• 临时提供高绩效工作
    【HR术语】什么是租赁员工?(What are leased employees?) 什么是租赁员工? 租赁员工是指从人事代理公司领取报酬,为接收公司工作的人员。接收公司一般会聘用租赁员工来完成临时职位或特定项目。 谁是租赁员工的雇主? 雇用租赁员工并为其提供工资和福利的通常是租赁代理公司,而不是接收公司。租赁机构通常会雇用技术人才为接收公司工作,这些行业包括: 医疗保健 金融业 咨询 房地产 法律 员工租赁与共同雇佣 在雇员租赁中,人事代理公司为您的企业提供人员并管理其人力资源行政工作。共同雇佣,也称为 PEO(专业雇佣组织),意味着合作雇佣。例如,PEO 可以处理人力资源行政工作,而贵公司则负责招聘和录用。 根据共同雇佣协议,公司可以以不同的方式分担责任。然而,更令人困惑的是,由于共同雇佣是从雇员租赁演变而来的,因此在美国的一些州,雇员租赁和共同雇佣这两个词被交替使用。 何时应使用雇员租赁? 无论大公司还是小公司,在需要季节性招聘、处理特定项目或缺乏适当的招聘和管理工作资源时,都可以依靠租赁员工。 人力资源领导为什么要关注租赁员工? 员工租赁使公司能够更快地招聘和雇佣员工,从而提高生产力和效率。人才中介公司可以接触到许多合格的人才,并拥有安置这些人才的专业知识,他们可以将有技能的个人与空缺职位相匹配,同时承担人力资源行政负担。 租赁员工的好处 使用优质租赁公司可以: 缩短填补空缺的时间 简化并改进招聘和录用工作 临时提供高绩效工作 人力资源领导者如何才能将租赁员工成功纳入团队? 为您和您的员工提供顺利的员工租赁体验: 评估公司需求。进行需求评估,确定您希望租赁员工履行的职责和职位,以及您需要中介机构承担的行政工作。 遵守法律。员工租赁法律非常复杂。聘请就业律师有助于确保遵守州和联邦法律。 做好调查。为确保您与一流的租赁公司合作,请确保该公司信誉良好并持有执照。 确保员工了解相关政策。除了实施有效的入职流程外,还应在租赁员工手册中加入一个章节,解释他们和你在福利、薪资、退休、公司文化和适当的工作场所行为等方面的义务。 一视同仁。为了让租赁员工感到自己受到重视并成为团队的一员,应通过与他们建立关系、满足他们的需求并为他们提供公平的工作条件,对他们一视同仁。 为什么租赁员工应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 将租赁员工纳入人力资源战略有助于提高灵活性--这是当今多变的工作世界所必须的。将租赁员工无缝纳入整个组织的团队中,即使在工作场所趋势和业务需求不断变化的情况下,人力资源部门和公司也能保持生产力。 以下为文章原文: What are leased employees? Leased employees are people who receive compensation from a staffing agency to perform work for a recipient company. Recipient companies generally bring in leased employees to fulfill a temporary position or complete a specific project. Who is the employer of a leased employee? Leasing agencies, not recipient companies, typically employ leased employees and provide them with salaries and benefits. Leasing agencies often hire skilled people to work for recipient companies in industries such as Health care Finance Consultancy Real Estate Law Employee leasing vs. co-employment In employee leasing, a staffing agency provides your business with people and manages their HR admin work. Co-employment, also known as PEO (Professional Employment Organization), implies collaborative employment. For example, PEOs may handle HR admin while your company manages recruitment and hiring. Depending on the co-employment agreement, companies can split the responsibilities differently. However, to make things more confusing, because co-employment has evolved from employee leasing, in some US states, the terms employee leasing and co-employment are used interchangeably. When should employee leasing be used? Large and small companies can rely on leased employees when they need to hire seasonally, handle specific projects, or lack the resources for proper recruitment and admin work. Why should HR leaders care about leased employees? Employee leasing enables companies to recruit and hire faster for increased productivity and efficiency. With access to many qualified people and expertise in placing them, staffing agencies can match skilled individuals with vacant positions while shouldering the HR admin burden. Benefits of leased employees Using a quality leasing company can: Improve time to fill Streamline and improve recruitment and hiring Offer high-performance work for a temporary period What can HR leaders do to incorporate leased employees into their teams successfully? To facilitate a smooth employee leasing experience for you and your people: Evaluate company needs. Conduct a needs assessment to determine the duties and positions you want the leased employees to fulfill and the admin work you need the agency to take care of. Comply with the laws. Employee leasing laws are complex. Hiring an employment lawyer can help guarantee compliance with state and federal laws. Do your research. To ensure you collaborate with a top-of-the-line leasing firm, make sure it’s reputable and licensed. Ensure employees know the policies. In addition to running an effective onboarding process, include a section in the employee handbook for leased employees that explains their and your obligations regarding benefits, payroll, retirement, company culture, and proper workplace conduct. Treat everyone equally. To help leased employees feel valued and part of the team, treat them the same as everyone else by building a relationship with them, addressing their needs, and providing them with fair work conditions. Why should leased employees be part of the modern HR strategy? Including leased employees in the HR strategy contributes to agility–a must in today’s dynamic world of work. The ability to seamlessly include leased employees in teams throughout the organization enables HR and the company to maintain productivity, even amidst fluctuating workplace trends and business needs.