育费时费钱,通常在招聘流程结束时以及通过外包背景调查提供商进行,”他说。
“候选人可能曾为一家经营人才市场的雇主工作,或者已经完成了几次轮岗'职责之旅' - 一路获得技能,知识和反馈,”克罗斯说。“他们也可能已经完成了按需在线培训,并获得了徽章或数字凭证,甚至可能为多家雇主开展了'演出'。”
Baker&Hostetler的Van Cleef在区块链上提供了一些关于人力资源趋势的警告。她说:“我们在建立区块链技术和这个术语涉及的所有领域都处于非常早期的阶段。“对于像HR这样的数据密集型功能来说,潜力可能并不是真正的无限,但实际用途将会非常多。”
“在区块链的世界里,成绩单是防篡改的,基本上是由发行机构签署的,我们已经为卡尔加里大学的学生做了这个,允许他们在他们的”cocurricular record“上放上志愿者职位,然后我们“卡尔加里大学计算机科学教授,以及上周在旧金山举行的RSA 2017区块链非金融应用的发言人Thomas P. Keenan解释说。
“虽然你可以对特定事情进行核查,例如申请人是否拥有学位,但是很难有独立咨询或合同工作经验的明确公式,或者在工作时可以清楚地了解职位的头衔是什么意思即使它们属于同一行业,甚至在不同业务中也会有所不同,“Saba Software Inc.产品和合作伙伴市场营销高级总监Paul Ardoin表示,该公司生产依赖机器学习的基于云的人才管理应用程序。
Ardoin解释说:“公司或教育机构在收购中失业或被吞并,可能根本没有这些信息,或者它可能是一个挑战,找到合适的人。” 如果我们试图以追溯的方式记录职业道路,“这将会导致人力资源部门和他们尝试招聘的人们头痛数十年,”他说。
SAP公司人力资源副总裁Bianca McCann表示:“当然,这种[长期员工记录保存]可以在法律和数据隐私的背景下加以考虑。
“在需要确保正常工作许可并促进海外安全支付的国际招聘方案中,区块链的可信安全可以帮助雇主和员工,”技术和管理Keyrus的首席顾问Hannah Curtis说。该公司最近发布了区块链连接器。
智能合约 - 帮助促进和管理数字流转移的计算机协议是资产 - 存储在区块链中。
“与财务应用程序不同,招聘,简历或工作经历没有任何目前可信的历史情景,”Saba Software的Ardoin说。
这意味着人力资源使用区块链技术可能仅限于验证和记录教育和培训 - 至少,起初是如此。
Ardoin说:“ 黑白分布式分类账方法在跟踪公司和非正式学习和培训时仍然是一个有用的模型。“我们已经在Learning Record Stores(一种数字教育资料库)中看到了这种功能,同样存在一些挑战 - 例如支持新类型的内容,并确保非正式学习得到适当的评估 - 但是实施区块链学习应用程序比处理简历和作业历史记录的细微差别要简单得多。
Working in HR and recruitment can sometimes feel like playing a game of two truths and a lie -- without knowing who's playing or when. If we were playing the game now, it would look something like this: Blockchain is a breakthrough in ensuring accuracy. (Truth.) Some see blockchain as an important future HR trend. (Truth.) The details of using blockchain for HR are all resolved. (Lie.)
Indeed, while the promise of using blockchain for recruitment and other HR processes does exist, the reality is filled with complexities. Here's a look at both.
Blockchain on the radar as an HR trend
A blockchain is a distributed, shared digital ledger made up of a trail of validated facts. These facts can be anything from money to information. As part of this digital system of record keeping, each transaction and its details are validated and then recorded across a network of computers. Everyone who has access to the distributed ledger receives this information, and the parties agree on the accuracy before the block is replicated, shared and synchronized among the entities. A blockchain is virtually impossible to tamper with since each block of information references the block before it.
In an age when trust is both elusive and held at a high premium, blockchain's appeal is soaring since it presents a way to confirm, validate and authenticate both values and events. This is why multiple verticals (such as banking, manufacturing and insurance) and multiple business horizontals (departments such as accounting, fulfillment, supply chain and shipping) are drawn to -- and very excited about -- using blockchain in their work.
Why blockchain appeals to HR professionals
"It is easy to see how the idea of being able to ensure [that] the details of one's educational or work experience -- and potentially more personal facts -- are immutable could be very attractive to HR offices," said Carol Van Cleef, partner with law firm Baker & Hostetler, which regularly advises clients on fintech issues, including blockchain.
