Josh Tolan 是 Crunch Network 联合撰稿人,Spark Hire 公司的首席执行官。
新的 科技进步 持续地改变着我们商业过程当中的任何一面,包括我们 招聘 和 雇用 最好员工的方式。我们要感谢最新的科技创新,它让今天的招聘过程跟传统的职位公告,和坐下来面试的那种过程相比改进了太多。
行业技能造成的鸿沟正在不断增长,这可能大家都知道了。不过这一点今天仍然在影响招聘的过程。实际上人力资源巨头万宝盛华(Manpower)第九次年度的 雇佣前景调查(中文版)显示,有接近 40%的全球范围的用工者报告说,在招聘方面遇到了困难,这是 7 年以来最高的百分比。随着寻找到合格的员工越来越困难,招聘者们需要进一步深入研究招聘方法——今天是预测分析学,明天则有可能是语音分析。
一个由芝加哥大学商学院(Chicago Booth School of Business)进行的 新研究 发现,人们在寻找员工的时候,当求职者在阅读的时候语调跟自己的语调相同,那么候选人就更可能会入选。
芝加哥大学教授 Nicholas Epley 表示:“作为对一个人脑海当中沟通内容的补充,就像是特殊的想法和信念,一个人的发音习惯可以用来传达他们基本的思考能力,归纳能力,周到体贴的能力,以及他们的智慧。”
其中一个这样的公司是 Jobaline,使用语音建模来测量一个人的受欢迎程度和魅力,在 Verbal 出品的 Moodie 应用当中,可以用基本同样的方式来分析语音,检测在语音当中蕴含的情感。
所谓物联网(“Internet of Things” (IoT))就是最近一段时间在科技界不断被提及的字眼。从 可穿戴设备 到 智能汽车 ,再到 自行配对的家用电器 ,任何一个东西都可以和互联网连接,并且必将和互联网连接。实际上,根据分析公司 Gartner 预计,在 2020 年将会有接近 26 亿个物联网装置在全球使用。
这还不包括它同样可以保持你对职位预测的敏锐性,或者调整你的时间表,正如移动科技公司 Visage Mobile 移动技术总监 Mani Zarrehparvar 表示 :
不断升级当中的视频技术允许我们和职位候选人通过视觉来联系,不管何时何地。现在 有 60%的招聘经理 都采用视频的方式进行面试,流行度正不断上升。而我们怎样通过虚拟互动走得更远一步,塑造未来的职位面试形态呢?
以下是一个可能让星球大战的粉丝们感到高兴的消息,那就是 三维全息技术已经在使用了 。尽管还没有到达消费者层面,它已经不再是仅仅来自于科幻小说当中的设想。不久的将来,三维全息显示技术就可以允许面试者和候选人的三维影像互动。
实际上,相关的方案已经在采用当中了。闻名全球的维基解密创始人朱利安·阿桑奇 在去年一次接受采访的时候 ,就使用了全息图技术。在这个月,世界闻名的物理学家和宇宙论者史蒂芬·霍金在悉尼歌剧院 举行一场虚拟的见面会 ,给那里的人发表了一个讲座。
How Today’s Tech Will Shape Tomorrow’s Job Interview
Josh TolanCrunch Network Contributor
Josh Tolan is the CEO of Spark Hire
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New technologies continue to change every facet of the way we do business, including how we identify, recruit and hire the best people. Thanks to the latest tech innovations, today’s recruiting and hiring process has developed far beyond the traditional job boards and sit-down interviews of yesterday.
The onslaught of social media has made it easier to identify and connect with potential candidates. (If you say you don’t check job candidates out on social media, you’re lying.) Smartphones made it easy to recruit and interview on the go. Popular video chat platforms paved the way for video interviews.
In short, today’s hiring process has evolved to include employers, hiring managers, recruiters and job candidates — with tech as the middleman.
As technology advances, so will the way we interview and hire employees. Which brings us to the future of job interviews. Let’s take a look at how some of today’s emerging technologies will shape tomorrow’s job interview.
