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    全球员工福利和参与公司Pluxee收购西班牙员工福利数字企业Cobee 全球员工福利与参与领域的企业Pluxee宣布已签署协议收购西班牙员工福利数字原生企业 Cobee 100%的股份。通过此次收购,Pluxee 将实现其战略增长计划中目标明确、纪律严明的并购战略的第一个里程碑。 该交易尚需西班牙监管机构的批准。 Cobee 是一家快速增长的西班牙员工福利公司,业务已扩展到葡萄牙和墨西哥。公司为 1,500 多家客户和 100,000 多名员工提供广泛的多种福利,其中包括餐券、培训、健康和人寿保险、身体健康和员工折扣等 12 种产品。Cobee 的一流模块化技术是取得这一成功的关键,自 2019 年推出以来实现了指数级增长。预计在 2024 财年,公司将实现年同比+100%的有机增长。Cobee 的强大潜力很早就得到了认可,公司在全球最大的金融科技竞赛 BBVA's Open Talent 2019 中获得了第一名。 Pluxee 拥有超过 33 万名员工消费者,是西班牙员工福利和参与市场的企业。Pluxee 和 Cobee 的人才、能力和技术相结合,将在西班牙和墨西哥创造出最完整、最具竞争力和吸引力的解决方案,拓宽集团现有的福利产品,并在全球范围内增强其技术能力。 鉴于 Cobee 的高增长态势,预计第一年对 Pluxee 的经常性息税折旧摊销前利润(EBITDA)和自由现金流不会产生影响,第二年将增加经常性息税折旧摊销前利润率和净收入,强劲的收入增长和运营协同效应将推动利润率的快速提高。预计交易资金将全部来自现有财务资源,对杠杆率的影响有限。 Pluxee 首席执行官 Aurélien Sonet 评论说:"收购 Cobee 对 Pluxee 来说是一个重要的里程碑,将加强集团在西班牙不断增长且渗透不足的员工福利市场的地位。Cobee 自成立以来的表现给我们留下了深刻印象,它以消费者为中心,提供多种福利和一流的技术,我们将利用这些优势释放我们客户(包括中小企业)的潜力。 我们期待着 Cobee 团队的加入。联合创始人兼首席执行官 Borja Aranguren 和联合创始人兼首席销售官 Ignacio Travesí 是志同道合的企业家,他们与我们有着共同的抱负,即充分发挥员工福利市场的潜力。Cobee 的团队展示了强大的技术专长和强劲的业务动力。我相信,通过将他们与 Pluxee 的高绩效团队相结合,我们将加速我们的增长轨迹,并为我们的客户、消费者、商家和合作伙伴提供独特的主张。 关于 Pluxee Pluxee 是一家全球性的员工福利和参与公司,业务遍及 31 个国家。Pluxee在膳食与食品、福利、生活方式、奖励与表彰以及公共福利等领域提供广泛的解决方案,帮助企业吸引、吸引和留住人才。Pluxee 拥有领先的技术和 5000 多名员工,是由 500,000 多家客户、3600 万消费者和 170 万商家组成的高度互联的 B2B2C 生态系统中值得信赖的合作伙伴。开展业务超过 45 年的 Pluxee 致力于对当地社区产生积极影响,支持员工的工作福利并保护地球。 关于 Cobee Cobee 是一家西班牙初创企业,通过集中式数字平台支持企业管理员工福利和薪酬。其强大的 SaaS 工具大大减少了管理和文书工作,并提升了公司的雇主品牌形象。反过来,员工可以通过最灵活的方式,在一个地方,用一张卡,获取并享受所有福利,从而实现前所未有的使用率和吸收率。 自 Borja Aranguren、Ignacio Travesí 和 Daniel Olea 于 2019 年成立以来,Cobee 已通过多轮融资获得了知名风险投资基金的支持。它已将西班牙业务扩展到葡萄牙和墨西哥。目前,该公司拥有 180 多名员工,为 1,500 多家公司客户提供服务,用户超过 100,000 人。
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    【HR术语】什么是绩效奖金?(What is a performance-based bonus?) 什么是绩效奖金? 绩效奖金是给予团队成员的额外报酬,作为对达到预先设定的目标和基准的奖励。 领导层通常会在对杰出项目或高质量工作表现进行评估后,用绩效奖金奖励团队。 绩效奖金的类型和示例 每个组织都会制定并遵循自己的政策来奖励出色的工作。最常见的绩效奖金类型包括 现场奖金。当场奖金是一种 “当场 ”决定,是对高绩效的一种补偿。管理者通常从自由支配基金中提取即期奖金,领导层可设定即期奖金的指定发放时间。 佣金奖金。佣金奖金通常用于销售部门,是销售利润的一个预定百分比,通常颁发给团队成员,以表彰他们在确保销售中所发挥的作用。 任务奖金。这是在团队成员实现预定的具体目标后给予的补偿。这些目标可以是整个团队的标准化目标,也可以是根据每个人的技能组合和工作职责制定的个性化目标。 利润分享奖金。如果组织的利润高于预期,他们可能会用利润分享奖金来奖励业绩超出预期的员工。 收益分享奖金。收益分享奖金通常在制造业发放。通常在产品需求量大的季节发放,收益分享奖金支付给帮助提高生产效率和质量的员工。 人力资源领导为什么要关注绩效奖金? 基于公平标准而精心设计的绩效奖金制度可以激励团队成员完成高质量的工作,达到既定目标,并保持积极性和生产力。 绩效奖金还能帮助人力资源领导层实现以下目标: 让团队成员参与并为公司的长远发展感到兴奋 留住优秀员工,提高他们对公司的忠诚度 吸引新的人才加入公司 激励员工发挥潜能 绩效奖金:优点与缺点 虽然绩效奖金是激励员工和奖励出色表现的好方法,但也并非没有挑战。如果企业没有明确的战略来监控绩效奖金的发放频率、范围和对象,那么企业的底线和企业文化都会受到影响。 让我们来看看绩效奖金的优点和挑战。 绩效奖金如何计算? 虽然每家公司都采用自己的模式来计算绩效奖金,但许多组织都选择在员工完成预定目标后,每年按工资的一定比例给予奖励。 如果绩效奖金是按季度、按月,甚至是临时性的发放,那就比较麻烦了,因为奖金总额要在全年中进行分配。 平均绩效奖金是多少? 平均而言,绩效奖金约占年薪的 2.5%-7.5% 左右。 根据 Ceic 的数据,美国的平均年薪为 55,020 美元,因此平均每年的绩效奖金在 1,375.50 美元到 4,126.50 美元之间。抛开全国平均水平不谈,某些职业也能带来不菲的收入。如果你有幸在 2014-2020 年间为巴塞罗那足球俱乐部效力,那么你的合同中就包含了 11,000,000 欧元的奖金,只要你在一个赛季中至少参加了球队一半的比赛。足球生涯失败了,为什么不试试投资或成为商业巨头呢?据报道,特斯拉董事会同意向首席执行官埃隆-马斯克支付550亿美元的10年奖金,相当于1100万块卡地亚手表。 如何确保有效实施绩效奖金? 人力资源领导者可以领导管理者与员工之间的合作,制定绩效奖金标准,有效激励团队,并与公司预算和目标保持一致。人力资源领导者可以结合以下步骤,创建一个动态的绩效奖金系统: 确定标准。人力资源领导者应制定绩效奖金的评估标准,并确保管理人员及其团队对此有所了解。向双方解释标准可为他们提供必要的信息,以便尽最大努力做好本职工作。人力资源部门还可以实施绩效衡量系统,最大限度地挖掘员工潜力,确保客观公正。 培训管理者指导团队。根据 Zippia 于 2022 年发布的研究报告《30 项平均奖金统计》,“总体而言,奖金可使员工在工作场所的参与度提高八倍”。由于管理者在员工敬业度方面发挥着至关重要的作用,因此教育他们成为有效的教练,可以直接提高员工的工作绩效,进而推动公司的发展。 邀请团队参与目标设定。人力资源领导可以邀请团队成员帮助制定可实现的绩效奖金目标。如果员工参与目标制定过程,他们就更有可能更好地把握未来的任务,并有动力完成这些任务。 持续发放绩效奖金。绩效奖金应按照统一的时间表发放。这样,员工就能制定相应的计划,在截止日期前完成任务,增加获得绩效奖金的机会。 让绩效奖金目标与公司目标保持一致。人力资源领导者可以通过整合促进个人和公司成功的目标来增强员工的能力。这能让员工更加投入,知道自己的工作具有意义和重要性。 绩效奖金如何改善公司文化? 绩效奖金制度可以奖励专业人员的成就,并公平、准确地衡量工作绩效,从而给员工带来成就感。他们可以体验到职业成长,从为公司的整体成功做出贡献中获得满足感,并更有可能为公司文化带来积极的能量和良好的态度。 以下为文章原文: What is a performance-based bonus? A performance-based bonus is an extra compensation granted to a team member as a reward for reaching pre-established goals and benchmarks. Leadership often rewards their teams with performance bonuses after evaluating outstanding projects or high-quality work performances. Types and examples of performance bonuses Every organization creates and follows their own policy to reward exceptional work. The most common types of performance bonuses include: Spot bonuses. A spot bonus is an “on the spot” decision, a form of compensation awarded in recognition of high performance. Managers often draw spot bonuses from a discretionary fund and leadership may set designated times for spot bonuses. Commission bonuses. Commonly utilized by sales departments, commission bonuses are a predetermined percentage of sales profit, usually awarded to a team member in recognition for their role in securing a sale. Mission bonus. This is compensation awarded to team members after the achievement of specific, predetermined goals. These goals can be standardized for the whole team or personalized for each individual, based on their skill set and job responsibilities. Profit-sharing bonus. If an organization turns a higher profit