"Costs associated with repetitive verifications of the same information could be reduced significantly and confidence in the results increased, assuming the original input was accurate," she said.
That's no small task -- or small expense -- given how much the nature of work has changed recently.
"Ten years ago, a job candidate may have had a degree from one or two universities and clearly defined long-term roles with two or three previous employers," said James Cross, director of learning product strategy at Workday, an enterprise software vendor that offers cloud-based human capital management and financial cloud-based applications. "Even then, verifying an employee's experience and education was time-consuming and expensive, typically happening right at the end of the hiring process and through an outsourced background check provider," he said.
Cross points out that in today's business landscape, recruitment is quite different than in the past. "A candidate is likely to have had more jobs and a more diverse tapestry of career, personal and learning experiences than previously," he said.
Findings from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics bear this out. In 2016, the average job tenure for millennial workers ages 25 to 34 was 2.8 years. This is significant. According to Pew Research Center, millennials now make up the largest generation in the labor force. Education, too, has changed drastically and now is much harder to track and validate.
"Candidates may have worked for an employer that operates a talent marketplace or have completed several rotational 'tours of duty' -- gaining skills, knowledge and feedback along the way," Cross said. "They may also have completed on-demand online training, and been awarded badges or digital credentials. And they may even have worked 'gigs' for several employers."
And that's just for starters. Considering HR is a data-intensive function, blockchain could have many more applications within the department's scope.
Baker & Hostetler's Van Cleef offers some caveats on blockchain as fledgling HR trend. "We are at a very early stage in the build-out of blockchain technology and all that the term involves," she said. "For data-heavy functions like HR, the potential may not be truly unlimited, but practical uses will be numerous."
Education verification likely the first blockchain use for HR
Because people and their backgrounds can be so complicated, using blockchain in the recruitment process has some tricky elements. For blockchain technology to work as a solid resume or unquestionable employment history, the question of who contributes and who verifies the data in each block is key. In some uses, such as education verification, the answers to those questions are relatively straightforward. So much so, that some universities are already providing these data blocks for their students. And it isn't only grades and degrees you'll find there.
"In a blockchain world, the transcripts would be tamperproof and, basically, signed by the issuing institution. We already do this for our students at the University of Calgary by allowing them to put volunteer positions on their 'cocurricular record,' which we then certify for them," explained Thomas P. Keenan, M.A., professor of Computer Science at the University of Calgary and a presenter on nonfinancial uses of the blockchain at RSA 2017 in San Francisco last week.
Time worked, goals met, and resulting pay and bonuses due and paid are useful records for both the employer and the employee, and a record of earned bonuses could be a plus for future employment opportunities, too.
The sharing of education data between institutions is potentially straightforward, too.
"Another great advantage will be cost reduction," Keenan said. "We spend time checking the credentials of applicants from foreign universities, and the universities themselves. A blockchain registry to validate institutions would go a long way to eliminating this onerous task," he said.
HR professionals, however, are likely to want this information in blockchain form as much to combat fraud as to cut costs in the verification process.
"While college transcripts usually carry a high level of authentication, I can tell you that we have seen some totally bogus ones, fabricated in faraway countries and submitted as authentic," said Keenan.
Indeed, fraudulent education claims were rampant at the height of outsourcing and still pose problems for companies operating in multiple countries where it is sometimes difficult to sync information across geographies and to equate differences in degrees and schools.
Blockchains could be helpful in establishing this information and then preserving it for companies that may need this information in the future. In addition, a blockchain has the potential to follow an employee from job to job and provide a fast and reliable means for that employee to present education credentials and get hired quicker.
Problems in documenting work history
Verifying education is one thing, documenting the nuances of employment history is quite another.
"While you can check off boxes on specific things like if the applicant has a degree, it's harder to have a definite formula for things like experience in independent consulting or a contract job, or a clear understanding of what titles for jobs mean when they can even vary from one business to another, even if it's the same industry," said Paul Ardoin, senior director of product and partner marketing at Saba Software Inc., which makes cloud-based talent management applications that rely on machine learning.
There are problems with validating historical data to contend with, as well.
"Companies or educational institutions that have gone out of business or been gobbled up in an acquisition may simply not have the information available, or it may be a challenge getting to the right person," explained Ardoin. If we attempt to document career paths retroactively, "it will cause headaches for decades for both HR departments and the people [who] they try to recruit," he said.
