• 健康计划
    【HR术语】什么是员工援助计划?(What is an employee assistance program?) 什么是员工援助计划(EAP)? 员工援助计划,简称 EAP,是以工作为基础的计划,旨在发现并帮助团队成员应对可能阻碍他们在工作中发挥最佳水平的个人挑战。 从人际关系问题、心理健康问题到药物滥用问题,员工援助计划都是一个组织致力于营造健康、心理稳定和提高生产力氛围的象征。 员工援助计划范例 EAP 可以根据每个工作场所的独特需求进行调整和定制。它们可以包括一系列服务,例如: 保密咨询。为员工提供一个安全的避风港,让他们可以就个人和工作相关的问题和压力获得指导。 法律指导。为从家庭法到财务问题等各种法律情况提供可靠的建议。 健康计划。通过以健康为中心的举措(如健身房会员资格和营养咨询)提升员工的幸福感。 转介服务。帮助您的团队成员找到有用的外部资源,如康复中心或托儿服务。 财务咨询。允许员工获得财务规划方面的援助,尤其是在人生重大转折时期。 员工援助计划的益处 员工援助计划可为团队成员和组织带来多种益处: 提高士气和工作效率。EAP 可以通过解决对员工的注意力产生负面影响的任何个人问题来提高工作效率。 减少缺勤。有了 EAP,许多导致缺勤的问题都会得到解决,缺勤率也会大幅下降。 增强工作场所的心理健康。EAP 通常会提供心理健康服务,营造一个更健康的工作空间,让员工认识到健康心理的重要性。 减轻工作压力。EAP 提供压力管理资源,有助于营造更轻松的工作环境。 留住员工。通过为个人问题提供支持,企业可以提高团队成员的忠诚度,降低员工流失率。 员工援助计划的缺点 尽管员工援助计划有很多好处,但它也有一些潜在的缺点: 费用。实施和维护 EAP 可能会造成经济负担,尤其是对小型企业而言。 利用率低。团队成员可能会因为缺乏认识、认为有污点或担心保密性而不使用该计划。 有效性。EAP 的成功取决于服务质量。如果服务质量不佳或处理不当,该计划可能不会有效,反而会浪费时间和金钱。 如何实施员工援助计划 推出有效的 EAP 是一个精心策划的过程,涉及多个步骤: 第 1 步:确定需求 首先要对团队成员进行调查或组织焦点小组,以了解他们的需求以及造成他们压力的原因--无论是经济压力、工作与生活的平衡、人际关系问题还是心理健康问题。这有助于您定制 EAP,以应对团队面临的具体挑战。 第 2 步:选择计划 现在是时候选择一个能满足团队需求的 EAP 了。这可以是由人力资源部门管理的内部计划,也可以是由第三方专家提供的外包计划。 第三步:沟通 既然您已经选择了 EAP,下一步就是向您的团队成员介绍它。您可以通过电子邮件、通讯或团队会议等各种沟通渠道,让他们了解该计划的所有细节、服务和好处。营造鼓励使用的环境。其中至关重要的一点是向团队成员保证计划的保密性,减轻他们可能存在的任何潜在恐惧。 第四步:培训 除了沟通,提供培训课程或研讨会向团队成员介绍 EAP 也很重要。他们应该知道如何使用该计划,并了解该计划能为他们做些什么。 第 5 步:监控和调整 实施 EAP 并不是整个过程的最后一步;计划的成功取决于持续的监控和调整。定期收集团队成员的反馈意见,审查计划的使用率和成果。它是否有助于减少压力和缺勤?团队成员是否更满意,工作效率是否更高?根据这些信息,您可以做出或大或小的调整,帮助改进 EAP,确保它始终对每个人有益。 EAP 如何影响公司文化? EAP 可以对公司文化产生积极影响。除了员工的职业贡献之外,EAP 还能传达企业对员工福祉的真诚关怀。 通过提供管理个人和职业挑战的工具,EAP 营造了一个包容、支持的环境,其结果往往会提高团队的满意度、参与度和忠诚度,从而促进充满活力的公司文化。 营造更快乐、更健康的工作环境 通过全面了解什么是员工援助计划,我们可以利用它的益处创造更健康、更有弹性的工作环境。 员工援助计划提醒我们,我们的团队成员不仅是员工,也是在复杂生活环境中摸爬滚打的真实的人。通过为他们提供支持,我们投资于组织的力量和整体幸福感,并帮助建立强大、持久的公司文化。 以下为文章原文: What is an employee assistance program (EAP)? Employee assistance programs, or EAPs for short, are work-based programs designed to identify and assist team members in handling personal challenges that might be holding them back from performing their best at work. From relationship troubles and mental health issues to grappling with substance abuse, EAPs are a symbol of an organization’s dedication to cultivating an atmosphere of wellness, mental stability, and boosted productivity. Employee assistance program examples EAPs can be adapted and tailored to fit every workplace’s unique needs. They can include a range of services such as: Confidential counseling. Offering a safe haven for your people where they can get guidance for both personal and work-related issues and stresses. Legal guidance. Providing reliable advice for legal situations, from family law to financial issues. Wellness programs. Promoting employee happiness through health-centric initiatives such as gym memberships and nutritional counseling. Referral services. Helping to connect your team members to helpful external resources, like rehabilitation centers or childcare services. Financial advice. Allowing access to aid for financial planning, particularly during significant life transitions. Employee assistance program benefits EAPs provide a wide range of benefits for both team members and the organization: Boosted morale and productivity. EAPs can elevate productivity by addressing any personal issues that are negatively impacting an employee’s focus. Reduced absences. With access to EAPs, absenteeism can significantly drop as many issues leading to absence get resolved. Enhanced mental health in the workplace. EAPs often incorporate mental health services, fostering a healthier workspace that embraces the importance of a healthy mental state. Less workplace stress. Offering resources for