than expected, they may reward people who exceeded performance expectations with profit-sharing bonuses. Gain-sharing bonus. Gain-sharing bonuses are commonly awarded in the manufacturing sector. Usually given during seasons where their products are in high demand, gain-sharing bonuses are paid to the people who help improve efficiency and quality of production. Why should HR leaders care about performance bonuses? A well-designed performance bonus system based on fair criteria can stimulate team members to deliver quality work, reach set targets, and maintain motivation and productivity. Performance bonuses can also help HR leadership to: Keep team members engaged in–and excited about–the company’s longevity Retain top performers and drive company loyalty Attract new talent towards the organization Motivate people to achieve their potential Performance bonuses: advantages vs disadvantages While performance bonuses are a great way to motivate your workforce and incentivize exceptional performance, they’re not without challenges. If an organization has no clear strategy in place to monitor the frequency, scope, and recipients of performance bonuses, both their bottom line and company culture can be affected. Let’s consider both the strengths and challenges associated with performance bonuses. How are performance bonuses calculated? While every company adopts its own model to calculate performance bonuses, many organizations choose to reward their people annually with a percentage of their salary, upon the completion of predetermined targets. It gets a little trickier if performance bonuses are paid quarterly, monthly, or even on an ad hoc basis, as the total bonus amount is divided throughout the year. How much is the average performance bonus? On average, performance bonuses amount to around 2.5 percent-7.5 percent of an annual salary. According to Ceic, the average annual salary in the United States was $55,020, making the average annual performance bonuses stand between $1,375.50 and $4,126.50 per year. Forget national averages, certain careers can yield the big bucks. If you were lucky enough to play for FC Barcelona between 2014-2020, your contract included an €11,000,000 bonus for playing at least half of the team’s games during a season. Failing a football career, why not try investment or becoming a business magnate? The Tesla board reportedly agreed to pay CEO Elon Musk a 10-year bonus of $55 billion, the equivalent of 11 million Cartier watches. How can you ensure effective implementation of performance bonuses? HR leaders can lead a collaboration between managers and their people to establish performance bonus criteria that effectively motivate the team and align with the company budget and goals. HR leaders can incorporate these steps to create a dynamic performance bonus system: Define criteria. HR leaders should establish the criteria they’ll be using to assess for performance bonuses, and ensure that managers and their teams understand it. Explaining the criteria to both provides each with the necessary information to do their jobs to the best of their ability. HR can also implement a performance metric-system to maximize employee potential and ensure objectivity and fairness. Train managers to coach their teams. According to Zippia’s 2022 research, 30 average Bonus Statistics, “Overall, bonuses lead to workers being eight times more engaged in the workplace”. Because managers play such a vital role in employee engagement, educating them to become effective coaches can directly enhance employee work performance and in-turn advance the company. Invite teams to take part in target-setting. HR leaders can invite team members to help establish attainable performance bonus goals. There is a higher probability that people will better grasp the tasks ahead of them and have the motivation to accomplish these tasks if they participate in the goal-setting process. Offer performance bonuses consistently. Performance bonuses should be granted according to a consistent timeline. This way, people can plan accordingly to meet deadlines and increase their chances of qualifying for a performance bonus. Align performance bonus goals with company goals. HR leaders can empower their people by integrating goals that promote both individual and company success. This allows their people to feel more engaged, knowing that their work holds meaning and importance. How can performance bonuses improve company culture? A performance bonus system that rewards professionals for their achievements and measures work performance fairly and accurately gives people a sense of accomplishment. They can experience professional growth, satisfaction from contributing toward the overall success of their company, and are more likely to bring positive energy and a good attitude to the company culture.