In short, this indicates that it is more practical to build blockchains for employment purposes from this point forward than it is to backtrack and build a complete past record. In turn, for many employees, a blockchain would only be a partial employment record.
Another thorny issue is the widespread use of applicant tracking systems, or more specifically, HR's reliance on keywords to sort applicants. While automation is helpful to HR, it's often an obstacle to applicants, who then resort to writing multiple versions of their resume to trigger specific keyword searches in various jobs. It would be unlikely that applicants could do that in the current conceptions of blockchain, and hiring companies may miss out on great talent.
HR's use of blockchain vs. legal, privacy issues
"Of course, this [long-term employee record keeping] would be something to consider in context of laws and data privacy," said Bianca McCann, vice president of HR at SAP.
Right now, for example, it's illegal in some places to ask a candidate their past wages or current age. But such information could be stored in a blockchain and, depending on how its employment-related use develops and how concepts of privacy surrounding that develop, the jobseeker's private information could potentially be accessed without his or her permission. This raises a number of questions. For example, if a hiring organization views certain information in a blockchain, is it taking a legal risk? Or, could a potential employer's access to this information pose a real risk to the employee who did not wish to indulge it?
On the other hand, blockchain becoming an HR trend in the hiring process could be win-win in certain scenarios.
"The trusted security of blockchain can additionally assist both employers and employees when it comes to international hiring scenarios where there is a need to ensure proper work permits and facilitate secure payments overseas," said Hannah Curtis, principal consultant at Keyrus, a technology and management firm that recently released blockchain connectors.
Time worked, goals met, and resulting pay and bonuses due and paid are useful records for both the employer and the employee, and a record of earned bonuses could be a plus for future employment opportunities, too.
"After candidates are hired, blockchain smart contracts could have an impact on employee wages, benefits and retirement packages, as well. As an example, any benefit contingent on another event, such as receiving a bonus based on hitting a set target goal, could be encoded and automatically triggered via a smart contract," said Curtis.
Smart contracts -- computer protocols that help to facilitate and manage the transfer of digital currents are assets -- are stored in a blockchain.
"This is particularly useful in the case of freelance and contractor positions where smart contracts could ensure payment only for completed work," she said.
"Unlike financial applications, recruiting, resumes or job histories don't have any current scenarios in which the history is currently trusted," said Saba Software's Ardoin.
What this means is that HR's use of blockchain technology will likely be confined to verifying and documenting education and training -- at least, at first.
"The black-and-white distributed ledger approach can still be a useful model when tracking corporate and informal learning and training," Ardoin said. "We're already seeing this kind of functionality within Learning Record Stores (a form of digital education repository). Again, there are challenges -- such as supporting a new type of content, and making sure that informal learning is properly valued --but the implementation of a blockchain for learning applications is much more straightforward than dealing with the nuances of resumes and job histories."
Future of Work
Future of Work
人工智能如何改变人才获取 How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Talent Acquisition现在大家都在关注招聘AI,并就如何改变招聘方式进行了大量的讨论。招募人工智能是下一代软件,旨在改进或自动化招聘工作流程的某些部分。
作者:Ji-A Min
经济的改善:最近的经济收益创造了一个候选人驱动型市场,这使得人才竞争比以往更加激烈。这一竞争只会继续增加 - LinkedIn调查的 56%的人才招聘领导者认为他们的招聘数量将在2017年增长。
关于人工智能的力量,让候选人与工作岗位相匹配的不同观点,请参阅“ 尽管您阅读或听取的内容,采购活动和确实如此”。
How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Talent Acquisition
AI for recruiting is on everyone’s mind these days with a lot of talk on how it’s going to transform recruiting. Artificial intelligence for recruiting is the next generation of software designed to improve or automate some part of the recruiting workflow.
Interest in AI for recruiting has been sparked by three major trends:
The improving economy: The recent economic gains have created a candidate-driven market that’s made competing for talent tougher than ever. This competition will only continue to increase – 56% talent acquisition leaders surveyed by LinkedIn believe their hiring volume will grow in 2017.
The need for better technology: Although hiring is predicted to increase, 66% of talent acquisition leaders state their recruiting teams will stay the same size or even shrink. This means time-constrained recruiters need better tools to effectively streamline or automate a part of their workflow, ideally for tasks that are the most time-consuming.
