• 绩效管理系统
    【HR术语】什么是员工授权?(What is employee enablement?) 什么是员工授权? 员工能力提升是指为员工提供有效开展工作和充分发挥潜能所需的工具、资源和知识。 它可以对组织及其绩效和利润产生积极影响。 提高员工能力为何重要? 员工培训之所以重要,是因为它能对企业产生强大的影响。 如果忽视了这一点,员工就无法有效地工作。他们会感到沮丧,更有可能辞职。 但如果加以推广,则会带来许多好处,包括: 提高生产力。当员工拥有工作所需的资源时,他们的工作效率会更高,工作质量也会更高。 增加收入。由于员工参与能提高绩效,因此自然会带来收入的增加。事实上,将员工敬业度与员工能力提升相结合,可使收入增加 4.5 倍。 创新。在促进员工能动性的工作场所,员工被鼓励自己做决定、提出想法并坦诚交流。这将带来有助于公司发展的更大创新。 留住和吸引人才。鼓励员工的公司拥有更高的员工满意度和留任率。此外,它们也更有可能吸引顶尖人才。 如何衡量员工能力? 衡量员工能力的最佳方法之一是使用员工调查。通过定期调查收集反馈意见,可以深入了解企业在提高员工能力方面是否走在正确的轨道上。 您还可以使用生产率、工作质量和保留率等指标来衡量员工能力。 如何提高员工能力? 您可以通过以下方式提高员工能力: 确立明确的期望。向员工明确传达工作期望、目标和目的。这种明确性有助于他们了解自己的角色和职责,从而达到这些期望。 询问员工需要什么。询问员工需要什么才能胜任工作,或者什么能帮助他们更好地完成工作,并提供给他们。 提供培训和发展。通过发展计划、研讨会和辅导,帮助员工提高技能。 鼓励开放式沟通。创建一种鼓励开放式沟通、反馈和协作的文化。这样,员工就会感到自己受到重视,也更乐于分享自己的建议,帮助公司进步。 赋予员工权力。促进员工授权也能提高员工的能力。你可以通过向员工展示你对他们及其能力的信任来做到这一点。让他们有机会承担更大的责任,并有权做出与工作相关的决定。 员工赋能与员工敬业度之间有何区别? 员工敬业度的重点在于创造积极、充实的员工体验,帮助员工在工作中感受到全力以赴的动力。 而员工授权则是为员工提供有效开展工作所需的实用工具和资源。 尽管员工赋能和员工敬业度有所不同,但两者都需要,才能达到最佳效果。 人力资源技术如何帮助提高员工能力? 人力资源技术可以让员工能力提升变得更容易。您可以使用一些工具来提供帮助: 员工激励平台。有些人力资源软件附带有数字化的员工激励工具,如指标分析和培训资源,可帮助您确保员工拥有一切所需的资源,从而发挥出最佳水平。 学习管理系统。使用学习管理系统(LMS),让员工轻松获取培训材料和职业发展资源。这有助于他们提高技能,从而更有效地开展工作。 绩效管理系统。员工能力提升与绩效之间存在密切联系。通过绩效管理系统衡量员工绩效,再结合其他方法,可以很好地评估员工能力。 协作与沟通工具。项目管理平台、即时通讯应用程序和内联网门户网站等工具可让员工轻松实现协同工作、沟通和知识共享,从而更好地开展工作。 员工反馈工具。反馈平台能让员工轻松地告诉你哪些工作进展顺利,哪些工作需要改进,这样你就能清楚地知道该如何改善现状。 制定员工激励战略是让组织发生更好变化的有力方法。通过专注于此,您将提高绩效、员工保留率和利润。通过将其与员工参与战略相结合,您将拥有一个能激发每个人最佳潜能的工作场所。 以下为文章原文: What is employee enablement? Employee enablement means empowering employees with the tools, resources, and knowledge they need to do their jobs effectively and reach their full potential. It can have a positive impact on an organization and its performance—as well as its profits. Why is employee enablement important? Employee enablement is important because it can have such a powerful effect on a business. If it’s ignored, then employees won’t be able to work effectively. They’ll feel frustrated and may be more likely to resign. But if it’s promoted, then it can bring a number of benefits, including: Increased productivity. When employees have the resources they need to do their jobs, they’re more productive and deliver higher-quality work. Boosted revenue. Because employee enablement improves performance, it naturally leads to an increase in revenue. In fact, the combination of employee engagement and enablement results in a 4.5x increase in revenue. Innovation. In a workplace that promotes employee enablement, employees are encouraged to make their own decisions, contribute their ideas, and communicate openly. This leads to greater innovation that helps the company grow. Retention and talent attraction. Companies that enable employees have greater employee satisfaction and higher retention rates. Plus, they’re also more likely to attract top talent. How do you measure employee enablement? One of the best ways to measure employee enablement is to use employee surveys. Gathering feedback with regular surveys can provide insights as to whether or not your business is on the right track when it comes to employee enablement. You can also use metrics like productivity, work quality, and retention rates as indicators for employee enablement. How do you improve employee enablement? You can improve employee enablement by: Establishing clear expectations. Clearly communicate job expectations, goals, and objectives to employees. This clarity helps them understand their roles and responsibilities, so they can meet those expectations. Asking what employees need. Ask what employees need to be able to do their jobs, or what could help them perform better—and provide it to them. Providing training and development. Help employees grow their skills through development programs, workshops, and coaching. Encouraging open communication. Create a culture that encourages open