The Sound of Intellect
The skills gap is growing. It might be yesterday’s news, but it still affects today’s hiring process. In fact, ManpowerGroup’s ninth annual Talent Shortage Survey revealed that nearly 40 percent of employers globally reported having difficulty filling jobs — the highest percentage in seven years. As it becomes harder to find qualified candidates, employers will need to step up their hiring game. Today, it’s predictive analytics. Tomorrow, it’ll be voice analytics.
A new study by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business discovered that people found job candidates more appealing when they heard their pitch versus when they read it — even though it was the same pitch.
“In addition to communicating the contents of one’s mind, like specific thoughts and beliefs, a person’s speech conveys their fundamental capacity to think — the capacity for reasoning, thoughtfulness, and intellect,” said Chicago Booth professor Nicholas Epley.
As a result, companies are already beginning to develop various apps, software, and algorithms designed to screen job candidates and evaluate their potential fit for a role or company based on their voice.
One such company is Jobaline, which uses voice profiling to gauge a person’s likeability and charm. Beyond Verbal’s Moodie app performs much in the same way by analyzing voice to determine emotion.
While these voice profiling tools are still in an experimental stage when it comes to hiring, they could be largely beneficial for customer service or sales roles where an employee’s voice takes center stage.
The Internet of Things
The “Internet of Things” (IoT) is a phrase that’s been reverberating throughout the tech world as of late. From wearables to smart cars to self-sufficient appliances, anything that can be connected, will be connected. In fact, according to Gartner, there will be nearly 26 billion IoT devices by 2020.
So what impact will the Internet of Things have on the future of recruiting and hiring? For starters, more IoT devices means more data and analytics when it comes to identifying potential job candidates. And more data and analytics means a more effective recruiting and hiring process that leads to better hires.
Not to mention, it could also keep you from being late to meet job prospects — or adjust your schedule, as Mani Zarrehparvar, president of mobility technology firm Visage Mobile, shared:
“I’m imagining I walk out of my front door with my device. My device locks the door behind me. It starts my car. It pays for my coffee at Starbucks. It knows that when I get in my car and I say I’m going to Starbucks, it has my order waiting for me when I get there. It recognizes that I’m late for a meeting and changes my meeting because it knows — by my location — that I’m not going to be at the office in time to be there for my video conference meeting and it changes it to a voice call.”
The Star Wars Fan’s Dream
The advancement of video technology in the interview process has allowed us to visually connect with job candidates — whenever, wherever. With six in 10 hiring managers conducting job interviews via video, video interviews are on the rise. But how much further can we go with virtual interaction, when it comes to tomorrow’s job interview?
Star Wars fans, rejoice: 3D holographic technology is here. While it’s not yet available to consumers, it’s no longer just the stuff of science fiction. And it won’t be long before 3D holographic technology will allow interviewers to interact with 3D holographic projections of candidates.
In fact, it’s already being done. The infamous founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, used hologram technology to appear for an interview at The Nantucket Project just last year. This month, world-renowned physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking made a virtual appearance at the Sydney Opera House to give a lecture.
While we may be a ways away from interviewing job candidates via holographic projections, Star Wars 3D hologram technology is well on its way to becoming a future reality.
HRTechChina: See What Was Happened in Human Resource Technology Last Week
News Center
智联招聘Q3财报:净利940万美元 同增33.9%
Zhaopin’ Q3 revenue says Its net profit is $ 9.4 million with the increase of 33.9% than a year earlier.
On May 27th, Zhaopin(NYSE:ZPIN) released the third quarter unaudited financial revenue with its due date was March 31,2015.
It shows that revenue at this quarter reached ¥317.5 million, up 18.1% than the previous year; net profit of ¥58.1 million, an increase of 33.9% than a year earlier.
Jingdong’s Senior vice president zhangchen become non-executive directors of kingdee
Kingdee appointed zhangchen as its non-executive director, the next movement after jingdong purchased 10% kingdee’s share .