The advancements in data analytics: As technology becomes fast and cost-effective enough to collect and analyze vast quantities of data, talent acquisition leaders are increasingly asking their recruiting teams to demonstrate data-based quality of hire metrics such as new hires’ performance and turnover.
The growing popularity of AI for recruiting represents exciting opportunities for recruiters to enhance their capabilities but there’s also a lot of confusion about how to best leverage it.
To help you make sense of it all, here are the three most promising applications for AI for recruiting.
Application #1: AI for candidate sourcing
Candidate sourcing is still a major recruiting challenge: a recent survey found 46% of talent acquisition leaders say their recruiting teams struggle with attracting qualified candidates.
AI for candidate sourcing is technology that searches for data people leave online (e.g., resumes, professional portfolios, or social media profiles) to find passive candidates that match your job requirements.
This type of AI for recruiting streamlines the sourcing process because it can simultaneously search through multiple sources of candidates for you. This replaces the need to manually search them yourself and potentially saves you hours per req. The time you save sourcing can be spent attracting, pre-qualifying, and interviewing the strongest candidates instead.
Application #2: AI for candidate screening
When 75-88% of the resumes you receive are unqualified, it’s easy to see why resume screening is the most frustrating and time-consuming part of recruiting. For high-volume recruitment such as retail and customer service roles, most recruiting teams just don’t have the time to manually screen the hundreds to thousands of resumes they receive per open role.
AI for screening is designed to automate the resume screening process. This type of intelligent screening software adds functionality to the ATS by using post-hire data such as performance and turnover to make hiring recommendations for new applicants.
It makes these recommendations by applying the information it learned about existing employees’ experience, skills, and other qualifications to automatically screen and grade new candidates. This type of technology can also enrich resumes by using public data sources about previous employers and candidates’ social media profiles.
AI for resume screening automates a low-value, repetitive task and allows recruiters to re-focus their time on higher value priorities such as talking and engaging with candidates to assess their fit.
Application #3: AI for candidate matching
Candidate matching can be an even bigger challenge than sourcing: 52% of recruiters say the hardest part of their job is identifying the right candidates from a large applicant pool.
AI for candidate matching uses an algorithm to identify the strongest matches for your open req. Matching algorithms analyze multiple sources of data such as candidates’ personality traits, skills, and salary preferences to automatically assess candidates against the job requirements.
For example, a LinkedIn job posting ranks candidates by matching the skills on your job description to applicants’ skills on their LinkedIn profiles. Talent marketplaces use matching algorithms to match their community of candidates to open roles. These talent marketplaces usually cater to specific candidate skill sets such as software development or sales.
AI for matching is used to identify the most qualified candidates from those who have opted-in and are either actively looking for a new role or are very open to a new opportunity. This means recruiters don’t need to waste time trying to attract passive candidates who just aren’t interested in a new role.
在争夺最佳人才方面,员工的体验越来越重要Josh Bersin教你五大策略来最大化员工体验在争夺最佳人才方面,员工的体验越来越重要,人力资源需要关注授权,发展和吸引人才进入热门就业市场的核心优势,Josh Bersin写道。
作者:Josh Bersin
让我们都在这里享受美好时光。是的,这个热门的就业市场造成了很大的压力,但如果你专注于赋权,发展和引人入胜的核心优势 - 你就会蓬勃发展。现在云层在地平线上,让我们享受阳光吧。
保持当前的工资和福利。现在我认为公司必须每六个月刷新一次奖励计划。每年都不够快。我曾经和那些给员工半年一次审查和加薪的公司谈过,即使这在某些情况下可能还不够。现在公布大量的薪酬信息 - 员工可以找到它,所以您应该领先于此。
重新设计您的L&D战略。今年是2018年,采用微型学习策略的一年,更新您的LMS和工具,并深入了解“工作流程中的学习”的概念。我很快就会写更多内容 - 但让我提醒你,当人们觉得自己“没有学习”时,他们会离开公司。你可以解决这个问题。
Josh Bersin’s top 5 strategies to maximise the employee experience
The employee experience is increasingly important in the battle for the best talent, and HR needs to focus on core strengths of empowering, developing and engaging people in a hot jobs market, writes Josh Bersin
We are living in interesting times. For the first time in decades the entire global economy is growing. Unemployment rates are almost at a 30 year low, salaries are finally starting to rise, and employers are competing vigorously for a new set of skills (“machine learning skills” are now the hottest according to LinkedIn, a job that has increased in demand by almost 10 times in the last five years.)