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    芬兰招聘公司Duunitori收购雇主品牌代理公司Keeparo,实现雇主品牌和招聘营销的现代化 总部位于芬兰的招聘市场领导者Duunitori收购了瑞典的雇主品牌代理公司Keeparo ,收购价格未公开。 Keeparo 是一家专门从事雇主品牌的品牌代理公司,成立于 2010 年。Keeparo 拥有广泛的国际客户群,包括日立能源、富通集团和瑞典国防军。公司仅有 40 多名员工,在斯德哥尔摩设有办事处。截至 2023 财年,Keeparo 的营业额超过 9000 万瑞典克朗。 Keeparo 首席执行官 Lisa Hasselström 对此次交易带来的新机遇感到非常高兴。 "我们希望帮助客户取得成功。通过这次交易,我们将能够帮助更多的雇主。我们还可以投资于未来的增长,并扩展到新的地理区域,这对我们来说是自然而然的下一步"。 Duunitori 和 Keeparo 希望实现雇主品牌和招聘营销的现代化。这一共同目标是 Duunitori 希望收购 Keeparo 的主要原因。 "瑞典是建立雇主品牌和利用社交媒体进行招聘营销的先驱,而 Keeparo 是该领域的佼佼者。Keeparo 的企业文化以及该公司在瑞典市场建立的竞争优势给我们留下了深刻印象,"Grönholm 说。 在劳动力短缺的情况下,北欧国家对帮助雇主获得人才的服务的需求已经增加,并将继续增加。 "随着市场的发展,人们对雇主品牌重要性的认识也在提高。Hasselström 说:"随着市场人才的短缺,企业显然需要有效的雇主品牌战略来确保其未来的发展。 通过此次交易,Duunitori 集团截至 2023 财年的总营业额超过了 2500 万欧元。目前,Duunitori 集团的员工人数将增至约 140 人。 关于Duunitori  Duunitori 集团是芬兰领先的招聘市场,是雇主和人才的聚集地。对于雇主,Duunitori 提供招聘营销和雇主形象发展服务。Duunitori 成立于 2009 年,是芬兰最大的求职服务机构,每年的访问量超过 5000 万次。Duunitori 目前在芬兰、瑞典和挪威运营。2022 年,私募股权投资者 Intera Partners 成为其大股东,加速了 Duunitori 的国际化进程。收购 Keeparo 后,Duunitori 集团将成为北欧国家领先的招聘营销公司之一。 关于Keeparo Keeparo 是瑞典领先的雇主品牌机构,提供端到端的数据驱动解决方案,支持招聘工作。Keeparo 成立于 2010 年,是瑞典第一家将招聘营销引入社交和数字媒体的公司。如今,Keeparo 提供自动化解决方案,帮助企业吸引和留住人才。Keeparo 目前拥有 40 多名员工。
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    【英国】招聘平台提供商Pollen Careers获得11.2万英镑融资 总部位于英国伦敦的招聘平台提供商 Pollen Careers 获得 11.2 万英镑融资。本轮融资通过SeedLegals进行,在一周内就达到了目标金额的100%,并在超募12%后完成了本轮融资。 公司打算利用这笔资金扩大运营规模,以容纳更多的雇主、满足需求、实现流程自动化和产品设计。 40%的年轻毕业生从事低技能工作或失业。对于年轻的非毕业生而言,这一数字几乎达到 80%。然而,招聘和留住人才是雇主最难解决的问题。随着经济负担越来越重,年轻人的焦虑和精神疾病达到历史最高水平也就不足为奇了,这不仅影响了他们自己的未来,也影响了我们国家的未来。 Pollen Careers 使命是将初级就业市场转变为一个更具包容性和更加公平的空间。我们创新求职者获得个性化支持、技能和机会的方式,让他们能够茁壮成长,并为雇主提供多样化的人才库,让他们能够随时发挥所长。我们正在共同打造一个可持续的工作未来,让每个人都有机会取得成功。 Pollen Careers于2023年由Sophie O'Brien创办,旨在提供一个平台,使初级就业市场成为一个更加包容和公平的空间,让年轻求职者能够获得个性化的支持、所需的技能和机会,并让雇主能够接触到随时准备大显身手的各类人才。 自成立以来,Pollen Careers 已建立并支持了一个拥有 2,500 多名初级求职者的社区,并为 Cubitts、HPS Engineering、MyBigCareer、Kitt 等公司提供服务。 关于Pollen Careers  Pollen Careers 是一个数字招聘和求职平台。它为初级求职者提供个性化支持、技能和机会,然后再将他们与招聘人员联系起来,而不是通过职位描述和简历来传递信息,从而为招聘工作提供便利。
  • 留住人才
    【HR术语】什么是工作充实?(What is job enrichment?) 什么是工作充实? 工作丰富化是一种激励策略,其重点是使人们从事的工作更有价值、更令人满意。更具体地说,工作丰富化为个人成就提供了更大的空间、更具挑战性的工作、更多的责任以及个人成长和发展的机会。 我们都希望对自己所从事的工作感觉良好,但只有 15%的人对自己的工作感到投入。这就是工作丰富化发挥重要作用的地方,它能让团队成员更快乐、更有动力。 工作丰富化的例子 人们喜欢挑战、被接受和被重视的感觉。人力资源经理需要采取正确的工作充实策略来持续促进这种感觉,从而培养职场参与度。 那么,该从哪里入手呢?有帮助的是,这些策略可分为四大类和技巧: 增加职位的难度和责任。例如,可以让团队成员在日常工作中拥有更多的自主权或控制权。 增加需要新技能的新任务。这将有助于增加角色的趣味性,促进团队成员的专业和个人发展。 让团队成员参与决策过程。这应该与团队成员的工作或部门相关,能让他们感觉到自己在工作中更有价值、更投入。 提供培训机会,促进职业发展。这样,员工就能在现有技能的基础上更上一层楼,避免停滞不前。 工作丰富化和工作扩大化有什么区别? 工作充实和工作扩展这两个词经常被混淆。我们知道,工作充实是指让工作变得更有趣、更有挑战性、更有回报--其中大部分涉及在工作中增加更有意义的任务。 然而,工作扩大化是指增加工作的广度,增加更多难度或技能水平相似的任务。这被认为是纵向的工作扩展,即在某一技能范围内增加职责,从而减少无聊感,但并不一定能提高工作积极性。 从本质上讲,这两种策略都是为了提高工作满意度,但工作丰富化是通过使工作更复杂、更有价值来实现的,而工作扩大化只是使工作更多样化。 工作丰富化有哪些好处? 以下是丰富工作内容能改善员工体验的好处: 提高工作满意度 当任务变得更加复杂、更有意义时,工作内容的丰富化会使工作更有满足感,从而使团队成员更加快乐,工作环境更加积极向上。 成功留住人才 对工作的满意度意味着你的优秀人才不太可能离开。这可以降低与高离职率相关的成本,也意味着企业在顶尖人才的掌舵下不断向前发展。 减少缺勤 美国雇主每年每小时员工的旷工成本为 3,600 美元。因此,当团队成员有参与感时,他们就会更加投入、更有动力,并随时准备投入最佳工作。 继任规划和职业发展 对员工提出挑战意味着你可以看到他们真正的潜力和能力。大家都知道,从公司内部招聘人才的成本效益要高得多,而丰富工作内容则是一种简便的方法,可以让你感觉到哪些人非常适合在未来担任更高级别的职位。 授权带来生产力 当人们感到自己有能力时,生产力就会开始飙升。授权有助于建立自尊,而自尊来自于自主、信任和责任。 工作丰富化有哪些挑战? 工作丰富化有很多好处,但与任何事情一样,它也伴随着潜在的挑战: 技能组合错位。新的任务和职责必须与团队成员的职业目标相一致。如果团队成员对复杂的任务不感兴趣,或者根本就不在自己的技能范围内,就会导致不满情绪的产生。 增加工作量。如果管理不当,工作丰富化可能会造成任务超负荷,从而导致倦怠。关键是要为员工提供资源和支持,以应对增加的责任。 需要培训和支持。承担新的技能和复杂的任务可能意味着团队成员需要额外的培训和持续的支持。这就需要对预算和资源管理进行细致的前瞻性观察,以确保培训成本不会飙升。 人力资源技术如何帮助丰富工作内容? 人力资源技术可以成为工作丰富化道路上的盟友。它可以帮助识别员工的优势和能力,使他们更容易匹配具有挑战性和满足感的任务和角色。反过来,这也可以通过识别准备好进行角色转换的人员,支持继任规划和职业发展。 提供反馈和认可空间的人力资源平台是工作丰富化的一个关键部分,尤其是在人们追求新技能和接受挑战的时候。为同事点赞是一种很好的激励方式,能让人们对自己的工作感到满意。 与此同时,人力资源平台还可以提供反馈功能,如员工满意度调查。这可以让您监测工作丰富化的效果如何,以及哪些方面需要改变。 以下为文章原文: What is job enrichment? Job enrichment is a motivational strategy that focuses on making the work people do more rewarding and satisfying. More specifically, job enrichment gives greater scope for personal achievement, more challenging work, more responsibility, and the opportunity for personal growth and development. We all want to feel good about the work we’re doing, yet only 15% of people feel engaged with their work. This is where job enrichment plays a vital role, leading to happier, more motivated team members. Examples of job enrichment People like to feel challenged, accepted, and valued. HR managers need to adopt the right job enrichment strategies to facilitate this on an ongoing basis, so they can nurture workplace engagement. So, where to start? Helpfully, these strategies fall into four main categories and techniques: Increasing the level of difficulty and responsibility of a role. This could involve giving a team member more autonomy or control over their day-to-day tasks, for example. Adding new tasks that require new skills. This will help make the role more interesting and add to the team member’s professional and personal development. Making team members part of the decision-making process. This should be related to their job or department and can help people feel more valued and invested in their work. Offering training opportunities to propel career development. So people can build on their existing skillset and stop stagnation from creeping in. What’s the difference between job enrichment and job enlargement? Job enrichment and job enlargement are terms that often get confused. We know that job enrichment is about making a job more interesting, challenging, and rewarding—and much of this involves adding more meaningful tasks