• 提供灵活工作安排
    【HR术语】什么是员工幸福感?(What is employee happiness?) 什么是员工幸福感? 员工幸福感是一个相当直观的概念,指的是对自己的工作抱有积极的态度和看法。快乐的人在工作场所会感到兴奋。他们喜欢自己的工作和与之共事的人。他们的员工参与度和工作满意度都很高。 但是,员工幸福感是一个相对简单的概念,并不意味着它很容易在你的组织中实现。这需要人力资源专业人士深思熟虑,在整个员工生命周期中努力创造积极的员工体验。 为什么员工幸福感很重要? 只要看一看一些员工幸福感的统计数据,就会发现它是组织成功的一个基本要素。从根本上说,如果你想吸引和留住顶尖人才,就必须把员工的幸福感放在首位。 从数据来看,如果发现公司员工普遍不开心,69% 的人会拒绝接受工作邀请。此外,75% 的不快乐员工希望离开目前的岗位。 员工幸福感与工作效率之间有什么关系? 员工幸福感与工作效率之间也有重要关系,幸福的专业人士比不幸福的同行工作效率高出 20%。一项调查证明了幸福感与工作表现之间的联系,调查显示,工作表现出色的人比工作表现不佳的人要幸福大约 15%。 如何衡量员工的幸福感? 由于员工幸福感在工作场所中的重要性显而易见,人力资源领导者显然必须优先开始衡量员工幸福感。作为一种定性衡量标准,衡量员工幸福感的最佳方法是使用员工幸福感调查。 这种工具也称为员工满意度调查,它使用各种问题来探究组织中的员工对自己的角色、团队、经理、公司等的满意程度。 员工幸福感调查中可以包含的问题有 你觉得自己与同事之间有联系吗? 你与经理的关系积极吗? 你在工作中感到得到认可和奖励吗? 你对自己的角色满意吗? 你对公司文化满意吗? 为确保调查尽可能高效,请使用专为衡量员工工作满意度而设计的员工调查工具。 如何提高员工幸福感? 了解员工的幸福感水平后,下一步就是制定旨在提高员工幸福感的战略。众所周知,有许多因素会影响员工的幸福感,您可以针对这些因素改善员工在组织中的体验。可以采取的一些措施有 给予认可和奖励。82%的成年雇员认为表彰是他们工作幸福感的重要组成部分,因此,如果你还没有制定员工表彰和奖励计划,那么现在是时候制定一个了。 提供灵活的工作安排。在 COVID 大流行之后,工作与生活的平衡以及灵活的工作安排一再成为职场人士日益重视的问题。 帮助员工成长和发展。现代职业人士不甘心年复一年地做着同样的工作而毫无进步。投资于员工的职业生涯并提供职业发展机会,是提升幸福感的绝佳途径。 发展人际关系。说到快乐,牢固的人际关系就是一切,70% 的在职专业人士表示,在工作中拥有朋友是快乐工作生活的最关键因素。 为什么员工幸福感应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 为员工的幸福感投资不仅仅是一项加分项:而是必须的。投资于员工的幸福感有助于提高招聘、留住人才、生产率和绩效等各个方面。为了建立一个健康、高绩效的组织,现代人力资源专业人员必须优先考虑衡量和提高员工的幸福感。 以下为文章原文: What is employee happiness? Employee happiness is a fairly straightforward concept referring to the state of having a positive attitude and outlook on one’s work. Happy people are excited to go to their workplace. They enjoy what they do and the people they work with. They have high levels of employee engagement and job satisfaction. But just because employee happiness is a relatively simple idea doesn’t mean it’s easy to achieve in your organization. It requires deliberate thought and effort from HR professionals to create a positive employee experience throughout the entire employee lifecycle. Why is employee happiness important? A quick look at some employee happiness statistics reveals that it is an essential element of organizational success. Essentially, if you want to be able to attract and retain top talent, you’ll have to make your people’s happiness a priority. Taking a look at the numbers, 69 percent of people will reject a job offer if they find out that the company’s employees are generally unhappy. In addition, 75 percent of unhappy employees want to leave their current roles. What’s the relationship between employee happiness and productivity? There is also an important relationship between employee happiness and productivity, as happy professionals are 20 percent more productive than their unhappy counterparts. One survey demonstrates the link between happiness and performance, showing that people with excellent performance are about 15 percent happier at work than those with poor performance. How can you measure employee happiness? With the apparent importance of employee happiness in the workplace, it becomes clear that HR leaders must make it a priority to start measuring employee happiness. As a qualitative measure, the best approach to measure employee happiness is to use an employee happiness survey. Also called an employee satisfaction survey, this tool uses a variety of questions to explore how happy the people in an organization are with their role, team, manager, company, and more. Some great questions to include in an employee happiness survey are: Do you feel connected to your co-workers? Do you have a positive relationship with your manager? Do you feel recognized and rewarded at work? Are you satisfied with your role? Are you happy with the company culture? To ensure your survey is as efficient as possible, use an employee survey tool designed specifically for measuring your people’s satisfaction with work. How can you improve employee happiness? Once you have a sense of your people’s happiness levels, the next step is to build a strategy aimed at increasing employee happiness. There are many factors known to contribute to employee happiness that you can address to improve the employee experience at your organization. Some steps to take are: Give recognition and rewards. Eight-two percent of employed adults consider recognition an important part of their happiness at work, so if you don’t already have an employee recognition and reward program in place, now is the time to build one. Offer flexible work arrangements. In the aftermath of the COVID pandemic, work-life balance and flexible work arrangements have repeatedly emerged as an increasingly important priority for people in the workplace. Help people grow and develop. The modern professional isn’t happy staying in the same job with no progress year after year. Investing in people’s careers and providing professional development opportunities is an excellent way to boost happiness. Develop relationships. When it comes to happiness, strong relationships are everything, with 70 percent of employed professionals saying that having friends at work is the most crucial element to a happy working life. Why should employee happiness be part of modern HR strategy? Investing in employee happiness isn’t just a plus: It’s a must. Investing in your people’s happiness helps with everything from hiring and retention to productivity and performance. For a healthy, high-performing organization, the modern HR professional must make it a priority to both measure and improve employee happiness.