But there is a small grey cloud over this horizon. As I remember quite well during the 2000 stock market crash, during very high growth economic times the job market becomes very difficult and employers have to shift their strategies.
Suddenly everyone is competing for the same talent (Conference Board CEO research indicates that “finding and retaining talent” is now the #1 issue on the mind of CEOs), companies start to worry about HR strategies and their leadership pipeline, and job candidates start hopping around quickly. In fact people with in-demand skills suddenly start to behave like movie stars, lobbying for high salaries, comparing employers, and further pushing companies to improve their employment brand.
For HR leaders the whole topic of the “employee experience” suddenly becomes a make or break issue. If your company is not well respected, highly rated on social media websites, and considered a “growing place to work,” you find it harder and harder to attract talent. Sure most people don’t change jobs that often, but people with very unique skills start to move around. Salespeople, engineers, products specialists, and even entry-level employees start to move to the fastest growing companies, leaving the slow growth companies in waves.
“For HR leaders the whole topic of the ’employee experience’ suddenly becomes a make or break issue”
New challenges for HR
The problem with this situation is that it creates a whole new stress on HR. Suddenly companies are focused on the employee experience, productivity, engagement, retention, benefits, rewards, and things like well-being, fringe benefits, the work environment, and all sorts of strange things like free lunch, free dinner, free laundry, and free gym and exercise programs. Here in Silicon Valley, where I live, if you don’t give people a gourmet breakfast, lunch, (and often dinner) you simply cannot attract engineers. This escalating war of benefits keeps going up.
I’ve been through many of these cycles in my career, and my personal experiences shows that many people just plow along and stay where they are, benefiting from the improved economy. But high potentials and leaders can find new jobs easily, so we have to watch them closely. And most companies are re-engineering their programs for succession management, facilitated talent mobility, onboarding, on-demand learning, and career development, so there is a lot to do.
And worst of all, as I remember in the year 2001 and 2008, this all will eventually come to a crashing end. Sometime in the future this global growth will stop, and we will all wonder if these expensive, employee-centric programs are affordable. I remember the theme of our 2008 IMPACT conference was “doing less with less.” We aren’t there now, but it will come eventually.
Refocusing strategies on the employee experience
Is HR ready for this? Absolutely. I have been traveling around meeting with some of the most iconic and important companies in the world, and their HR teams are refocusing on career management, the employee experience, new rewards programs, and all sorts of interesting digital productivity and wellbeing strategies.
Let’s all enjoy the good times while they’re here. Yes, this hot job market creates a lot of stress, but if you focus on your core strengths of empowering, developing, and engaging people – you will thrive. The clouds are out on the horizon for now, let’s enjoy the sun.
“If you don’t give people a gourmet breakfast, lunch, (and often dinner) you simply cannot attract engineers”
5 strategies for maximising the employee experience in the new global economy
Focus on employment brand. Understand and study how candidates view your company, and bring this information back to your CEO and top business leaders so you can push your management to improve culture, engagement, and the work environment.
Keep salaries and benefits current. Right now I believe companies have to refresh their rewards programs every six months. Annually is just no fast enough. I’ve talked with companies that give employees reviews and raises semi-annually and even this may not be enough in some cases. A tremendous amount of compensation information is now public – employees can find it so you should get ahead of this.
Focus on understanding the employee journey, and focus on the end-to-end employee experience. This means everything from candidate to new hire to first day, first month, first quarter, first year, first promotion, and on. The concepts of design thinking are well understood now, so you need to use them to build a digital-enabled experience that helps people thrive throughout their career.
Re-engineer your L&D strategy. This year, 2018, is the year to adopt a micro-learning strategy, refresh your LMS and tools, and get behind the concepts of “learning in the flow of work.” I’ll be writing a lot more on this soon – but let me remind you, people leave companies when they feel they are “not learning.” You can fix this.
Keep the CEO and senior leadership informed. Let him or her know your retention rate, how hard it is to hire, and what areas of the business are suffering from talent shortages or skills gaps. You will need their help to mobilise quickly if you need to hire more recruiters, invest in a new development program, or radically change job models to adapt. In times of competitive growth CEOs want to do everything they can to help, so take advantage of the opportunity.