into the mix. However, job enlargement involves ramping up the breadth of a job and adding more tasks of a similar level of difficulty or skill. It’s thought of as vertical job expansion, where adding responsibilities within a skillset reduces boredom but doesn’t necessarily increase motivation. In essence, both strategies aim to increase job satisfaction, but job enrichment does it by making a job more complex and rewarding, while job enlargement simply makes a job more varied. What are the benefits of job enrichment? Here are the benefits of job enrichment that will improve the employee experience: Greater job satisfaction When tasks are more complex and meaningful, job enrichment makes the job more satisfying—and you get happier team members and a more positive working environment as a result. Success with retaining talent Satisfaction in a job means your top talent will be less likely to leave. This can reduce the costs that are linked with high turnover rates, and also means that the business keeps moving forward with top talent at the helm. Reduced absenteeism Absenteeism costs U.S. employers $3,600 per hourly employee per year. It makes sense that when team members feel engaged they will be more present, more motivated, and turn up ready to do their best work. Succession planning and career pathing Challenging people means you can see their true potential and capabilities emerge. As you know, it’s far more cost-effective to recruit from within your company—and job enrichment is an easy way to sense-check who would be a great fit for higher-level roles in the future. Empowerment leads to productivity When people feel empowered, productivity starts to soar. Empowerment helps to build self-esteem, which springs from autonomy, trust, and responsibility. What are the challenges with job enrichment? Job enrichment comes with many benefits, but—like everything—it comes with potential challenges: A misalignment of skillsets. It’s important that new tasks and responsibilities are in line with a team member’s career goals. Loading on complex tasks that aren’t of interest, or simply aren’t within a person’s skillset can actually lead to dissatisfaction. Increased workload. When not managed properly, job enrichment can cause an overload of tasks that could result in burnout. It’s key that employees are given the resources and support to handle the increased responsibility. A need for training and support. Taking on new skills and complex tasks may mean a team member needs extra training and ongoing support. This will need careful foresight to watch over budget and resource management to make sure training costs don’t spiral. How can HR tech help with job enrichment? HR tech can be an ally on the road to job enrichment. It can help identify the strengths and abilities of employees, making it easier to match them with tasks and roles that are challenging and satisfying. In turn, this can also support succession planning and career pathing by identifying the people who are ready for a role shift. An HR platform that gives space for feedback and recognition is a key part of job enrichment, especially as people are reaching for new skillsets and taking on challenges. Giving kudos to colleagues can be a great way to motivate and make people feel good about their work. Alongside this, HR platforms can offer a feedback feature such as an employee satisfaction survey. This lets you monitor how well job enrichment is working—and what needs to change.
  • 留住人才
    【芬兰】员工敬业度初创公司Teamspective获得90万欧元种子轮融资,以员工为中心的洞察力优化组织健康、沟通和团队绩效 芬兰员工参与初创公司 Teamspective 获得了 90 万欧元的种子轮融资。本轮融资由天使投资人领投,其中包括Sievo公司的首席执行官兼联合创始人Sammeli Sammalkorpi,他也是该解决方案的第一批客户。本轮融资还包括来自芬兰商业局的非股权融资。Teamspective将利用这笔资金投资开发突破性的网络和关系感知参与解决方案,并在芬兰和美国建立商业团队。 对公司而言,员工的参与是最有价值的,而参与解决方案已被广泛采用。虽然传统的员工敬业度调查解决方案可以捕捉员工的情绪和反馈,但却完全忽略了员工在组织中实际工作的协作结构。社交网络,更具体地说,组织网络分析(ONA)就是研究这些联系的。 "组织是极其复杂的社会结构,需要超人的意识才能完全理解整个组织中人与人之间的协作关系。人是视觉动物,因此,一旦我们的客户看到大图--他们的组织网络图--他们就知道什么是正确的问题,以及正确的问题在哪里。Teamspective 联合创始人兼首席执行官 Jaakko Kaikuluoma 解释说:"我们的目标是帮助公司注意到风险,并在风险演变成实际问题之前加以缓解。 Teamspective相信,将参与和ONA解决方案结合起来的创新,能让公司更好地处理跨职能工作中的差距,修复孤岛式团队,降低职业倦怠风险,解决协调瓶颈。这些都会对员工的福祉和绩效产生积极影响。 在过去几年里,许多工作都已实现数字化,部分原因是远程工作的数量不断增加。Teamspective 利用来自 Slack、Jira 和谷歌日历等解决方案的数据来衡量人们之间的数字互动。这样就能实时看到和了解组织的实际运作情况。 投资者认为,员工敬业度解决方案具有多种可能性,因为企业越来越意识到,员工敬业度高会带来更好的业绩并留住人才。随着对衡量和发展工作场所文化的软件解决方案的需求不断增长,预计到 2033 年,该行业的市场价值将达到 44 亿美元。 "Sievo是一家采购分析公司,因此我们当然热爱分析。我们也想要最好的人员分析工具。Teamspective 让我们清楚地认识到目前与我们的员工和组织最相关的问题,并指导我们讨论这些问题。他们将网络分析与参与度脉搏调查相结合的独特方法,让我有机会就想成为他们的投资者。他们拥有一支出色的团队,并不断取得成果,"投资者之一、Sievo 的首席执行官兼联合创始人 Sammeli Sammalkorpi 说。 能够进行组织分析对于快速发展的科技公司尤为重要,因为它们的变化速度是所有行业中最快的。 "员工参与和福利对我们 Metacore 的战略和文化至关重要。在我们的游戏《Merge Mansion》一炮而红后,我们的发展速度比以往任何时候都要快,因此需要一个更好、更自动化的工具来确保我们保持与员工体验的持续对话。我们认为倾听员工心声是实现增长的助推器,而 Teamspective 正是实现这一点的强大工具。我们之所以选择 Teamspective,是因为他们是一个现代化的参与解决方案,具有出色的 Slack 用户体验。此外,他们还有一个雄心勃勃的产品路线图,我们作为主要客户的意见也在其中得到了具体体现,"Metacore 的福利与绩效主管 Maria Törnroos 说。 Teamspective 的解决方案目前被各行各业的客户所采用,从科技独角兽到工业组织,从游戏公司到咨询机构。 "Kaikuluoma总结道:"每家公司都会面临挑战,成功的关键在于如何快速识别挑战并实施变革。 关于Teamspective  Teamspective 的 SaaS 解决方案通过以下方式帮助企业在其组织中创建绩效和福利文化 - 对员工福利和团队协作效率的可操作和实时可见性 - 以及时收集高质量反馈取代繁重的 360 度反馈,从而激活个人发展 - 通过每个员工仅需几分钟的流程实现绩效评估的现代化,并消除评分偏差 - 通过 ONA 调查了解组织动态,该调查比咨询驱动型调查快 10 倍,成本更低。
  • 留住人才