communication, feedback, and collaboration. That way, employees feel valued and more comfortable with sharing their suggestions to help the company improve. Empowering employees. Promoting employee empowerment also improves employee enablement. You can do this by showing employees that you trust them and their abilities. Give them the chance to take on greater responsibilities and the authority to make decisions related to their work. What is the difference between employee enablement and engagement? Employee engagement focuses on creating a positive and fulfilling employee experience that helps employees feel motivated to do their best at work. Employee enablement, on the other hand, is about providing employees with the practical tools and resources they need to carry out their work effectively. Even though employee enablement and engagement are different, both are needed for the best results. How can HR tech help with employee enablement? HR technology can make it easier to promote employee enablement. There are a number of tools you can use to help: Employee enablement platform. Some HR software comes with digital employee enablement tools, like metric analysis and training resources, that help you ensure that your employees have everything they need to perform at their best. Learning management system. Use a learning management system (LMS) to give employees easy access to training materials and professional development resources. This helps them to be more effective in their work by growing their skillsets. Performance management system. There’s a close link between employee enablement and performance. Measuring employee performance with a performance management system, combined with other methods, can be a good way to assess employee enablement. Collaboration and communication tools. Tools such as project management platforms, instant messaging apps, and intranet portals make it easy for people to work together, communicate, and share knowledge—enabling employees to work better. Employee feedback tools. Feedback platforms make it easy for employees to let you know what’s going well and what needs improvement, so you know exactly what to do to improve the situation. Creating an employee enablement strategy is a powerful way to change your organization for the better. By focusing on it, you’ll improve performance, retention rates, and profits. And by combining it with employee engagement strategies, you’ll have a workplace that brings out the best in everyone.
  • 绩效管理系统
    平安智慧人事携手深圳国资委,深圳市智慧国资绩效管理系统建设项目启动 2020年10月28日,深圳市智慧国资绩效管理系统建设项目签约仪式在深圳投资大厦隆重举行。市国资委副主任胡朝阳、平安集团副总经理兼首席人力资源执行官蔡方方,市国资委考核分配处、企业领导人员管理处、战略发展研究处负责人,投控公司、深业集团、地铁集团、能源集团、特发集团等10家直管企业领导人员出席仪式。仪式上,建设方深圳智慧城市集团与承建方中国平安智慧企业签署合作协议。 本次合作建设的智慧国资绩效管理系统,吸收借鉴平安集团30余年的超大型组织管理经验,引入全球最新科技,以监管驾驶舱和绩效管理应用闭环为重点,计划覆盖直管企业总部中层以上管理人员和二级企业班子成员,近5000名用户。项目建设上游承接委企战略解码,下游输出干部绩效画像和薪酬业绩对标,中间围绕绩效管理和激励机制运行,通过打造目标定义有牵引力、分解传导有传动力、过程追踪有驱动力、结果应用有撬动力的“四力引擎”,建设“横到边、纵到底,可视可控、上下贯通、左右协同”的智慧绩效一体化管理平台。 胡朝阳在致辞中强调,“智慧国资绩效管理系统建设项目是深圳国资委投入最大,合作伙伴最强,先行示范意义最为显著,业务链条最为复杂的项目。今天的签约仪式标志着项目建设正式从规划阶段进入了施工阶段”。 蔡方方对深圳国资委争当改革排头兵的决心和魄力表示钦佩,她表示平安集团自主研发的智慧人事一体化平台目前已助力包括政府部门、央企和地方国企、民营及外资企业等多类大型组织的管理升维。希望此次平安与深圳国资国企的合作,能够有效助力深圳国资更好地担负起提升政府管理效率、推动国企改革、勇当数字化转型 “探路先锋”的重任。 “双区驱动”战略和区域性国资国企综合改革试验为深圳市属国资国企带来了重大历史性发展机遇。在深圳经济特区建立40周年,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发《深圳建设中国特色社会主义先行示范区综合改革试点实施方案(2020-2025年)》的大背景下,建设先进的智慧国资绩效管理系统,将成为深圳国资国企综合改革保障战略、赋能企业、识别人才、激发活力的重要工具和有力抓手,是一项极具开创性和巨大现实意义的工作。未来,深圳市国资委将着力转变国资监管方式、提升国资监管效能、激发国企人才活力、提高国企经营效率,以科技赋能管理,为国资国企改革提供更多“深圳经验”。
  • 绩效管理系统
    北京嘉绩信息科技有限公司—共同战疫,我们在行动,携手HRTechChina为企业助力! 产品或服务: 绩效管理系统、HRBI人力数据分析系统 优惠政策: 北京地区前10家人员规模在300人以内的客户,绩效管理系统产品免费,收取实施成本费 如何获取:(请告知HRTech推荐,获取更好服务) 联系人:郝伟,18611725201(手机微信同号) 邮箱:chinahrp@sina.com 产品或服务介绍: 新一代绩效管理系统,链接组织与员工绩效指标任务目标,全过程管理、不止于打分,高度抽象建模、支持各类主流考核方案如KPI/BSC/OKR/360等,可以生成绩效分析报告,延伸到人才发展系统