Image source: iStock
Future of Work
Future of Work
如何成为招聘营销人员?How to Become a Recruitment Marketer
由 Kaitlyn Holbein 撰写
Lane Sutton是RallyRM导师和招聘营销超级巨星。Lane 于2015年在Sprinklr发现了招聘营销。今天,Lane 在完成学位的同时支持迪士尼的招聘营销计划。Lane负责内容策划,战略以及人才市场调查。Lane也是一位备受追捧并备受推崇的演讲者,他在众多的营销和人才招聘会议上分享了他的见解。
提示#1 - 营销人员,马上进入!
提示#2 - 开始联网
提示#3 - 将招聘营销工作融入您当前的角色
“例如,如果您是招聘人员或招聘协调员,您可以询问您的经理是否可以尝试解决并改善特定的候选人体验问题。如果你在营销部门,你可以联系Talent Acquisition,看看你能否帮助他们改进他们的职业生涯内容战略。“
莱恩说,能够显示领导力,从你的工作中获得的收获可能会导致创建你的梦想职位 - 或者至少它会帮助你建立可转移的经验,在申请招聘营销职位时可以给你一个优势另一个组织。
Delaney Rader是Vanguard的招聘营销专家,她负责管理招聘博客,定义战略,采购和创建精彩内容。Delaney在加入Vanguard之前出席了亚利桑那大学。在亚利桑那大学期间,Delaney曾担任校园娱乐部的营销助理,同时还在Vanguard的雇主品牌和招聘营销团队实习。
提示#1 - 您可能隐藏了招聘营销经验
提示#2 - 与团队见面并挑选他们的大脑
提示#3 - 发展你的技能,让你的脚在你身上
Ted Nehrbas是汤森路透的人才品牌营销专家。在他目前的职位上,特德执行了一系列战略,以吸引汤森路透品牌的人才,包括管理公司所有关注职业的社交媒体账户。在Thomson Reuters工作之前,Ted曾是SmashFly的招聘营销专家。他第一次真正进入招聘营销是在2015 年,一家名为Happie的创业公司成为招聘营销实习生。
提示#1 - 招聘人员也可以成为招聘营销人员
提示#2 - 继续发展自己的品牌和社交媒体
“我也建议你逐渐熟悉,如免费工具Canva [图形设计],Crowdfire [社会战略],和股票照片网站,如Picjumbo和Stockvault。这些工具将帮助您制作内容营销资产,如博客和社交帖子,这些对于招聘营销策略来说越来越有价值。内容营销吸引候选人并传达他们为什么应考虑加入贵公司。“
提示#3 - 在申请工作时记住自己的候选人经历
Interested in Recruitment Marketing and Employer Branding, but not sure how to drive your career in that direction? Look no further! We interviewed three professionals who have successfully created bright Recruitment Marketing careers to find out how they landed their first gig and how you can too.
Here are our interviewees and each of their top three tips to become a Recruitment Marketer:
Lane Sutton is a RallyRM Mentor and a Recruitment Marketing superstar. Lane discovered Recruitment Marketing at Sprinklr in 2015. Today, Lane supports Recruitment Marketing initiatives for Disney while finishing his degree. Lane works on content planning, strategy, as well as talent market research. Lane’s also a sought-after and highly regarded speaker, who has shared his insights at numerous Marketing and Talent Acquisition conferences.
Tip #1 – Marketers, jump right in!
Lane’s career initially started out in Marketing. His first internship was with HubSpot, where Lane boosted his social savvy. At Sprinklr, the team was keen to have Lane apply his social media marketing skills to their recruitment needs.
“I was hesitant about this at first,” admits Lane. “I didn’t know a thing about HR. However, I decided to jump in and caught on really quickly. Recruitment Marketing is basically all about applying the marketing tactics and strategies you already know to candidates instead of customers. If you come from a Marketing background, the transition isn’t hard.”
Tip #2 – Start networking
“Reach out to people already working in the space,” advises Lane. “Many will be willing to speak with you about their role, their career journey and the company they work for. You’ll get valuable info and build your network so people can start to think about you for future opportunities on their teams.”
One way to make a Recruitment Marketing connection and gain some insider intel is to apply to the RallyRM Mentor Program. The free program matches people who want to develop their Recruitment Marketing skills with mentors like Lane, who help others to grow their careers and confidently lead new strategies.
Tip #3 – Weave Recruitment Marketing work into your current role
“There are more and more entry level Recruitment Marketing jobs becoming available,” Lane says. “If your company doesn’t have someone doing Recruitment Marketing yet, this is your opportunity! Start taking on projects to build a case for developing a role like this at your organization.