    【HR术语】什么是职位定价?(What is job pricing?) 什么是职位定价? 职位定价是指如何为组织内的特定职位确定合适的薪酬。 它包括分析内部和外部的各种因素,以制定一个有竞争力的、公平的薪酬标准,使其与工作职责、要求和市场价值相匹配。它是薪酬战略的重要组成部分。 职位定价的重要性是什么? 制定有竞争力的薪酬方案对于吸引优秀人才加入组织和留住有价值的员工至关重要。如果薪酬低于市场水平,就会导致高离职率,并给招聘有技能的候选人造成困难。 根据员工的工作职责、技能和经验给予合理的薪酬,意味着他们更有可能在工作中感到满意。 这可以激励他们全力以赴,提高工作效率,因为他们会觉得自己的努力得到了认可和回报。 但是,如果工作定价错误,就会造成充满怨恨的工作环境。 影响职位定价的因素有哪些? 工作职责: 一份工作的复杂程度和职责会影响其薪酬水平。责任越大、决策权越大、战略重要性越大的工作通常报酬越高。 技能和经验: 工作所需的技能和专业知识水平也有影响。需要专业技能或丰富经验的工作往往薪酬较高。 行业和地点: 高需求行业或生活成本较高的地区可能会提供更高的薪酬来吸引和留住人才。 内部公平: 职位定价还应考虑确保组织内部薪酬公平的需要。这可以确保具有相似工作角色和职责的人员获得相似的薪酬。 薪酬基准: 这包括使用外部市场数据,如薪酬调查和行业基准,以确定市场上类似工作职位的通用薪酬标准。 职位定价步骤 但具体如何确定职位价格呢?首先,主要是进行全面分析,确定合适的薪酬(使用薪酬分析模板对此很有帮助)。 您可以将职位定价过程分为以下几个步骤: 工作分析: 进行工作分析,了解工作的具体职责和要求。这包括收集有关工作职责、资格和经验水平的数据。 市场调研: 利用薪酬调查和行业报告,了解市场上类似职位的薪酬标准。 内部评估: 通过与组织内的其他职位进行比较,评估该职位的内部价值。这样可以确保薪酬标准的一致性和公平性。 确定薪酬范围: 根据职位分析、市场调研和内部评估,为该职位确定一个有竞争力的薪酬范围。薪酬范围应考虑最低、中点和最高薪酬。 决定个人薪酬: 一旦确定了薪酬范围,就应根据候选人或员工的资历、经验和表现来决定薪酬范围的渗透率(该范围内的具体薪酬)。 职位定价策略和最佳实践 使用多种数据来源(如行业调查、政府数据和市场研究)来确保您的定价准确、公平,这一点非常重要。 请记住,市场是会变化的,因此职位定价应该是薪酬管理流程中的一个常规部分。养成审查和更新薪酬数据的习惯,以便与市场趋势和组织需求的任何变化保持一致。 请记住,职位定价不仅仅指基本工资。最好还要考虑总薪酬,包括福利、奖金和其他激励措施,这样才能吸引并留住顶尖人才。 当然,这应该与贵公司的目标相一致。在进行职位定价时,应考虑公司的财务健康状况、长期可持续发展和留住人才的目标。 同样重要但容易被忽视的是,在职位定价过程中保持对员工的薪酬透明度。这有助于解决薪酬不平等问题,并建立员工信任。 遵循这些最佳实践,您就能制定出成功的职位定价策略,让员工和企业都能从中受益。 以下为文章原文: What is job pricing? Job pricing is how you establish the right compensation or salary for a specific job within an organization. It involves analyzing various factors, both internal and external, to set a competitive and fair pay rate that matches the job’s responsibilities, requirements, and market value. It’s an essential part of your compensation strategy. What is the importance of job pricing? Creating a competitive pay package is crucial for attracting top talent to the organization and retaining valuable employees. If the pay is below market rates, it can lead to a high turnover rate and create difficulties in hiring skilled candidates. Giving people fair compensation for their job responsibilities, skills, and experience means they’re more likely to feel satisfied at work. It can motivate them to perform at their best and increase their productivity because they’ll feel that their efforts are recognized and rewarded. Get the job pricing wrong, though, and it can contribute to a work environment rife with resentment. What are the factors affecting job pricing? Job responsibilities: A job’s complexity and responsibilities influence its pay rate. Jobs with greater levels of responsibility, decision-making authority, and strategic importance usually get higher compensation. Skill and experience: The level of skill and expertise needed for a job has an impact, too. Jobs that require specialized skills or extensive experience tend to come with higher salaries. Industry and location: High-demand industries or locations with a higher cost of living may offer more pay to attract and retain talent. Internal equity: Job pricing should also consider the need to ensure equity of pay rates within the organization. It ensures that people with similar job roles and responsibilities receive similar compensation. Salary benchmarking: This involves using external market data, such as salary surveys and industry benchmarks, to identify common pay rates for similar job positions in the market. Job pricing steps But how exactly do you set the job price? To start off with, it mainly involves carrying out a thorough analysis to determine the right salary (it’s helpful to use a compensation analysis template for this). You can break the job pricing process into the following steps: Job analysis: Carry out a job analysis to understand the specific responsibilities and requirements of the job. This includes gathering data on job duties, qualifications, and experience levels. Market research: Use salary surveys and industry reports to understand the pay rates for similar job positions in the market. Internal evaluation: Evaluate the job’s internal worth by comparing it to other roles within the organization. This ensures that pay rates are consistent and fair. Establish a compensation range: Based on the job analysis, market research, and internal evaluation, establish a competitive compensation range for the position. The range should consider the minimum, midpoint, and maximum salaries. Decide on individual salaries: Once you establish the compensation range, you’ll decide on the salary range penetration (the exact salary within that range) based on a candidate’s or employee’s qualifications, experience, and performance. Job pricing strategies and best practices It’s important to use multiple data sources, such as industry surveys, government data, and market research, to ensure your pricing is accurate and fair. Keep in mind that markets do change—so job pricing should be a regular part of your compensation management process. Make a habit of reviewing and updating compensation data to align with market trends and any changes to your organization’s needs. Remember, job pricing doesn’t just refer to base salaries. It’s also best to consider total compensation, including benefits, bonuses, and other incentives—so you can attract and retain top talent. Of course, this should be consistent with your organization’s goals. Consider your company’s financial health, long-term sustainability, and retention objectives when carrying out the job pricing process. What’s equally important, but can be overlooked, is maintaining pay transparency with your people about the job pricing process. It can help with tackling pay inequality and builds employee trust. By following these best practices, you’ll be setting yourself up with a successful job pricing strategy—one that benefits both your employees and the organization.