Zhangchen has nearly 20 years experience in software development and management. His appointment as kingdee’s non-executive director is bound to further the cooperation between kingdee and jingdong.
venture capital ceremony ---2015 shanghai station
Peter Thiel, Xiaopin Xu and Dandan Xu and others shared their cutting-edge experience in venture capital to people with interest.
For Fund-Raising
yichuangyunkefu(Support Ticket System) raised 5million series A round
It was a support ticket system based on saas that provide corporations with aftersale service and employee support service.Will Hunting Capital make this investment.
It says that it raised this round in may from GDCSM(a venture capital management company).until now it was the highest financing among campus part-time O2O(online to office) product . Last November, it received 2million angel round from BYD’s directors.
Qiaobutang reveived tens of millions of USD series A round
Media reveals that qiaobutang has received tens of millions of USD series A from morningside ventures.
Maxiao, CEO of qiaobutang says that it was not intend to be a recruitment website but to help users achieve better vocational development through this way.
Source code capital made a investment in a third party service of wechat enteprise account
In 22th May, changyi information technology co. Ltd announced its pre-A fund-raising from Source code capital, which indicates a first case of wechat enteprise account partner. Information shows that valuation of this investment is about 100million.
For Product
网址: http://kuisi.net/
创立时间: 2014年12月
简介: 窥司是一个公司评价平台,用户可以在平台上了解到关于公司薪酬福利、考勤、奖金等等情况,还可以和公司所在的员工交流。
kuisi is a platform for users to make opinions and judgment about companies, just like glassdoor, from which you can know about a company’s salary and welfare,attendance, prizes and so on. You can also communicate with employees from the company you are looking for.
阿里发布钉钉2.0 布局企业社交细分领域
网址: https://www.dingtalk.com
时间: 2014年11月
简介: 钉钉是一个新成立的团队协同办公工具,支持企业通讯录、电话会议、消息传递等内容,阿里巴巴旗下新业务。
Alibaba has just published the second edition dingtalk, a mobile office platform that conbines mail, space and OA service with cloud storage and office with opened API gateway to form a mobile office platform that based on communication software.
Edu24ol.com (whose literal translation of its Chinese name is global educational online school) will publish a new product focused on vocational education field.
This new product integrates standard education with personal service, that is , making evaluation from the mass free-learners to Stratify them and dig personal learning information to send appropriate learning materials and teachers for users.
HRTechChina: See What Was Happened in Human Resource Technology Last Week(5.18-5.24)HRTechChina: See What Was Happened in Human Resource Technology Last Week
News Center
Jingdong Online Survey Was Suspected of Copying Wenjuan.com(an online survey website)
Wenjuan.com was unable to visit in the morning of 18th May. According Shoujun Xiang (founder of wenjuan.com), Jingdong online servey was suspected of copying Wenjuan.com . At noon Wenjuan.com published a legal right maintenance declaration towards Jingdong .
Jingdong Invests 1.3billion on kingdee Software
Kingdee international software group co., LTD and jingdong announced their cooperation planning :Jingdong will spend 1.3billion to purchase 10% of kingdee’s share to reached a strategic partnership.
For Fund-Raising
Joychuang nabs 15million Angel Round
Joychuang ,who defines itself as a one-stop service platform for startups, launched its application in 21th May and raised 15million angel round fund from panguziben.
Weiheng Raised 2million Angel Round.
Weiheng is an application product for educational use. Its formally go up line operation started in December, 2014 after its first edition product development finished. Until recently, 6 schools joined the learning cooperation with Weiheng , with over 20 schools intended.
Weiheng raised 2m angel round in the end of 2013 and now it starts its pre-A fund raising planning talking with several VC companies.
For Product
get its entry point of SME law service blue ocean by providing electronic signature service.
An Occupational Social Platform Called imhuihui Can Help You To Find Professionals Around You And Interact With Them.
Still worried about getting social practices and part-time jobs? Here comes “meirijianzhi”,a platform that provides service for university and college students.Yes, you can load off your mind .
An Online Learning Product For Corporations That Help Employees Learn Business Knowledge Through Effective And Funny Ways .