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    【HR术语】什么是人才招聘专家?(What is a talent acquisition specialist?) 什么是人才招聘专家? 人才招聘专家是一种人力资源专业人员,专门负责寻找合适的人才来填补空缺职位,尤其是那些需要专业技能的职位。人才招聘专家通常在竞争高技能人才的快速发展行业工作。 人才招聘专家做什么? 他们参与招聘流程的每一个步骤,包括: 在招聘网站上发布招聘信息 在 LinkedIn 和其他网站上寻找潜在员工 制定申请人筛选流程 审核简历和申请 选择面试者 进行面试 推荐聘用人选 处理入职事宜 人才招聘专家与招聘人员有什么区别? 上述职位描述听起来可能与招聘人员非常相似,这可能会让您想知道这两个职位之间有什么区别。 招聘人员侧重于为特定职位寻找和筛选合适候选人的短期过程。 而人才招聘则更注重持续战略和提前规划,以确保空缺职位得到填补,并为新员工在组织中的长期成功和成长做好准备。此外,人才招聘专家通常专注于招聘高技能人才,如专家、领导者和未来的高管。 人力资源领导为什么要关注人才招聘专家? 优秀的人才招聘专家是现代人力资源团队的宝贵补充。在竞争激烈的市场中,雇主们都在努力用高素质的人才填补职位空缺,而合格且经验丰富的人才招聘专家往往是分担人力资源团队其他成员招聘压力的必要人选。 虽然科技和医疗保健等竞争激烈行业的公司通常需要人才招聘专家,但人才招聘专家可以帮助任何领域各种规模的组织。他们可以帮助你招聘到拥有合适技能和经验、适合公司文化的人才,并帮助你实现招聘目标,比如拥有一支多元化的员工队伍。 人力资源领导者如何才能招聘到合格的人才招聘专家? 人才招聘专家可以极大地影响企业的未来。要找到合适的人才招聘专家并让他们获得成功,建议寻找具备以下资质的候选人: 至少五年的人力资源和/或招聘行业经验 人力资源学位和/或专业人力资源认证 掌握当前就业法的最新知识 具有申请人跟踪系统和人力资源信息系统方面的经验 具有战略思维和前瞻能力,能够规划个人的职业发展轨迹;这也有助于填补未来的职位空缺 了解公司品牌形象 为什么人才招聘专家应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 如果您曾经为寻找合适的人才填补对企业成功有重大影响的重要空缺职位而苦恼,那么您就已经知道为什么人才招聘专家这一职位必不可少了。聘用有能力的人才招聘专家可以帮助您实现招聘目标,为空缺职位引入高技能的候选人,并为组织的长期成功奠定基础。 以下为文章原文: What is a talent acquisition specialist? A talent acquisition specialist is an HR professional who specializes in finding the right people to fill open roles, especially those that require specialized skill sets. Talent acquisition specialists often work in fast-moving industries that compete for highly-skilled talent. What does a talent acquisition specialist do? They’re involved at every step of the hiring process, including: Posting on job boards Sourcing potential employees on LinkedIn and other sites Developing applicant screening processes Reviewing resumes and applications Selecting interviewees Conducting interviews Making recommendations for whom to hire Handling onboarding What is the difference between a talent acquisition specialist and a recruiter? The above job description may sound pretty similar to that of a recruiter, which may lead you to wonder what the difference between these two roles is. Recruiters are focused on the short-term process of identifying and screening suitable candidates for a specific position. Talent acquisition is more focused on ongoing strategy and planning ahead to ensure that open positions are filled and that new hires are set up for long-term success and growth in the organization. Additionally, talent acquisition specialists often focus on hiring highly-skilled people such as specialists, leaders, and future executives. Why should HR leaders care about talent acquisition specialists? A good talent acquisition specialist can be an invaluable addition to the modern HR team. In a highly competitive market where employers struggle to fill vacancies with high-quality talent, qualified and experienced talent acquisition specialists are often necessary to take the stress of hiring off the rest of the HR team. Although companies in competitive industries like tech and health care typically require talent acquisition specialists, TA specialists can help organizations of all sizes in any field. They can help you hire people with the right skills and experience who are a fit for your company culture and help you meet hiring goals like having a diverse workforce. What can HR leaders do to hire qualified talent acquisition specialists? A talent acquisition specialist can significantly influence your organization’s future. To find the right talent acquisition specialists and set them up for success, it is recommended to look for candidates with the following qualifications: At least five years of industry experience in HR and/or recruiting A degree in HR and/or a professional HR certification Up-to-date knowledge of current employment law Experience with applicant tracking systems and HRIS Strategic thinking and the ability to look ahead and plan a person’s career trajectory; this also helps fill future vacancies Understanding of company brand identity Why should talent acquisition specialists be a part of the modern HR strategy? If you’ve ever struggled to find the right people to fill critical open positions with a significant influence on your organization’s success, you already know why a talent acquisition specialist role is essential. Bringing on capable talent acquisition specialists can help you meet hiring goals, introduce highly-skilled candidates for open positions, and set up your organization for long-term success