  • 留住人才
    【意大利】人才管理平台Talentware获得80万欧元种子轮融资,以实现数据驱动的劳动力规划 意大利一家积极影响型初创公司 Talentware 在 360 Capital 的领导下完成了 80 万欧元的种子轮融资,开启了其发展历程,旨在通过数据驱动的劳动力规划和战略性人才发展为企业赋能。 作为其发展战略的一部分,这笔资金将使公司能够满足中型企业日益增长的需求,并在以技能为基础的人才管理行业占据领先地位。 Talentware由3名贝恩校友创办,得到了商界和创业界众多杰出人士的支持,并获得了360资本的支持,凸显了对人力资源技术行业的重视。 自2023年成立以来,Talentware一直致力于通过提供基于技能的人才管理解决方案,帮助企业有效地吸引、培养和留住顶尖人才。他们的人工智能平台旨在为员工的职业道路提供指导,同时帮助企业做出战略性的劳动力决策。 在未来五年内,45% 以上的员工的核心技能将因技术颠覆而发生变化,这就要求企业实施有效的技能提升和再培训流程,以保持竞争力。在这样的背景下,再加上吸引和留住年轻一代的难度越来越大,Talentware 实现了从基于角色的组织向基于技能的组织的必要转变。 Talentware提供了一个模块化的SaaS平台,为企业提供全面的解决方案,包括人工智能驱动的技能映射、规划和流动性功能、基于特定技能差距的发展以及收集反馈和衡量进展的成长审查。 "如今,企业被信息淹没,却对其最大的资产--员工视而不见。在 Talentware,我们希望为企业提供合适的工具,支持他们的战略人才管理流程,"联合创始人 Andrea Raimondo 说。 "作为前员工,我们深知个性化发展和职业机会的价值。有了 Talentware,员工在职业生涯中就有了共同的领航员,可以促进他们在公司内部的发展,而不是另谋高就,"联合创始人 Giacomo Marchiori 评论说。 "我们注意到意大利国内外的大中型企业正在深入重新考虑如何在快速变化的工作环境中进行内部管理和人才规划,这种环境正在向新的人才保留模式转变:这正是 Talentware 的用武之地。我们很高兴能在这条路上为他们提供支持!"360 资本合伙人 Lucrezia Lucotti 补充道。 在获得资金后的大约 6 个月里,Talentware 已成功地与欧洲的三家设计合作伙伴测试了平台的测试版,测试了不同行业和公司规模的多个使用案例。 在这些合作伙伴完成转换后,Talentware 正在发布平台的最终版本,同时向新的欧洲客户拓展,并与咨询和人力资源行业的主要企业建立战略合作伙伴关系。本轮融资所得资金将主要用于加强团队,招聘一些战略技术和销售人员,以促进 Talentware 的发展,实现其宏伟目标。
  • 留住人才
    【HR术语】什么是绩效管理?(What is performance management?) 什么是绩效管理? 绩效管理是一种跟踪专业人员工作绩效和发展其技能的方法,以便他们为实现部门和公司目标做出有效贡献。 绩效管理包括三个阶段,鼓励个人提高绩效水平: 规划。制定和衡量与公司目标一致的个人目标,以便人力资源部门评估专业人员的改进情况。 签到。管理人员和团队成员应定期会面,就需要改进的地方和进展情况进行双向交流。 回顾。全年频繁的签到为管理人员和专业人员进行季度或半年度绩效审查做好准备。这些会议有助于管理者准确评估员工的进步、成就和绩效。 绩效管理的常见步骤 设定期望值。绩效管理首先要为员工设定明确、具体和可衡量的期望。这包括确定工作角色、职责和绩效目标。 持续反馈。定期反馈对专业成长和发展至关重要。这就需要管理者与团队成员不断沟通,讨论进展情况,解决疑虑,并提供指导。及时的反馈可确保员工做出必要的调整,以达到绩效预期。 绩效评估。定期绩效评估是绩效管理的重要组成部分。在这些评估中,团队成员的表现将根据既定的期望值进行评估。 专业发展。人力资源领导和管理人员可与个人贡献者合作制定发展计划,其中可能包括培训、指导和额外职责,以提高技能和能力。 表彰和奖励。表彰和奖励出色的绩效可以保持员工的积极性和参与度。 绩效管理为何重要? 通过持续的纠正性反馈,为专业人员提供切实可行的方法来提高他们的工作绩效,从而增强他们在发展过程中的能力。计划周密、标准化的绩效管理方法可以提高: 留住人才。绩效管理为员工创造了更令人满意的工作体验,并以积极的方式向他们提出挑战--让他们全身心投入工作,从而提高留任率。 员工参与度。当专业人员看到自己的努力得到认可和奖励时,他们就会更加投入工作,对工作和组织更加尽心尽力。 生产力。明确的绩效预期和定期反馈可提高个人和组织的生产力,从而增加收入。 实施绩效管理战略,鼓励个人取得更多成就,做出更大贡献,可以提高他们的自主性和积极性。 人力资源领导者如何才能建立有效的绩效管理? 人力资源领导者可以利用以下绩效管理最佳实践,帮助个人提高技能,发展事业: 确定一个框架。确定一种绩效管理方法,既能实现相关目标,又能准确适应被评估的个人职位。例如,人力资源部门可以实施 360 度审查来衡量人员的发展,同时使用目标管理(MBO)来评估主管的成就。 采取积极的方法。以善意和换位思考的态度对待员工,为激励员工积极成长的检查打下基础。管理者不应给专业人员留下一堆无益的负面反馈,而应明确期望,指导个人如何进步。 培训管理者。管理人员是确保绩效管理取得成功的关键人物。他们与团队成员互动的方式既可以激励他们提升绩效,也可以打击他们的士气,让他们泄气。教育管理人员如何指导员工,可以对参与度和工作效率产生积极影响。 始终如一。员工与经理之间的例行检查能让双方保持联系。小范围的非正式会议可以让专业人员随时了解自己的工作表现: 当季度绩效考核来临时,他们可以随时消化收到的反馈。 跟踪绩效管理指标 关注适当的指标可以更容易地跟踪绩效管理策略的影响。需要监控的关键员工绩效指标包括: 工作效率。衡量一个人在一定时间内能完成多少工作,可以说明哪些方面可以得到奖励,哪些方面还有改进的余地。 每名员工的收入。计算专业人员在特定时间段内创造了多少收入,可以更准确地反映他们的绩效。 错误。如果某个团队成员犯了大量错误,工作质量受到影响,这可能表明他们在努力工作,需要更多的培训和支持。 旷工。衡量专业人员缺勤的频率和时间,可以显示他们对团队和工作效率的影响。 加班。这是管理绩效的一个重要指标,因为它可以帮助雇主防止组织内出现职业倦怠。如果某人的工作时间经常超过其标准工作时间,这可能表明他们有太多的事情要做,或者他们感到有很大的压力要超额完成任务。 绩效管理工具 有多种工具可帮助人力资源领导者和组织有效管理绩效: 360度反馈软件。这类软件可以收集同事、经理和组织其他成员对专业人员的反馈意见,从而全面了解他们的绩效。 绩效评估软件。这些平台可帮助管理人员自动进行绩效评估、设定目标并跟踪专业人员的进展情况。 学习管理系统(LMS)。当一个人难以达到最佳表现时,他们可能需要额外的培训来支持他们。LMS 平台是提供培训和发展计划的绝佳工具,可以提高他们的技能。 员工表彰软件。工作中的表彰会极大地影响员工的工作表现。员工表彰软件可以轻松建立一种文化,对持续达到或超过绩效预期的员工给予认可和激励。 绩效管理如何改善公司文化? 绩效管理系统能够激发员工的潜能,是公司成功的核心要素。定期为员工提供鼓励、支持和指导,能让他们成为公司中乐于奉献、蓬勃发展的一员。因此,这些参与其中的专业人员有助于建立健康、繁荣的工作文化。 以下为文章原文: What is performance management? Performance management is a method of tracking professionals’ work performance and developing their skills so they can contribute effectively toward department and company goals. Performance management involves three phases that encourage individuals to improve their performance level: Planning. Establishing and measuring individual goals that also align with company objectives allows HR to assess a professional’s improvements. Check-in. Managers and team members should meet regularly to engage in two-way conversations about areas for improvement and progress. Review. Frequent check-ins throughout the year prepare managers and professionals for quarterly or biannual performance reviews. These meetings help managers accurately assess people’s progress, achievements, and performance. Common steps in performance management Setting expectations. Performance management begins with establishing clear, specific, and measurable expectations for your people. This involves defining job roles, responsibilities, and performance goals. Continuous feedback. Regular feedback is essential for professional growth and development. This entails ongoing communication between managers and team members to discuss progress, address concerns, and offer guidance. Timely feedback ensures that people can make the necessary adjustments to meet performance expectations. Performance evaluation. Regular performance evaluations are an important part of performance management. During these evaluations, team members are assessed based on their performance against the established expectations. Professional development. HR leaders and managers can collaborate with individual contributors to create development plans—which may include training, mentoring, and additional responsibilities—to enhance skills and competencies. Recognition and rewards. Recognizing and