stress management, EAPs can contribute to a more relaxed work environment. Employee retention. By providing support for personal issues, an organization can increase team member loyalty and reduce turnover. Disadvantages of employee assistance programs Despite the fact that EAPs come with multiple benefits, EAPs do come with a few potential downsides: Expense. Implementing and maintaining EAPs might be a financial burden, especially for smaller businesses. Under-utilization. Team members might not use the program due to a lack of awareness, perceived stigmas, or confidentiality concerns. Effectiveness. The success of an EAP depends on the quality of services. If subpar or mishandled, the program might not be effective and can be a waste of both time and money. How to implement an employee assistance plan Rolling out an effective EAP is a carefully planned process involving several steps: Step 1: Identifying needs Start with conducting surveys or hosting focus groups with team members to understand their needs and what is causing them stress—whether that’s financial stress, work-life balance, relationship troubles, or mental health concerns. This helps you to tailor your EAP to address the specific challenges facing your team. Step 2: Selecting a program Now it’s time to choose an EAP that caters to your team’s needs. This could be an in-house program managed by your HR department, or it could be an outsourced program provided by a third-party specialist. Step 3: Communication Now that you’ve selected your EAP, the next step is telling your team members about it. You can let them know all of the details about the program, its services, and its benefits through various communication channels like emails, newsletters, or team meetings. Create an environment that encourages its usage. A crucial aspect of this is to assure team members about the confidentiality of the program, alleviating any potential fears they may have. Step 4: Training In addition to communication, providing training sessions or workshops to introduce the EAP to your team members is important. They should know how to access the program and understand what it can do for them. Step 5: Monitoring and adjusting Implementing the EAP is not the final step of the process; the program’s success depends on continuous monitoring and adjusting. Regularly gather feedback from team members and review the usage rates and outcomes of the program. Is it helping to reduce stress and absenteeism? Are team members more satisfied and productive? Based on this information, you can make small or large adjustments that help to improve the EAP and ensure it remains beneficial for everyone. How do EAPs impact company culture? EAPs can positively influence a company’s culture. They communicate the organization’s genuine care about employee wellbeing, beyond their professional contributions. By offering tools to manage personal and professional challenges, EAPs cultivate an inclusive, supportive environment with the result often leading to increased team satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty—contributing to a vibrant company culture. Fostering a happier, healthier working environment Through a comprehensive understanding of what an employee assistance program is, we can harness its benefits to create healthier, more resilient workplaces. EAPs remind us that our team members are not just employees but real people navigating through complex life situations. By supporting them, we invest in the strength—and the overall happiness—of our organization and help build a strong, lasting company culture.