“For instance, if you’re a Recruiter or Recruitment Coordinator, you could ask your manager if you could try addressing and improving a particular candidate experience issue. If you’re in Marketing, you could connect with Talent Acquisition to see if you can help them improve their Careers content strategy.”
Lane says being able to show leadership the takeaways from your work could lead to the creation of your dream role – or at the very least it will help you to build up transferable experience that can give you an advantage when applying for a Recruitment Marketing role at another organization.
Delaney Rader is a Recruitment Marketing Specialist at Vanguard, where she manages the Careers blog by defining strategy, and sourcing and creating great content. Delaney attended the University of Arizona before joining Vanguard. During her time at the University of Arizona, Delaney worked as a Marketing Assistant for the Campus Recreation Department, while also interning with Vanguard’s Employer Brand & Recruitment Marketing team.
Delaney’s top tips:
Tip #1 – You might have hidden Recruitment Marketing experience
Reflecting back on her pre-Vanguard days, Delaney realizes that she had Recruitment Marketing experience before becoming a Recruitment Marketer.
“During college, I was part of a business fraternity,” explains Delaney. “I helped create and distribute flyers to recruit new members every year. I would encourage anyone who’s looking to start a career in Recruitment Marketing to think if they might have experience they could leverage to open a door for themselves.”
Tip #2 – Meet the team and pick their brains
“If you work for an organization that has a full Recruitment Marketing team or even one person who manages Recruitment Marketing, see if you can meet with them to ask questions and start learning. Put yourself on their radar so they know you’re interested in what they’re doing. Passion goes a long way, and they may think of you for their next opening!”
Tip #3 – Develop your skills and get your feet wet where you are
“Some of the key skills Recruitment Marketers need can be developed in a ton of ways,” points out Delaney. “Consider how you can improve your communication skills, as well as how you can gain any marketing experience. If you belong to a club or team, could you manage a social feed for them? Could you help with the website or volunteer to organize an event? These are all great skills and solid experience that can add up to help you evolve into an ideal Recruitment Marketing candidate over time.”
Ted Nehrbas is a Talent Brand Marketing Specialist with Thomson Reuters. In his current role, Ted executes on a range of strategies to attract talent to the Thomson Reuters brand, including managing all of the company’s careers-focused social media accounts. Prior to working at Thomson Reuters, Ted was a Recruitment Marketing Specialist with SmashFly. His first real foray into Recruitment Marketing was with a startup called Happie as a Recruitment Marketing Intern in 2015.
Ted’s top tips:
Tip #1 – Recruiters can also become Recruitment Marketers
There are many career paths that can lead to Recruitment Marketing. Hands-on recruiting experience is also excellent to have.
“During my internship at Happie, I spent time actively recruiting,” explains Ted. “That recruitment experience provided some of the most valuable insights for my later Recruitment Marketing roles. I learned how candidates think, what their pain points are, and how to sell them on my organization. These are all areas that inform my work today too.”
Tip #2 – Grow your own brand and social media following
“Get on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram, and start being active,” suggests Ted. “The skills you learn that take you from 0 to 300 followers are the same types of skills you’ll use in social media marketing for recruitment purposes.
“I’d also recommend getting familiar with free tools like Canva [for graphic design], Crowdfire [for social strategy], and stock photo sites like Picjumbo and Stockvault. These tools will help you produce content marketing assets, like blogs and social posts, which are becoming increasingly valuable for Recruitment Marketing strategy. Content marketing attracts candidates and communicates why they should consider joining your company.”
Tip #3 – Remember your own candidate experience when applying for jobs
“Consider the first thing that piqued your interest about a company. Note the things that irritated you about the application. If you start to consciously consider your own candidate experience, you’ll come up with tons of great ideas that you can use to get ahead when interviewing or positioning yourself for Recruitment Marketing roles.”
The bottom line is that there are many ways to gain experience and become a Recruitment Marketer! People from just about any professional or academic background can be great in Recruitment Marketing if they dedicate time to developing relevant skills in social media and content marketing, networking with people in the industry and finding a mentor, and developing their personal brand.
Lastly, thanks to all of our interviewees for their time and tips! We hope the insight is helpful and we’re excited that you’re considering becoming a Recruitment Marketer. This is an exciting new profession and the more amazing talent we have, the more we can Rally forward and positively impact the Talent Acquisition industry!