rewarding exceptional performance maintains people’s motivation and engagement. Why is performance management important? Providing professionals with practical ways to better their work performance through consistent, corrective feedback empowers them during their development journey. A well-planned, standardized approach to performance management can increase: Retention. Performance management creates a more satisfying work experience for people and challenges them in a positive way—keeping them engrossed in their work and boosting retention. Employee engagement. When professionals see that their efforts are recognized and rewarded, they become more engaged and committed to their work and the organization. Productivity. Clear performance expectations and regular feedback improve individual as well as organizational productivity, increasing revenue. Implementing a performance management strategy that encourages individuals to achieve more and increase their contributions can foster their autonomy and motivation. What can HR leaders do to establish effective performance management? HR leaders can use the following performance management best practices to help individuals sharpen their skills and develop their careers: Decide on a framework. Identify a performance management method that addresses relevant goals and accurately fits the individual positions under evaluation. For example, HR may implement a 360-degree review to gauge personnel development while using management by objectives (MBO) to assess supervisors’ achievements. Take a positive approach. Treating people with goodwill and empathy sets the groundwork for check-ins that can inspire positive growth. Rather than leaving a professional with a load of unhelpful, negative feedback, managers should clarify expectations and coach individuals on how to progress. Train managers. Managers are the key players in ensuring successful performance management. The way they interact with team members can either inspire them to elevate their performance or demoralize and deflate them. Educating managers to coach their people can positively impact engagement and productivity. Be consistent. Routine employee-manager check-ins enable both parties to maintain a connection. Bite-sized, informal meetings allow professionals to keep a finger on the pulse of their work performance: When the quarterly performance review rolls around, they can readily digest the feedback they receive. Tracking performance management metrics Keeping an eye on the appropriate metrics can make it easier to track the impact of a performance management strategy. Key employee performance metrics to monitor include: Work efficiency. Measuring how much work a person can complete within a certain period of time can indicate what can be rewarded and where there’s room for improvement. Revenue per employee. Calculating how much revenue a professional generates within a particular time period can give a more accurate picture of their performance. Errors. If a team member is committing a large number of errors and the quality of their work is suffering, it can be a sign that they’re struggling and need more training and support. Absenteeism. Measuring how often and for how long a professional is absent from work can demonstrate their impact on a team and their productivity. Overtime. This is an important metric for managing performance as it can help employers prevent burnout within their organization. If someone regularly works more than their standard hours it can indicate that they have too much to do or that they feel a lot of pressure to overachieve. Performance management tools There are a variety of tools available to help HR leaders and organizations manage performance effectively: 360-degree feedback software. This type of software gathers feedback on professionals from their colleagues, managers, and other members of the organization to provide a comprehensive view of their performance. Performance appraisal software. These platforms help managers automate performance evaluations, set goals, and track the progress of professionals. Learning management systems (LMS). When a person is struggling to perform at their best, they may need additional training to support them. LMS platforms are an excellent tool for delivering training and development programs that can enhance their skills. Employee recognition software. Recognition at work can strongly influence people’s performance. Employee recognition software makes it easy to establish a culture that acknowledges and incentivizes people who consistently meet or exceed performance expectations. How does performance management improve company culture? A performance management system that empowers people to reach their potential is a core component of company success. Providing individuals with regular encouragement, support, and direction enables them to become contributing, thriving members of the company. As a result, these engaged professionals can help build a healthy, flourishing work culture.