  • 健康计划
    员工福利:如何满足更高的福利期望 薪酬仍然是积极影响员工和留住顶尖人才的头号方式,但其他因素也不甘落后。例如,53%的员工希望雇主专注于支持健康和健身。除了工作之外,还有一些工作之外的压力因素仍会影响到办公室的员工,例如财务方面的担忧——员工每个月平均花费13个小时担心工作时的钱。久坐不动的生活方式以及日益增加的社会和经济压力也会影响员工的身心健康。专业人士可以通过专注于让员工更快乐、更健康、更专注的举措来解决这一问题。   把权力放在员工手中 美国一半以上的员工表示,他们的工作场所对他们的健康产生了负面影响,只有10%的人表示他们的健康状况有任何积极影响。组织需要通过将员工的心理,身体和财务状况作为其员工战略的核心目标来应对此问题。影响最大的好处是那些个性化的,以满足员工的长期和短期需求。(了解更多:https://hrtechchina.com/) 不是每个人都想要传统的健康福利,如健身房会员; 许多人喜欢通过“健康计划包”选择最适合他们需求的福利。他们可以将钱花在他们的“健康计划包”中,用于对他们的健康影响最大的活动,例如Zumba课程或攀岩。我们的研究发现,提供灵活和个性化福利的雇主,例如健康罐,雇员的人数是公司的三倍。这些员工很可能会过上更健康,更幸福的生活,因此表现更好,为业务做出更大的贡献。然而,目前只有4%的组织提供健康计划包,76%甚至没有考虑实施健康计划包——尽管超过一半(51%)的员工会欣赏这种福利。   个性化 通过健康计划包为员工提供更多选择后,开始根据个人喜好对员工进行分组,并分享有关所提供福利的相关定制通信。目前只有9%的雇主这样做,但那些做到这一点的人实现福利计划目标的可能性是其两倍。全球福利管理和管理软件还为团队提供数据,以证明其沟通活动的执行情况。这不仅可以衡量您的沟通的影响,还可以衡量提供的好处,还可以确定可以在哪些方面进行改进,以不断改进和改进您的方法。   公司全力支持利益 为了获得最大可能的影响,资金必须具有竞争力,并且必须有广泛的选择。除此之外,衡量当前计划的投资回报率是关键。没有积极衡量福利计划影响的雇主错失了确保达到目标的重要机会,并且福利计划对员工和企业都有效。 数据分析使全球人力资源部门能够探索员工如何与他们的利益进行互动,并衡量健康计划的影响,并根据需要调整方法。那些利用技术的人正在获得回报,几乎是实现其福利参与目标的两倍。 最终,今天的员工正在寻找更多雇主,以便保持参与并感受到他们公司的真正价值。让员工自由选择最适合其生命阶段的福利,并通过个性化通信和数据分析支持这些选择至关重要。实施这些变更将带来更多的组织影响,包括更高的绩效和更高效的员工。   以上为AI翻译,内容仅供参考。 作者:Matthew Jackson 来源:hrtechnologist
  • 健康计划
    帮助企业优化员工健康管理,Lumity获DFJ领投1900万美元B轮融资 【猎云网(微信号:ilieyun)】8月24日报道 (编译:拿铁小心心) Lumity是一家致力于通过提供以数据为基础的推荐,帮助企业优化健康计划的创企。日前,该创企完成1900万美元B轮融资,由DFJ领投,Social+Capital Partnership和True Ventures跟投。 Lumity 2014年成立于加州圣马特奥,其平台旨在帮助企业及员工管理、选择最合适的健康计划,节省企业的时间和金钱。 Lumity称,他们会根据员工的健康风险状况,设定“公平收益计划等级”。另外,该公司还可以使用数据,根据员工的需求,推荐特定的健康计划。员工也可以查看自己的健康计划档案数据,雇主则能获取更多的分析数据,包括总体开支等等。 2015年,该公司在A轮融资中获得1400万美元,新一轮融资将用于壮大“福利顾问、技术和后勤办公团队”。 Lumity透露,在过去一年,他们的营收增长达800%,客户中知名公司有Lyft,Greenhouse,the Linux Fundation和GoFundMe。 在员工福利和健康医疗领域,创企融资数量正在急速增长。今年早些时候,Livongo融资5250万美元,帮助大公司和健康计划提供商节省开支;Vida Health融资1800万美元,致力于提高员工的健康水平,同时削减成本。另外,Accolade完成9400万美元融资轮;上个月,Hinge Health也锁定800万美元,致力于解决背痛等慢性疾病。