• 确保一致性和透明度
    【HR术语】什么是书面警告?(What is a written warning?) 什么是书面警告? 书面警告是雇主就员工的行为或绩效问题向员工发出的告诫。通常情况下,雇主在发出一次或多次口头警告后才会发出书面警告。 书面警告的目的是什么? 书面警告正式列出一个人的不当行为和相应的后果。警告反映了情况的严重性,同时也提供了时间和支持,以帮助专业人员改进。如果雇主确实需要解雇此人,书面警告可作为证据和理由。 警告员工的正确方式是什么? 在发出书面警告之前,先对其进行口头警告。您可以通过电话或在有其他经理在场的会议上这样做。如果问题仍然得不到解决,才考虑发出书面警告。您可以通过电子邮件发送书面警告,也可以通过人力资源部门或在私人会议上传达。 员工警告通知应包括哪些内容? 在撰写警告时,要确保简洁明了,对每项违规行为进行说明并编号。警告内容应包括: 发生日期 主管姓名 人力资源代表姓名 职位名称 专业人员姓名 最近口头警告的简要说明 希望采取的改变行为的行动 未能达到预期的后果 公司关于警告期限(通常为 12 个月)和在员工记录中保留期限(通常为 6-12 个月)的政策 上诉选择 书面警告的例子有哪些? 雇主通常会对以下情况发出书面警告: 屡次迟到或根本不上班 使用脏话或不当语言 骚扰 工作表现不佳 滥用公司财产 违反安全程序 向员工发出书面警告有哪些技巧? 起草和传达书面警告的方式会直接影响到个人和雇主。让我们来看看发出有效和专业警告的六个步骤: 用清晰的语言陈述违规行为。这可以确保每个人都能理解违规行为,并避免任何法律上的混淆。 将违规行为与员工手册中的相关公司政策直接联系起来。 尽快记录违规行为。与几周后写成的文件相比,事发当时写成的警告具有更高的法律效力。 无论警告的内容是什么,都要坚决执行--无论是解雇还是对持续的不良行为再次发出警告。 确保一致性和透明度,使每个人都受到平等对待。 如果相关,应审查 CBA(集体谈判协议),并邀请工会代表在发出警告时在场。 为什么书面警告应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 设定界限对工作场所关系至关重要。通过纳入书面警告,人力资源部门可以设定明确的边界线,让员工知道自己何时越界,何时需要改正。书面警告使公司能够建立并维持工作场所标准,同时也给员工机会改善不良表现或行为。 以下为文章原文: What is a written warning? A written warning is an admonition employers give staff members concerning behavior or performance issues. Typically, employers send a written warning only after giving one or more verbal warnings. What is the purpose of a written warning? A written warning formally outlines a person’s misconduct and the corresponding consequences. The warning reflects the seriousness of the situation while also providing time and support to help the professional to improve. If the employer does need to let the person go, the written warning serves as evidence and grounds for termination. What’s the proper way to warn an employee? Before issuing a written warning, address the person with verbal warnings. You can do this over the phone or in a meeting with another manager present. If the issue still doesn’t resolve, only then consider a written warning. You can send the written warning by email, deliver it through HR, or during a private meeting. What should you include in an employee warning notice? When writing a warning, make sure it’s concise and straightforward, stating and numbering each infraction. The warning should include: Date of occurrence Supervisor’s name HR representative’s name Job title The professional’s name A brief account of the preceding recent verbal warnings Expected actions to change conduct Consequences for failing to meet expectations Company policy regarding the warning’s time frame (typically 12 months) and the length of time it remains on the employee record (usually 6-12 months) Option for an appeal What are some examples of written warnings? Employers typically send written warnings for: Repeatedly arriving late or not at all Using profanity or inappropriate language Harassment Poor work performance Abusing company property Violating safety procedures What are some tips for giving written warnings to employees? The way you draft and deliver a written warning directly impacts the person and the employer. Let’s look at six steps you can take to issue effective and professional warnings: State the infraction in clear language. This ensures that everyone understands the transgression and avoids any legal confusion. Draw a direct connection between the violation and the relevant company policy found in the employee handbook. Document the infringement as soon as possible. Warnings written at the time of the occurrence have higher legal standing than documents written up weeks later. Follow through with whatever the warning says—whether that’s termination or giving another warning for continuous poor conduct. Ensure consistency and transparency so that everyone receives equal treatment. If relevant, review the CBA (collective bargaining agreement) and invite a union representative to be present when giving the warning. Why should written warnings be a part of modern HR strategy? Setting boundaries is essential for workplace relationships. By incorporating written warnings, HR can set clear boundary lines that show people when they’ve crossed a line and need to clean up their act. Written warnings enable companies to establish and maintain workplace standards while also giving their staff the chance to improve poor performance or behavior.