  • 留住人才
    【HR术语】什么是员工终身价值?(What is employee lifetime value?) 什么是员工终身价值(ELTV)? 员工终生价值(ELTV)是组织用来评估团队成员在整个员工生命周期内的财务价值的指标。 与评估客户在整个关系中为企业带来的价值的客户终身价值(CLV)类似,ELTV 侧重于团队成员通过其技能、想法和文化契合所产生的价值。 为什么衡量 ELTV 很重要? ELTV能让人力资源专业人员深入了解是什么阻碍了员工充分发挥其生产潜力。这种洞察力可以帮助人力资源领导者制定措施,激励团队成员更多地参与工作,从而最大限度地提高团队成员对公司的贡献。 这些举措反过来又会提高团队成员的ELTV。通过衡量这些计划的进展情况,人力资源专业人员可以证明以人为本的投资回报率,从而更容易获得公司利益相关者的支持,并鼓励进一步进行以人为本的投资。 员工终身价值公式 您可以使用下面的公式计算 ELTV: ELTV =(团队成员的平均年收入)x(团队成员的平均任期) 通过这个公式,您可以基本了解一个人的 ELTV。不过,为了更清楚地了解情况,还需要考虑以下因素: 生产率和绩效。评估专业人员的生产力、绩效以及对公司目标的整体影响。 留住人才。任期越长,往往意味着知识和经验越丰富,对企业的潜在价值越大。 培训和发展成本。考虑团队成员在整个任期内的培训投资。 薪酬和福利。考虑您为个人提供的整体薪酬方案,包括工资、奖金和福利。 对公司文化的贡献。认可个人在塑造和提升公司文化、促进团队合作以及为工作环境做出积极贡献方面的作用。 如何提高 ELTV 您可以通过应对员工生命周期中的主要挑战来提高 ELTV:缩短生产时间和提高员工保留率。 缩短生产时间 在员工生命周期的开始阶段,新员工需要一段时间来熟悉自己的角色,并充分发挥生产力。 通过缩短生产时间,企业可以帮助新员工在更长的时间内创造最大价值。 缩短产出时间的策略包括改进以下方面: 招聘。全面的招聘流程和有吸引力的福利待遇可确保您招聘到具备适当技能、资质和经验的顶尖人才,从而更快地实现全员生产率。 入职前培训。通过有效的入职前培训,新员工可以在开始工作前处理必要的行政事务,从而迅速提高工作效率。 入职培训。清晰高效的入职流程有助于新员工尽快熟悉自己的角色。 实施留用战略 留住员工的策略可以延长员工生命周期中生产力最高的时期,鼓励他们在贵组织工作更长的时间。 挽留战略可包括: 投资于学习和发展。提供技能发展和持续学习的途径,不仅能充实员工队伍,还能提高他们的士气和敬业精神。 营造积极的工作环境。培养重视多样性、包容性和幸福感的工作场所文化。心情愉悦的员工往往能在组织中待得更久,并能更有效地为组织目标做出贡献。 表彰和奖励优秀。无论是通过奖金、晋升还是公开表彰,赞赏都会大大有助于降低员工流失率和提高 ELTV。 HCM如何改善Amdaris的ELTV Amdaris 是一家软件开发公司,面临着员工队伍迅速扩大的挑战。他们需要一套人力资源系统,帮助他们在整个员工生命周期内实现流程自动化并加以改进。 通过使用 Bob HCM,Amdaris 能够收集准确的数据,并根据增长率、离职率和平均任期等各种关键绩效指标洞察趋势。 通过这些数据,Amdaris 的管理层清楚地了解了他们的员工及其需求。有了Bob,他们能够创建吸引人的入职前和入职流程,帮助缩短新员工的生产时间。 Bob还使他们能够定期从团队成员那里获得反馈,为留住人才的策略提供依据,从而有机会提高 ELTV。 成功的重要衡量标准 衡量ELTV 可以让您深入了解组织的员工以及帮助他们取得成功的因素。这些洞察力可帮助您实施人力资源计划,使公司发生显著变化。 在向公司利益相关者证明新举措或人力资本管理的投资回报率时,ELTV也很有用。 当企业认识到并培养每个员工所带来的价值时,他们就建立了一种培养人才、推动发展并确保长期成功的文化。 以下为文章原文: What is employee lifetime value (ELTV)? Employee lifetime value (ELTV) is a metric organizations use to evaluate the financial value of a team member throughout the employee lifecycle. Similar to customer lifetime value (CLV), which assesses the value a customer brings to a business throughout their entire relationship, ELTV focuses on the value a team member generates through their skills, ideas, and cultural alignment. Why is it important to measure ELTV? ELTV gives HR professionals insight into what could be inhibiting their people from reaching their full productive potential. This kind of insight helps HR leaders put initiatives in place that create incentives for team members to engage more with their work, therefore maximizing the contributions of team members to the company. These initiatives boost team members’ ELTV in turn. By measuring the progress of these programs, HR professionals can demonstrate the ROI of people-focused investments, making it easier to gain buy-in from company stakeholders and encouraging further people-focused investment. Employee lifetime value formula  You can use the formula below to calculate ELTV: ELTV = (Average yearly revenue generated of team member) x (Average tenure of team member) This equation can give you a basic understanding of a person’s ELTV. However, to get a clearer picture, it’s helpful to also consider the following factors: Productivity and performance. Assessing a professional’s productivity, performance, and overall impact on the company’s goals. Retention. Longer tenure often implies more knowledge, experience, and potentially greater value for the organization. Training and development costs. Factoring in the investment made in training a team member throughout their tenure. Salary and benefits. Considering the total compensation package you provide to the individual, including salary, bonuses, and benefits. Contribution to company culture. Recognizing a person’s role in shaping and enhancing the company culture, fostering teamwork, and contributing positively to the work environment. How to improve ELTV You can improve ELTV by addressing the main challenges of the employee lifecycle: reducing time-to-productivity and increasing the employee retention rate. Reduce time-to-productivity At the beginning of the employee lifecycle, it takes time for a new hire to become familiar with their role and reach full productivity. By reducing time-to-productivity, an organization is helping a new hire produce the most value for a longer period of time. Strategies to reduce time-to-productivity include improving: Recruitment. A thorough recruitment process and attractive benefits packages ensure you’re hiring top talent with the right skills, qualifications, and experience to reach full productivity faster. Preboarding. With effective preboarding, new hires can quickly become productive by taking care of the necessary admin before starting work. Onboarding. Having a clear and efficient onboarding process helps new hires familiarize themselves with their roles sooner. Implement retention strategies Retention strategies extend your people’s period of peak productivity in the employee lifecycle by encouraging them to stay at your organization for a longer period of time. Retention strategies could include: Investing in learning and development. Providing avenues for skill development and continuous learning not only enriches your workforce but also boosts their morale and dedication. Fostering a positive work environment. Cultivate a workplace culture that values diversity, inclusivity, and wellbeing. A happy workforce tends to stay longer and contributes more effectively to the organization’s goals. Recognizing and rewarding excellence. Whether through bonuses, promotions, or public recognition, appreciation goes a long way toward reducing employee turnover and increasing ELTV. How an HCM improved Amdaris’ ELTV Amdaris, a software development company, faced challenges with a rapidly expanding workforce. They needed an HR system that could help them automate and improve processes throughout the employee lifecycle. By using the Bob HCM, Amdaris was able to gather accurate data that gave them insights into trends based on a wide range of KPIs, such as growth rate, turnover rate, and average tenure. Through this range of data, Amdaris’ management had a clear understanding of their people and what they needed. With Bob, they were able to create engaging preboarding and onboarding processes that helped reduce time-to-productivity for new hires. Bob also allowed them to get regular feedback from team members to inform retention strategies—giving them the chance to increase ELTV. An essential metric for success Measuring ELTV can give you key insights into your organization’s people and the factors that help them succeed. These insights help you implement HR initiatives that make a significant difference to your company. ELTV can also prove useful when justifying new initiatives or an HCM’s ROI to company stakeholders. When organizations recognize and nurture the value each of their people brings to the table, they establish a culture that fosters talent, drives growth, and secures long-term success.
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